To a degree, yes, it's what they agreed to in their marriage vows. If she is demanding something that is completely off the wall and unreasonable ... it's time to talk, and work things out such that both parties have some common ground and agreement. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of the problem that started in the first place, and correct it.
I posted this one as a response to an old question I chanced upon ("Should you obey your husband?"). If it is OK for male chauvinists to post questions like that, I see no reason why I shouldn't post a gender reversal of it. I just wanted to see what answers it would receive. Lol:) -
Ice man
I know, I saw the "other" old question as well. When I saw it already had 100 answers I knew what was going on, and thought your question deserved a good answer too. : ) -
we are dough
So, where is it....?
Yes, yES and Yes~!
Ice man
Settle down and clam yourself, would ya !?! Hahahahaha (good answer) : ) -
Black Mystique
A woman can dream can't see? -
Ice man
Yes, of course. I was just poking fun, sorry. ; ) -
we are dough
What does fun have that I don't....?
Hmm! Is it required to admit it?
LOL good answer
Hmm! Just pretend
If they want to.
Only on pay day :)
I feel they should work together , my boyfriend likes that I have to tell him to fix this or do that , because if I didn't , it would never get done , so yes , he needs me ... lol
Ice man
Sometimes two heads are better than one. : ) -
Nosmo King
In that case, just marry a Gemini.
Well, you know, a husband leaves his dirty dishes on a counter in the kitchen and they magically show up in the cupboard, clean and sorted. And he leaves dirty clothes in this certain basket and they magically turn up in his dresser, clean and folded. So a husband with a brain will honor his wife by catering to her requests. That is what we call a solid relationship.
I would choose to do so if I was married, but I would draw the line at being told to agree with a heretic.
And what is your definition of a heretic, Nosmo? -
Nosmo King
Someone who deviates from their horoscope on purpose in the vain hope of proving horoscopes wrong. Especially when they try to get me to deviate from mine. It simply cannot be done. I cannot deviate from my horoscope and people must either accept me for what my horoscope made me, or forget me and leave me alone. But they should never ever try to change me. -
So we are branded as religious-type outcasts if we don't conform to our typical sun sign behavior? And who decides just what that is? What if I choose not to act like a Scorpio - am I to be burned at the stake? I'm enough a Scorpio too much of the time so why can't be something different for part of the time?
If they want to get laid they should
It would be in their best instrest.
I think ideally a couple should be subject to one another if that is what you mean. I would certainly not tell my husband what to do.
What about men who like women telling them what to do? Some men are like that, you know. -
Well I hear from them on AB but don't know any in real life. Maybe one - some of the time. Most men would rather reshape things so they feel more comfortable and in control so more important. Some of that is OK but I know from experience if they are just trying to change me from what I am and I go along with it then they will just eventually have more contempt for me. My husband likes to be in control but makes decisions based upon what he knows I think as well which maybe is why I don't interfere. But we talk about a lot of things before. -
There are a lot of men in my area who prefer us to be in control, and mostly it is because they don't want to grow up, they want us to treat them like children. I am quite used to it. -
Haha well I think all men want to be like children some of the time and why not? But I think they need to be responsible which perhaps is what you mean by their growing up. If they are not it means they don't take themselves seriously. Like doing whatever they want and expecting us to always clean up after them. -
Yes, there is that to it, but I would simply tell him to clean up after himself, and if he seemed reluctant to do so I would say to him "Didn't your mother ever tell you to clean up after yourself?". That usually does the trick. Lol:)
Hmm! Obey? Why give orders?
Some people like it that way. The main reason I ask questions like this is because male chauvinists think women should obey their husbands, and this site (at least the old version of it) had a long history of male chauvinism on it. I post questions like this to counteract those. -
OK Bb but please try to analyze it more than just going off on "male chauvinists". Some men need a greater degree of control in their lives to function at maximum effectiveness and if we want them to we need to respect that. Others just order us around to make themselves feel more powerful which is something a lot different entirely. A lot of men say that kind of stuff just trying to ruffle our feathers or tease us to get a rise out of us and they don't believe it for one minute. Anyone in a successful and lasting relationship knows there must be some kind of agreement on some level stated or unstated for things to work well. I trust my husband with most decisions because he knows me and considers me in most decisions and he gives me an incredible amount of support and freedom to do things which I know many men would not tolerate or would leave me or maybe even murder me for. So it is a matter of each couple working out through discussion or compromise or usage what best works for them. . -
As I replied to your other comment, officegirl, many men don't want to be in control because they don't want to grow up, they would rather have us treat them like children. And believe me, I would much rather spend my life with a guy like that than one who "says that kind of stuff just trying to ruffle our feathers or tease us to get a rise out of us" because I absolutely despise that behaviour no matter who is behaving like that. Likewise I despise men who order us around to make themselves feel more powerful. At least with the more passive male types I get to have everything the way I want it, so how could I complain? -
Oh thank you that makes me understand better. I guess I am more comfortable with a man who is more assertive in terms of the world than just sitting around and hanging out. probably because most of them men I grew up around were pretty much achievers and I learned to respect that. That kind of teasing I don't mind and actually I sort of tease them back in a subtle way because I know it is more friendly. I don't involve myself in my husband's company and he leaves me alone at my work and at home the kitchen is mine as is the living room mostly while the offices are his. So we have our domains of power as well as more generally sharing it. -
Linda Joy
Bb just wants pussy whupped men who do what she says so SHE can feel powerful and in control. She still hasn't realized control is an illusion. And the only person you should try to control is yourself.
