Here's an interesting factoid about that sort of problem: "Even when you're not moving at all, that patch of Earth's surface you're "standing still" on is traveling at 1,307 miles per hour, as the planet spins on its axis. And the whole ball itself, which is the Earth, is hurtling around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour. And the sun -and so us with it- is careening through the Milky Way Galaxy at 480,000 miles per hour, as we orbit the center once every quarter-million years. And while all this spinning, hurtling, and careening is happening -moving in three different directions at once- the galaxy itself is ALSO moving, at an incredible velocity (7 miles per second), outward. And we don't even know where we're going! (And you worry about needing some Dramamine for a boat ride.) ..Let's hope we don't hit anything!
Have you been cloned by a spam machine....? -
Mr PantsFellDown
Hey whats all those weird squiggles? Hmm.. *fixes them* *hates squiggles* (poor Squiggles) Here's a joke. Two guys are discussing having some beers. One says "What kind should we get?" The other replies,"Well, Budweiser of course." "Oh no man, No Budweiser for me, man.! Last time I drank that I went home and blew chunks!" ...."OH hey, it's okay man. We all fall off the horse once in a while. But you get right back on and fine. So let's get some Budweiser." Again the friend protests: "No no man. I can't. I'm tellin' ya, last time I drank it I went home and blew chunks!" "Yea, but come on anyway.." "No man, you dont understand. Chunks is my dog!!" -
Good fix on the squiggles....Shame Chunks wasn't the horse he fell off.... -
Mr PantsFellDown
The squiggles are probably because I copied that "fun fact" from a word document (of an old magazine issue of mine) (I used to publish magazines online. Silly daily collections of jokes and cheeseburger cats and fun facts....just to provide brief amusement to passers by. (This was actually a life ambition, to publish a magazine, real world. And when I got a computer, I tried. But while I can build a site, run it, and do graphics and collating nicely, still I suck at getting anyone to come to the site to ever see it! *sad* (What's a magazine without readers?)(when they fell, did they even make a sound?) So.... the internet is littered with the corpses which are my failed attempts. And I no longer try. (I don't need to, I have some income and a cat). But I had some yucks, and met interesting people. I even had some Budweisers *shifty look* (It's okay, the landlord won't let me have a dog.) (or a horse). (He didn't say anything about not getting a pig though!...
I know, right!
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