Yes, I always get used to the new year on the first day of it. I haven't made the mistake of writing the previous year since I was still in junior school.
Ice man
I can think of better ways to spend New Years day.. : ) -
we are dough
You can think? At your age....? -
Ice man
Amazing eh? But, I have to stop eating my morning gruel over my keyboard because sometimes I overload my mouth and it drools out when I have to fart. You have that problem too ?
Not yet..It was easy making 2015 look like 2016, but it's hard to make a 6 look like a 7.
Ice man
Yes exactly right. I've only screwed up twice so far ... but the year is young yet.. : ) -
we are dough
I have never screwed up, down, over or under...... -
Ice man
That's not what Jeff said, and you forgot "on one leg" ... : P -
Ice man
You mean you didn't notice his other "leg" was an ... attachment ?
This is 2018 and this queston is no longer relevant.
Ice man
So why did you answer it ? There are some stupid questions, and this one was even dated, but no matter .. there is always someone who must give a more stupid answer.
Ice man
I'm not sure you have that long, I spotted one of your old "girl-friends" (if you know what I mean) last night, and she didn't seem very happy, as far as porpoises go.
We are now doing 2018, where have you been for the last year??
Ice man
Oh boy, aren't you on the ball today (lol)! It's now closer to a year and a half since I asked this dated question. Remind me again next January ... and maybe I'll change the date for you. ; ) -
LOL I figured as much but I couldn't resist. I wish they put dates like they did on the old AB. I will be watching in January 9102! -
Ice man
LOL, and yes I agree the date stamps were a good thing.
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