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What have you in mind? What you are wearing or some weird outfit to make me look stupid?
Hey Deety, I just wrote a long reply to the question that we were handling with Nikki. Just thought I'd let you know. Sorry for the delay, As you may remember, I was with my gf for our Valentine's/anniversary weekend. Anyhow, as to this question, would they fit? Cheers!,
Dorat, I am sure that I could find some that would fit very well. Let me think about this, as I would like to surprise your gf. -
Dorat, having carefully read your answer to the question we have shared elsewhere I have decided that your gf would be very pleasantly surprised If you were to bow to her wishes and feminise yourself to the ''max". So, it is off to the bathroom with you my boy for the closest shave you have ever had, and not just your chin either. I want you to remove every single hair below your eyebrows and then soak in a pleasantly perfumed bubble-bath. When you have patted (not rubbed) yourself dry I want you to smooth this cream onto your entire body and rub it well in. Doesn't that feel good? Now a dusting of talc and I dobbelieve you are ready to get dressed. -
You just can't stop feeling yourself can you. Isn't it surprising how sensitive your skin is without that covering of hair. Pay attention now, because we begin, with a suspender belt. The one I have chosen is just perfect, a confection of a micro-fibre stretch fabric and lace, both in the palest lemon colour. Secured around your waist you can feel the slight tug of the stretch of the fabric but this is so light in relation to your male clothes you barely know it is there. Now gently,band carefully roll these 7 denier cream stockings up your legs and secure them to the garter tabs on the belt. -
Hey Deety, I'll run this by her, but on one point, I think you misread her. (Which is okay since you don't know her. Certainly she will like the sound of those stockings and the suspender belt. So you were not wrong.) One time I shaved my dick and balls as a surprise. She hated it. She likes me furry I guess. In fact, this weekend when I came out of the bathroom in my new ensemble - ladies underwear - she mentioned how she liked seeing that fur under the bra. (If it helps, I am only moderately hairy on my chest. Not a bear by any means.) Gotta say, though, you made it sound REALLY good. Really gotta run - or I am going to get fired. Hey, how does it sound if I become your kept man? Then you could make me shave my body and wear your clothes all the time. Cheers! -
P.S. Hey, in this electronic age, we can do anything. So let's run this fantasy, too. In the other one, I am hairy like my gf likes. In this one I am smooth. In fact, my gf dropped me off at your house - and now you are in charge. Let me know. REALLY gotta run. -
Ooh! I am liking this scenario already, I have always rather fancied the idea of keeping a feminised man at home. I will work on getting you as ladylike as possible in this fantasy because for me the idea of a girl with the benefit of a d..k appeals enormously. All the benefits of my lesbian tendencies with the added advantage of real penetration. -
So there you are..... I wish you would stop complaining, the reason you have to wear the belt and stockings before anything else is simple. If you didn't do so you would have to virtually strip every time you wished to pee. So now we can continue getting you dressed, at least we could if it wasn't for that thing sticking out between your legs. Can't you get it to quieten down?............ Well, I suppose I had better do something about it then, do you want it to be rough, or would you prefer a gentler solution? Dee licks her lips and awaits your answer. -
* let's take this fantasy nice and slow, you get to choose each step of the way just how far we take this one. -
Well, as long as we are picking this ball up and running with it....I am so sorry. I know I shouldn't complain but I can't help it. I love wearing your underwear. It makes me look so pretty and when I see you I know I should submit to you. I am so ashamed of my meat but then I get so hard and I know I am being bad. My gf also told me before she dropped me off that I am supposed to obey you and that she agreed that I should shave my balls and my dick and my chest hair for you because that is how I learn to be obedient to you. Then she said that you can use my smooth naked body for whatever you want - but please, please, I know I have to be punished and taught to be good, but be gentle with me. -
