Would have to be one of the following seasoned actors for me: Denzel Washington Morgan Freeman Danny Glover
Humphrey Bogart.
Johnny Depp
Still alive: Al Pacino Dead: Lawrence Oliver
Tom Hanks he can take a part and make it his own and special.
Robert DeNiro
Umm... no.
Gary Oldman
Christopher Walken.
John Wayne!!!!!!!!!
Dustin Hoffman
Tom Hanks
Certainly the most FAMOUS actor of all time would have to be John Wayne. As to the BEST - my vote would go to Spencer Tracy.
Christian Bale, that's with a heavy bias and personal preference and appreciation for his commitment to his characters. I don't know if I'd really choose him to be the actor of the century for everyone else, but he's got my vote as far as I'm concerned
Cary Grant for his tremendous range. Elegant to total silliness. From high drama with finesse to believable fall on the floor funny. You never 'catch him' acting.
Will Smith
Tom Hanks hands down for me.
Paul Newman
I liked Jimmy Stewart
DeNiro !!
Sean Connery or Scott Bakula
Daniel Day Louis, is the best actor to ever live. Deniro, blahh give me a break. Talk about a sell out, he would do anything for a buck. There Will be Blood is good if you havent seen it.
Danzel Washington....I love him when he plays the good or the evil part...he's simply great.
Jimmy Stewart!!!!!!!!
There's been a lot of great actors and next week I might say a different name, but for now I have to say Mel Gibson.
Toshiro Milfune
Which century? Or are we talking about the last 100 years?
Michael Douglas! I don't care how old he is, what a Hottie!
Marlon Brando is the greatest actor of all time, hands down. The Godfather Apocalypse Now A Street Car Named Desire On the waterfront. Seriously there were this many wrong answers? Christian Bale???? What? If you somehow get this question wrong, and say Jack Nicholson. Maybe that is tolerable. Marlon Brando is the single greatest actor anyone has ever seen. The man was flat out stunning in every facet.
For me It's Al Pacino all the way I just loved him In Scarface as Tony Montana, By the way say hello to my little friend.
i dont know but vince vaughn cracks me up!
Marlon Brando
Cary Grant or James Cagney
Robert Redford- male Meryl Streep - female
adam sandler
Tom Hanks
I love James Garner. Maverick. Rockford Files. The Great Escape. Marlow.
Best US* GOAT actor . Marlon Brando. Current GOAT actor Joaquin Phoenx. Honorable mention Christopher Walken, Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, Harvey Keitel *GOAT Greatest of all time.
Possibly Kenneth Branagh, whose career has taken place in both the 20th and 21st centuries. Some of his performances have been breathtakingly spectacular. I can't think of another actor who has impressed me quite as much. Just compare Branagh's "Henry V" with Laurence Olivier's. Even allowing for changes in acting style over the decades, Branagh's performance is far superior. When I saw him in "Conspiracy," I was genuinely riveted. He was essentially performing from an actual transcript, not a creatively-written script, and yet he was mesmerizing.
Tom Hanks
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