No. I think it's... somewhat nice to see people care, but I never like to see ignorance.
It will be an homour to say a prayer for your grandmother. blessings to you and her as well as your family +6 I am sure no one will object and many will pray to what ever God they believe in for her peace.
Not a bother at all. I will keep your great-grandmother and your family in my prayers.
No, it usually means they're worried about someone or something... I don't pray, but I'll send good energy to her as well as I can. :)
I would love to help. you are in my thoughts know. up there with baby kaleb god bless her
Prayer is powerful. I will pray for your grandmother as well.
i will be happy to remember your great-grandmother and your family in my prayers. i really hope you get good news from her doctors soon.
Anyone can request whatever they want to, does that mean anyone, even god is listening? who knows....
It would be my pleasure to pray for your gandmother, I will definintely include her and yourself in my prayers tonight... Take care and hope all goes well, God Bless xx
No, not at all. I will remember your g-grandmother and you in my prayers.
I will remember her when I say my nightly prayers. Hope all is well.
Not at all. It is good to request prayers for yourself or for your loved ones. I'll pray for your great-grandmother right now. -In the service of King Jesus. Thank you and God bless you!
I'm glad you thought to ask..she would be proud of you for thinking of her in this way. She is in my prayers.
i love you gypsy.
It would be my honor to help your great-grandmother. If you want I can add her to my healing list. I just need her name and city or state. Even if you don't want me to add her I will mention her in my prayers.
Of course it doesn't , you have my best wishes.
i don't usualy do anything like this because i don't belive in the hole pray thing but hey, im always up for tryin something new. Ill send my love
Cheers for your grandmothers return to wellness... what an accomplishment... 105... we should all have such good fortune! <Photo by Rickster> Double click photo
Just what is a prayer? I see a prayer as a request to God for special assistance for myself or another. This request can be doen as quickly as the mere thinking of the subject. Bang...there went a prayer. So if I'm asked for a prayer, by merely acknowledging the request, in my mind, I have done the prayer. So, no problem. And I have already prayerd for your great-grandmother...may she have he health she wishes for herself. And a prayer foryou too.
Not at all. I'm a person who prays regularly. Prayer is very helpful and our best way of keeping ourselves where God wants us to be. Prayer cannot hurt. If you need it, it's my pleasure to offer it.
Anyone that would like prayer can e-mail me at [email protected]. Oh, and consider our great-grandmother prayed for.
I have no truck with prayer requests. The question is, does your great-grandmother consent to it?
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