Have you ever heard you can catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar? Where's your kind words and sweet tone? I got your ribs right here, honey! Double fries and a Pepsi. Ketchup, extra sauce for dipping. Did you want mayo,Tabasco or honey? Anything else?
A floor show would be nice. There's a pole over there you can dance on. -
Linda Joy
I don't do public shows! If you had real game you'd offer me privacy and your pole to dance on! -
Is it getting hot in here or is it just you. -
Linda Joy
If I'm the only one here whose hot I must have lost my appeal. :'-( -
Your comment DID get Mr Big to stand at attention - but I wanted to keep my response mild for the more sensitive readers who'll eventually see this. -
Linda Joy
I see! I agree! I apologize for my lewd behavior. Will you forgive me? -
I like lewd behavior (and dirty jokes). Don't apologize for that. Bring more of it on!
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