As you have apologised so nicely I will be kind today, but I will also ensure that you are reminded of your proper attitude. So saying I take hold of the offending member and gently start to stroke it backward and forward. Leaning toward it I gently kiss the end and allow the tip, no more, access into my mouth. All the time I am gently massaging your testeswith my other hand. Every time you try to force yourself further between my lips my left hand twists your sac until you are forced to calm down. Slowly you are approaching a very different climax, a gentle emptying rather than the usual explosion and I can and do lap up your milk as you quietly subside. I then insert your now flaccid member into a little gold ring that is secured to a chain that I push back between your legs, before securing it around your waist. This holds your member firmly backward and ensures it cannot tent the panties I am about to put upon you. -
The panties I have chosen are a high leg bikini style, also in a delicate shade of lemon with a lace front panel and a delightful little pale green bow at the waist. With your male equipment secured out of the way they fit you well and emphasise your cute little bum. To these I add a marching bra.. again a delightful pale lemon with lace cups into which I have inserted some 'chicken fillet' enhancers to give an illusion of breasts. I now can show you in a mirror just how you look. -
Are you now ready for the next stage? What is it to be, continue dressing, or start to disguise the obviously hale head on that oh so feminised torso -
*male* head -
Oh, I don't know what to do. I am so pretty in my bra and panties but I am so frustrated. I'm so ashamed. It felt so good to cum and you can see I need to again. Please let me lick your pussy because it would make me feel so dirty and I can watch you squirm and hear your moans. I know it is bad to want that but I am so frustrated. Please forgive me. I am going to undo that pretty blouse you are wearing. I think it was so cruel of you not to wear a bra where I can see those round and perfect tits. I'm going to suck on those tits. It feels so good - its just like how I felt when I was little and mommy would feed me. Please be nice to me. Am I being bad when I reach my hand down your panties and start rubbing your clit. I love to hear your moaning and gasping but then you grab my balls and squeeze them so tight and I whimper because the pain feels so good and it reminds me that you control me. I'm no longer a man but just a dirty, dirty little girl - and yet my head is showing. Maybe you should disguise it before I be more bad. Thank you for being so gentle with me. -
SLAP. I slap your face and twist your sac cruelly until you beg he to stop. You will pay for your insolence my dear, as by the TIJE I have finished your gf won't recognise you but think you are all girl until you show her otherwise. First, however we need to calm down these urges which I am afraid mean your chain wil be tightened and your manhood be forced further back. You wil learn to control your urges or it will become painful when I force your balls back into your body and tape your manhood flat between your legs. -
Let us first deal with your hair. I am pleased you have a full head of longish hair and as wigs are not the answer I shall cut it in a short feminine style. Shaving it short on the left hand side and creating a cute wave on the right. There, that looks better, but maybe we will dye it blonde tomorrow. Now for your face. First I will pluck and shape your eyebrows before smoothing a matte foundation across your face and neck and smoothing it down toward your fake bookies. Now a little rouge and some powder to fix it all. You are beginning to look better already. Next some eyeshadow in green but fading as it goes out to a golden glow. It is lucky that you have such lovely eyelashes as you only need a thickening mascara to emphasise your lovely eyes. Finally I will apply this tasty crimson lipstick after carefully outlining your generous lips. Do you want to look? -
I'm so sorry. Please stop it hurts so much you can see that I am crying because I am so ashamed and I want to be good. I can't help it, you know I can't help it. I am ruining the make-up and it makes me look so pretty. I don't know why my dick keeps growing and now you are very mad at me because I have cum all over the pretty panties you bought me. Please, please you are squeezing my balls so tight and it hurts so much, please don't hurt me anymore. I'm so sorry I got my panties wet with cum. I know it was bad but you know I can't help it. I look like such a pretty girl and yet I can't help myself. (Sorry, got a little bit ahead of you on this one. One of the kids got up so I happened to be up. I'll sign off now and you can do with me what you will. By the way, I love what you've done with my hair. Cheers!) -
