This is 2018 does it matter?
Ice man
No it doesn't. The question was asked about a year ago, and went unanswered. It went into the archive where you found it and decided it needed your 2 cents. You know .. sometimes you make me laugh because you bitch about recycled questions. Every time you answer one of these questions that you find, when you're roaming around in "categories" ... you are responsible for bringing them back to be recycled and re-posted to the current questions page. Is that your way of being "helpful" ?? -
I answer what I find. I'm not here to check the number on every question. That's the job of the i-dont-care owners of this pitiful site. And I'm getting dreadfully tired of your personal put downs. Butt out. -
Ice man
Did you ever think that if you weren't so condescending and snarky, that you might get a more favorable response from people ? You clearly think you are head and shoulders above the rest of us, and that we need you to talk down to us, with your negative attitude. Well madam, you're dreadfully wrong ! We don't need you at all. As you've been asked before, if you don't like this site then why are you still here ?
Oh yes, very much so.
Ice man
Why ? -
we are dough 68
I can wear my sandals without socks, of course. -
Ice man
You're such a fashionista. -
we are dough 68
Thank you. I have nice eyes, too. -
Ice man
Yes, but I prefer that shade of red on firetrucks. -
we are dough 68
Are you attracted to firetrucks ?
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