Jesus didn't bring the man down to the level of the woman, He brought her up to the level of the man. In marriage they should obey each other. In the beginning the Lord God placed the man over the woman after the "fall". Jesus changed that making the man and woman equal. So yes, he should obey his wife, but also she should obey her husband as well.
Nosmo King
What do you mean, "down to the level of the woman" and "up to the level of the man"? What an outrageously sexist piece of trollish crap! Religion is not supposed to be about that, regardless of one's own religious beliefs (or lack thereof). To think, I've been branded a "troll" by an old friend just because I posted a batch of questions such as "Do you like dogs?", "Do You like cats?" and various other similar animals. Those questions were totally harmless and certainly not intended to be trollish. Now, here I am as the first person to comment on the shocking trollishness of your answer to this question, which seems to have passed by unnoticed until I saw it just now. What the hell is this world coming to? -
Nosmo King
Sorry, I meant to say "various other similar questions about animals". -
Ice man
: P -
Well taken Ice man (though perhaps a little vitriolic). Nosmo King seems to have invested heavily in a doctrinaire position that there is no difference between men and women. And I can't help but think goodness how dull that would be if that were true! While we may be even perhaps 95% alike I would myself not want to minimize the differences I have always enjoyed and been fascinated by most all my life. Maybe he doesn't understand that our "equality" is not a static but a dynamic one and means, rather than being just alike, that be balance and counterbalance one another as we have to do because we just don't exist one without the other. And as to the astrology I once had my chart done and I know enough about it to know it is not just a matter of our sun signs but it is a whole science based upon moon signs, positions of planets, what is "retrograde" etc. OK I am very much in some ways your typical Scorpio - but I don't have to be if I choose to be some other ways. So I don't want to enslave myself to or be limited by that particular system. Or be told I need to be "dominant" in situations where I am not suited to or prepared for that role. Oh was it you who asked if we liked this or that animal? Fine - I don't really know for sure what a "troll" is but to me they were just annoying. Or was it just a device to come up with more questions to get yourself on the Leaderboard? All of which I guess are fair game here but which are things I just need to skip over and try and forget about. -
Ice man
@ office girl - Agreed, as usual cooler heads prevail and thank you. -
@Ice man: I don't know what else Nosmo King has been up to, but he is right in his comment on this answer. I've seen people post that kind of thing before and then they wonder why religion is on the decline. Let's face it, most religions are sexist anyway, so I do think Nosmo has a good point there, at least. Oh, and for your information, astrology is anything but crap, it is uncannily accurate. I am not going to argue about that. -
I would say that if religion is "on the decline" it is rather because people no longer feel any responsibility toward others. And I believe that without Biblical Christianity the so-called "equality of the sexes" would have no intellectual basis. -
@officegirl: If Nosmo thinks there is no difference at all between men and women, then he needs to study biology. Some people just have static viewpoints rather than dynamic ones, and usually those with static viewpoints are more reliable and trustworthy because they are less prone to change. On the other hand, it appears that Nosmo prefers to be dominated by women, so he must see certain differences between the sexes. Oh, and yes, I know all about the moon and other planets myself, I have known all about that for about 25 years and yes, it is all exceptionally accurate. As it happens, I am a Sun sign Scorpio myself, my birthday is November 15th. I know all about the rest of my chart if you are interested. Finally, a troll is somebody who deliberately posts offensive material for the sole purpose of provoking a reaction from others, like those guys you mentioned in your other comment who "say that kind of stuff just trying to ruffle our feathers or tease us to get a rise out of us". A troll is somebody who behaves like that on the Internet. I haven't seen all of Nosmo King's postings, but none of his postings that I have seen do fit that description. But then again, if he has multiple accounts, there may be many posts that I don't even know are his. Maybe we will find out in the near future. Lol:) -
we are dough
@we are dough aka simonjhollands: You are not fooling anybody. Everybody on this site knows you are a male, so stop trolling. Besides, what does your post have to do with this particular thread? It seems to me like you joined this site with the express purpose of poking about looking for trouble where there wasn't any. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? -
we are dough
Obviously not.... -
nosmo king seems to have missed my point which isn't too uncommon considering the knowledge of some people. I was basing my answer on 1 Cor.7: 3,4. I was dealing with the equality of men and women and how before Christ was raised from the dead men were to rule over the woman by the Lord God in Genesis 3:16. Jesus reversed this making men and women equal in all things. The wife is to obey her husband and likewise the husband is to obey his wife. Because the man was placed over the woman in Gen.3:16 she was to be subservient to the man. Jesus Christ changed this bringing her up to the level of the man making her equal to the man. I hope this explains this so Nosmos King can understand. -
@dickw60: To paraphrase an expression my dad often uses ("It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it"), in response to your comment it would be appropriate to remind you that it's not what you say, it's the way that you say it. I guess that was why Nosmo reacted in the way he did. -
Could well be. I try to explain things properly and many would understand what I am saying. All my answers are based on Biblical scripture. The big thing i have trouble with is too many people do not know or desire to know what the Bible is actually saying. too many people think the Bible is out of date and too restrictive. Actually it is just the opposite. The Bible is not out of date and it gives much more freedom. People base what they believe they have been told and do not research for themselves. Too many preachers do not tell the truth because either they do not know the truth or they are afraid to tell if they do know. A preacher who tells the truth could put his job in jeopardy thus loss of income. People have been indoctrinated to twisted truths and down right lies. No, I do not know it all but I do work at learning. Thank you for your understanding words.
