Exes. Rashes. How many medications you are taking.
Crazy Ex stories Personal itch information religion
How many partners.. Do they spit or... Meeting the parents...:)
Exes, Sex, Marriage.
STDs (yours or theirs) "So, were you molested as a child?" Politics
sure: anything that is racist, homophobic or involves the phrase, "soul mate"!
Religion...For obvious reasons.
past boyfriends, bad break up stories, wedding plans, girls shouldn't talk about their periods
past relationships and your problems you are having.
Your depression and neurotic behavior patterns.
big game hunting
sexually transmitted diseases, sexual abuse you endured in prison, suicide attempts
exes and sex
How the Valtrex is really helping to keep your Herpes in remission.
That's valuable information as far as I'm concerned. It means there wont be a second date.
goal to be married in a yr.
The voices in my head that tell my to dine and dash on all first dates.
Talking about exes makes it seem like you're still hung up on the past, I say that needs to wait.
Your rented dildos.
That you would like to have 12 children before youe 21 lol
Anything that's realllllly personal about yourself because a first date is NEVER THERAPY. Nor the 2nd by the way. Your unresolved issues should definitely be kept for friends, family, a therapist, but NOT a new person that you barely know. Doing so is the same as just taking the next stranger in the bus and telling them your life story and issues... not very good-looking huh?
Wow. Ex's. Past sexual relations. Family problems. Friends problems. A list of what I want in someone. Keep your conversation limited and fun. No one wants to hear burden.
How you murdered your ex lol
How all your other personalities are anxious to meet him too;)
How you contracted AIDS.
Beyond all the crazy and funny stuff, the one thing that usually sends up a red flag on a first date is when the other person starts right into their past relationships and how bad things were, etc.
Just let the person see the best of you. don't talk about things that are depressing. Religion and politics are not so bad to discuss because though it can get heated and you might not agree at least you can both see where you stand in that arena and it's perfectly fine not to agree on things. Once you feel a person out you can pretty much know what to say and what not to say. Be a good listener.
anal sex.
your chronic lack of freezer space due to all the chopped up people you keep in there.
Your fiancée
blow jobs, save that for the 2nd date ;3
What was your name again?
I'm actually impressed by women who break the mold and bring up topics others might shy away from. It shows confidence which I am extremely attracted to.
I wouldn't talk about my ex's. Other then that I say fair game.
sex ...ex'
1. Former flames 2. Religion 3. Marriage
marriage plans, how many kids you want & politics
the weather, past relationships and how part of you is still not over it, marriage and kids
Past relationships? lol
religion, politics and previous relationships
Easy: bodily functions, what you really think of your date's family, what you really think of how they are dressed. I could go on, but you only asked for 3.
Politics, religion and old girlfriends! ;-)
*Past relationships *Sexual/bedroom habits *ME ME ME ME ME (ask questions about the other person, not too many)
ex's... why should that ever get brought up?? who cares.. they are in the past for a reason!! umm.. Who you have slept with or what number of people.. haha wayy too personal!...and also really anything sexual on the first date is being a little too forward and makes it seem like you only have one intention.
Religion, politics, and exes.
The increasing rate of HIV transmissions!.....huge deal breaker!
Don't: 1. talk about oneself unless asked a specific question; answer only that question 2. brag about one's sexual conquests 3. ask the other person to marry you.
*Sex; *An ex or any previous relationship; or *Racism or bigotry
Religion. Guns. Politics.
Your ex, those pesky STDs you seem to keep getting,, and your ex
anything thats personal or about their last date
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