You are forgiven, except you now will have to suffer the indignaty of standing there in sodden panties while I pull your member back by another two links of the chain. As you seemed to like my clothes so much I think you should wear them. RAPIDLY I remove both what you are wearing and the clothes upon my back. Standing naked in front of you I force you into my own suspender belt, much deeper and tighter than the lemon one you had on before, this one is purple with lace trim and three suspenders each side which after rolling my fully fashioned stocking up your legs I secure and adjust so you you can feel every movement you make. Next I slip you into my marching purple knickers. Full cut briefs they hide every vestige of hour manhood and captivity. The bra is a deep purple balconette (ask your gf) with lace cups, as they are larger than the cups of the bra you originally had I need to pad them out with some flashes. Next is my full slip in black lace, and you shiver as its silliness slitthers over you. Then my blouses deep purple high necked blouse that has a small zip to the rear to ensure a snug fit. Fortunately your earlier antics did not damage it. Then your skirt! Tight, black pencil skirt reaching to mid calf it is a very snug fit on you and when eventually I force the rear zip closed your movement is quite restricted. Finally some shoes - simple bblack courts with a three inch heel ( your gf gave je the size). A quick touch up of your make up and you are ready to go home. -
Oh yes, you are going home as you are, I have destroyed the clothes you arrived in, you have no option -
You made me look so pretty, and when I got home my gf said that you dressed me look like the girl she always knew I was. Especially when she reached down my panties and realized that you had me shave my body hair. She said that she used to hate that, but feeling my smooth balls she realized that it made me the better girl that she always knew I was. She said that you were good for me and that when you want you should order me back for obedience training so that I can learn to control "my little weenie." She said she hopes that you will teach me how to be a slutty little slave girl. She also told me that she is not going to unchain my dick. She said that you have every right to do what you did to punish me and that I need to realize that you are my mistress and I am just your little bitch. I'm begging you, please, please, I need to cum. I'm so hard and I can't get any relief. My gf has decided that I am meat for you to use. (An aside - BOY! Do I hope I am not giving my gf any ideas.) She also asked if you would describe everything that you are going to do to me and she said that she wouldn't mind spending some "quality time" with you. She said it would be good for me to watch you to touch and rub each other and that I need to be humiliated. Please, anything, just so that I can cum. I will present myself so that you can f**k my hole with a dildo. I am so sorry that I wet your panties with my cream, but please let me cum. I will hike my skirt so I don't make a mess, I promise. Please also let me lick your pussy. I want to please you and be a good girl and I know that I can make you cum. Just let me. -
I am pleased you are beginning to learn your lessons, but your go is right. You have not yet earned the right to cum. It is time to set you a few tasks, and I will send a list to your go so she can ensure you carry them out. First I need you to buy your own panties. You are to go to the shop with your go and go to the sales assistant and tell her that you require panties for yourself and could she help you choose. Your go is to ensure that they are suitable. Next you must buy either some depilatory cream or a home waxing kit to ensure you remain as smooth as possible. You are then to report to me with your gfriend who may dress you in any way she desires. Ideally feminine clothes but no make up and hair in male style I await you both. -
I'll be good, I promise. My gf promised to take me to the store tomorrow and she said that she will make sure I do everything you ordered me to do. I'm sorry I'm crying but I need to cum and you won't let me and I am so horny and I feel so dirty and ashamed but I can't help it. I promise I'll be good. We'll go to the store and I'll do everything you said. -
Sorry Dorat but needed elsewhere today back asap -
Quite okay. It's been fun. Unusual - but fun. Really great "meeting" you. -
I am back, sorry about that but issues that had to be dealt with. Believe it or not both my mother (over 95) & my daughter's husband both in hospital on same day at different ends of the country. -
Enough of my problems, now to compound yours. Your gf wants me to ensure you are controlled, and wants to know how we are going to do that. She had better accompany you on your next visit because you are going to learn cock control. I am going to strip you to just your panties and stockings and ensure you are completely soft and hairless. Then I will take in a further 3 links of your chain to ensure that any growth in your member is painful I will invite you to eat out both me and your gf. You must make us both orgasm, but you of course will not be able too. Hehe. Then we will together pick out your next outfit -