They better do, if they know what's good for them.....
That is the most sensible thing you've said since you joined this site, simonjhollands. Lol:) -
we are dough
How rude !!! I have no intention of ever being sensible..... -
What is your problem? I actually pay you a compliment for once, and you respond by acting like an ungrateful spoiled brat. Does your mum know how you behave on the Internet? -
we are dough
What is the internet....? -
How did you access this site in the first place? You must be connected to the Internet somehow. -
He is all puffed up with his contrariness and either sees himself as superior to us mere mortals or is angry at everyone and everything in the world. Spent so much time behind his computer he never learned to get on with anyone. Thrives on ruffling feathers and drawing annoyed responses. Ignore him and he will die and drop off. -
He did, for a while, but now he has returned, and this time I have noticed he has been pretending to be sorry for the trouble he caused. Well, I for one don't believe him and I don't know anybody who would believe him. I think he is still the same worthless piece of trash that he was before. -
Bootsiebal, It isn't proper to judge others. He may not do the right things all the time but we must treat others as we wish to be treated. Mathew 22:39.
Yes they should. Women are sensible,logical and normally thoughtful. You should support your wife, and obey her.
we are dough
Archie Bunker
Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die. -
Linda Joy
You're just jealous, Archie. You know you wish you had our toys to play with all day long whenever you want! lol
The man is the head of the family, but the woman is the neck that turns the head. And as for some of the other comments - God took the rib to create the woman from Adam's side. Not from his head or his foot. And the thought of a man who cowers in front of a woman disgusts me. I would not have any respect for such a man (or the woman for that matter) and certainly wouldn't want an irresponsible child for a partner just so I could tell them what to do. But then, I don't have much need for a man anyway.
Linda Joy
And any man that would have me is suspect anyway! lol
My husband loves to obey me.
Neither side should obey the other unless one of them is involved in an unhealthy and controlling relationship. It’s better to get out of that kind of relationship because it’s wrong to control someone you’re in a relationship with. To obey someone who orders you around makes you a victim because of being vulnerable and an easy target for ordering around. Nobody should be obeying the orders of someone they are in a relationship with since that is wrong to do. They are not in a position to order their partner. In certain jobs, an employee obeys the orders of their employer so it’s in a work relationship where there is obeying instructions.
Sure, as long as they don't get too bossy. 6/7/23
My husband loves me being bossy. -
I can't say I love it, but I don't mind it. As long as it doesn't get out of hand and become her routine.
This is an interesting question. This depends on if you believe the Bible or not, if you are a true born again Christian or not. If you are not Christian, you still live under the Torah Law even if you do not know it. In this case a woman is under the control of the master or husband. He does not obey his wife. If you are a true born again Christian, then you live under the Law of Grace. You live under what is said in 1 Corinthians 7: 3-4. This gives equal rights and love to both husband and wife. So, are you a control freak or a born again Christian?
Only if they want to.
As a Muslim woman, I believe that the concept of obedience within marriage should be mutual and based on respect, love, and understanding rather than strict adherence to gender roles. In Islam, both husband and wife have rights and responsibilities towards each other. The Quran emphasizes the importance of mutual consultation and kindness in marital relationships. While the Quran does mention the concept of "qiwamah" or guardianship for men, it is often misunderstood. It doesn't imply dictatorial authority but rather a responsibility to provide for and protect the family. Additionally, it is balanced by the Quranic injunction for husbands to treat their wives with kindness and fairness. Therefore, the idea of obedience should be viewed in the context of mutual respect and cooperation within the marriage. Both partners should strive to consider each other's opinions, make decisions together, and support one another in fulfilling their respective roles and responsibilities. Ultimately, a healthy marriage is built on communication, compromise, and mutual respect, rather than one-sided obedience.
Ephesians 6:22-28, especially v. 28. Husbands are required to love their wives and wives are to obey their husbands as head of the home just as Jesus Christ is the head of the husband. Husbands can discuss matters of the home with his wife, but he is the final decision maker. This is Biblical.
Of course. In my Dominatrix attitude, it's either obey me as a Goddess or Hit the Road Jack. I have it going on, so really, I can brag about it. LOL 😂
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