Copulating teenagers.....
the dollar bill? (Mr Pants is switching to bitcoin)(well, I was that is, but now I'm using cat poop as currency. ....Like gold-backed paper notes before it, it has more value, in the guarantee that we can always make more but they have to be based on something)(Captain Meow's are based on fishy num nums and also crunchy num nums (augmented by the occasional bit-off-the-floor-he-prolly-shouldna-ate.), and so we know the poop is the result of something else which had a cash value, so it's good currency.)...Mr Pants doesn't know why the shop keep wont take it, or why those nice men took him away to that quiet place *blink*
Does Captain Meow eat sweetcorn, and if he does, does the sweetcorn go in one end and come out the other intact....?
The so called 'news'
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