Deety - First, so sorry about your mother and son-in-law. I hope all is well and that everyone is doing better. As to the rest, my gf took me to the store yesterday and I asked the saleswoman for help just like you told me to. I was so humiliated and my gf and everyone laughed at me and I cried a lot but I was a good girl and got some some really pretty clothes. I got something called Chinadoll panties and a bra and it makes me feel so good. Then we went to another store and I tried on all sorts of pretty clothes. I eventually bought a little skirt and blouse that I know you will think is pretty. When we went home I stripped naked in front of my gf and some neighbors who came by to visit and shaved myself so smooth that you will love it. They all laughed at me and then had sex in front of me and wouldn't let me participate. It hurts so much not being able to have an erection. The chain hurts so much. Please let me cum, I've been good. My gf only laughs when I say how much it hurts. She says that there is no way that my little weenie needs any space to grow. She also said she is totally in agreement with you and that she will come with me next time so that you both can teach me how to control my cock. She also wants you to humiliate me and teach me to be a slutty little bitch that you control. We'll be there tomorrow and my gf promised that she will have me wearing my prettiest little dress but that I am to know that both of you are in command. I'll be good and obey I promise. See you tomorrow. My gf wants to know if she should bring me in on my leash or if you are okay without it. -
She is the one who chooses. I am doing this for her and she is the one who will eventually control you. She choose, you have no say -
Okay, I'll be good. She wanted me to tell you that I'll be on my leash. She just bought it for me and she wants you to make sure it is good quality. -
It is so nice of you to come and to bring your little pet with you. You have done well my dear, he looks quite adorable and it was so clever of you to leash to his chastity chain. That way it works like a choke chain for dogs. Any sign of unsatisfactory behaviour and a sharp tug just subjects him to enough pain to make him stop. I like the little dress you have got for him, and short like that he will show his stocking tops with every movement. Does it show his pretty panties when you make him sit? Oh, I see you had him knee Length, not sit in the taxi here. Well Dorat, pet, let's see you sit, on that chair there. You sit, smoothing your skirt behind you as your gfriend has taught you. The full frilly petticoat makes the front of the skirt rise, and your pretty little panties are clearly on display. How sweet he looks my dear. We must move to the next stag of his training, and help him control that thing between his legs. Have him kneel here by the bedside, and put these handcuffs on him whilst his hands are behind his back. Another pair to secure his ankles, and now link the two pairs together with this chain. He will be able to watch closely, but there is no chance of him bing able to move. -
Now my dear, come and sit here on the bed with me, and tell me about him. As your gfriend starts to gossip about your little weakness we start touching each other, stroking and caressing. Giggling at your discomfort I reach out and pull your gfriend to me for a sensual kiss. He set lip part and together we explore each others mouths with our tongues. Suddenly I realise she has undone the buttons on my blouse, and she is caressing me over my bra. I respond by pulling her t shirt up over her head, releasing her lovely tittle as she is not wearing a bra. I lean forward to suckling gently and feel her releasing my zip and letting my skirt fall.she starts to gently touch my legs as I remove her skirt and expose her to my greedy gaze. You are in agony, the little lesbian scenekeeps making you want to harden, but then the tight chain subjects to a burst of agony. However this is only the beginning. Your gfriend and I are now almost naked, wearing nothing but our stockings and belts. Our hands ara stroking every inch of each others bodies, and you must watch -
