I seldom use my FB account. He probably didn't even see it.
anonymous asks
Maybe your right I don't wanna send a request again cause it might make me seem weird should I,? -
Linda Joy
Why don't you just talk to him? -
anonymous asks
I'm just to nervous like what should I say would he even reply it would make me look like a dork if he didn't Lol -
Linda Joy
Guys are usually flattered by female attention. Find out what he likes, learn a little about it. Talk about that. You don't have to give away that you're interested in him at all, but if you ask him to teach you more about it he'll probably develop an interest in you, if he's not already interested. -
anonymous asks
THx so much I'll be sure to take this all in you really did help I can't thank you enough ! -
Linda Joy
That's sweet. It's really not that big of a deal though. If he doesn't like you someone else will. -
anonymous asks
Yea I agree : )
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