MSG poison stay away if you like your mind and brain.
Linda Joy
You don't eat any foods with MSG? -
I try my best to never eat anything with MSG but sometimes it is unavoidable or I don't know it is fixed with MSG. MSG can trigger Alzheimer's if it is in your bloodline family. It is in mine. -
Army Veteran
Studies on MSG have shown that any effects it has on the brain are associated with consuming it in HIGH DOSES. This follows the same rationale that calories cause weight gain if consumed in HIGH DOSES. Well DUH! If people can't see beyond this, then there's little hope for them. Used in normal amounts, MSG is no more dangerous than a bowl of chicken soup.
KFC changed a lot.. I think they leave the chicken out too long now days.. I remember when KFC chicken was steaming when you opened the top. Now it's warm and moist..
Linda Joy
That's probably because of the frivolous lawsuit against McDonald's for coffee that was too hot! -
Linda Joy
seriously it has to be kept at 160 degrees in the warmers, display cases, and the steam tables -
Linda Joy
You may want to check the health score at the KFC where you visit.
KFC here closed then opened then closed then opened then closed again. Now for 3 or 4 years the building has be there with signs saying it is KFC and empty. Where is my extra crispy dinner at??
Linda Joy
You bring the chicken I'll fry it! Lol -
Rick Myres
Oh yummy like when will I be eating? Will it have mashed tators and gravy and biscuits too? -
I hope it doesn't look like this: -
Linda Joy
I can make all that and peach cobbler, too!
didnt know they had that category here
Yes; didn't you know it's the healthiest food ever?
Linda Joy
People don't go there for healthy food! They go there for food that tastes good! And they used to have tender roast chicken breast, green beans and corn that's pretty healthy. The cabbage and onion in the cole slaw are antibiotic, but I can't vouch for the sauce! lol
filthy greasy chicken , KFC killed my uncle. He was a trapeze artist and didn't wash his hands
Linda Joy
KFC started out with a good recipe and as long as Col. Sanders controlled the operation it continually put out an excellent product. It wasn't until he sold the company that the recipe was changed in an effort to cut costs. I'm sure it has changed a number of times since as they've been chasing their customer base with cheap ingredients. After the Colonel sold out, he built a local restaurant so he could serve his original chicken recipe, but was prohibited from associating his name and likeness to the new brand. The restaurant is still open, and I suspect that the reason is, it still serves the original recipe - which was and has always been the secret success of the Colonel Sanders business approach. The current franchise needs to be held to more scrutiny by the health department - I've contracted mild cases of salmonella at various locations because they're not following proper sanitary practices. Only one local franchise has re-opened its dining room while the rest maintain drive-thru service only. I refuse to go to those - if one can open locally, then they all can. They choose not to so as to keep their payroll low. Other local restaurants are doing the same - some open some don't. The main influencing factor that I consider is whether they have help wanted signs - those that don't aren't interested in reopening fully and it hurts the local workforce.
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