I don't understand. I was a good little sissy. I did everything you told me and I thought you would like my dress. You could even see my panties and I am so sorry about the bulge. I try to be good but I watch you feeling each other out and going down on each other and it hurts my dick. It feels so good and then you yank on my leash and it hurts. My gf keeps laughing at me and my "little winkie." I am so embarrassed and I know that you have both told me that I should be ashamed of that thing dangling between my legs and I wish I didn't have one but it used to make me feel so good. I know that it is bad but please, please, please let me go. I love watching you go down on each other. Deety, listen to your moaning as my gfd's tongue explores your shaved pussy. You're so wet and I can tell that when my gf places her lips on your throbbing clit that you are having the most amazing orgasms. I want to be part of it but as soon as my meat starts to grow the pain is just excruciating and I remember that you told me that I was being bad when I have an erection. Please, I'll do whatever you order me to do and that I am supposed to obey. My gf is my mistress, I know that now and you are stern teacher. Look, though, now that you have stripped me to everything but my stockings so now I can present my bare ass. You can take turns f******g me in the ass with a strapon. See? I'm even bring the strapons to you in my mouth like a good little doggy, wagging my tail and looking for your approval. Wouldn't f******g me be good and I would like that too. I would be the good little slutty whore you want me to be. Aggghhh. Please don't kick me in the balls, it hurts so much and I want to make babies. Why are you both laughing at me? Aggghhhh, please no more. I'm sorry I even dared to suggest that I am good enough for you to f**k me. My balls hurt so much and I am so sore. Okay, I didn't make my babies because you are right that a little slut like me with such a teeny weenie couldn't possibly make a baby. So you want me to get up on all fours and stick my ass in the air. I can do that, see? You are both wearing strap-ons now and I can feel you both taking turns being inside me but then my meat stands up and it hurts again. It hurts so bad. Please stop, I'm so ashamed of my meat. Please tell me what to do. What can I do? I tried to make myself pretty for you with my pretty new dress. So what can I do to please you my mistresses...I'll be your slave whore if you just tell me how to behave. -
Oh Dorat, perhaps we have punished you enough. You really do look very sore now and so its is time for us to help you recover. If I take your chains off would you be a good little girl while you gf and I massage you better,. Any attempt to revert to your old bossy manly ways will be severely punished. Not just the chain, but the large butt plug as well, and all day and night too. We gently remove your restraints and the remains of your tattered nylons and spread baby oil all over you and gently massage it in. We cover every inch of you including your sunken manhood and swollen balls. The memory of the excruciating pain you experienced remains with you and your poor little cock refuses to respond like a real man and just starts to slowly leak your milk away, giving you relief but no sssatisfaction. So we girls smile to each other, realising that for now at least we have you firmly in our control -
See? I'm a good little girl now. See? I am just laying there and nothing is happening. I don't even feel like I have a dick anymore. I just want to be a good little slave and worship my gf, just tell me what to do. See? I'll be good. I'm a good little girl. Right? Right? My gf turns to you and thanks you with a deep kiss and rubs your luscious tits. You have helped her train me to be an obedient sub-male and she wants to show you she is grateful. (Hey, you're really good! Great chatting and lots of fun. Gotta admit. I've never done this before. Best.) -
You have Ben great too. I have never done anything like this before, or at least to this extent. I have dressed a few men in my undies and tamed them a bit but this was a whole new game inspired by your willingness to see where it went. Thank you so much for playing, and I hope we can think of a few new scenarios to liven up our lives. Thank you, kisses. Now go and pop your knickers on and really Roger your GF -
Now go and pop your knickers on and really Roger your GF -
By the way, I have another question posted that you might like to look at. It is about dressing me up and embarrassing me on a supermarket shop. Might be a chance for you to use your ( and maybe your gf's) sey imagination to make me uncomfortable. I await hearing from you -
Actually, we saw that question. However, for me at least, it is like whiplash. I'll have to go from thinking submissive to thinking how to make you submissive. Still, we'll give it some thought. Stay tuned. -
Not to worry. Just feeling lazy sometimes and wanting someone else to do the hard work. I would probably have ended up turning the tables anyway as I cannot resist being Dom. Maybe if I had lived differently I would have run a very high class establishment to entertain gentlemen of certain tastes, but instead I have had a great deal of fun as a willing amateur. Glad you seem to have enjoyed our little games
Dress me however you like 😉
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