I think it was downright decent of you. I would have said something much worse, such as "Only if I can show you what a real man looks like".
If people want to push religion on you, you have every right to push right back.
I think it was absolutely fair. You showed not more intervention in their life then they in yours - less, because it was your house. I think your reply was vary well matched to their slightly impertinent attempt to forve their religion on you.
I'd be interested in who told you so, and what reasons, if any, that they gave. Personally I can't think why such a response would be considered wrong, and find it very funny - I hope they did too, but somehow I doubt it. I sometimes get visitors of this type, and find them well-meaning, earnest individuals who think they're doing me a favour. If I'm in the mood, I'll stand and discuss history with them and have often ended up waving goodbye and sending them off with some historical references to give them something to think about. There's nothing wrong with giving someone information which will challenge them and make them think.
when they come to my door, I like to find a piece of meat and bite into to it and say god who??? that is wrong...;)
I applaud you on that one. I was once scolded by a JW when I wore a Smile Satan Loves You shirt. First off, you came to my door, so don't tell me what I can and can't answer my door in...secondly, I believe that religions that are intolerant of others should be abolished.
That was actually a really good reaction... Mine would have been to invite them in and then pop in a bisexual porno DVD. But I can get extreme like that...
If you were sincere, that would not be wrong of you. The Witness came to your door to share the good news from God’s Word. You have the right to practice your religion. Jehovah’s Witnesses speak to all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs and we are taught to respect others and to listen to what they have to say. Of course, the individual Witness could decline your offer as you could decline theirs.
I think you should have invited them inside so they were committed to the discussion before offering to enlighten them
I'm not for wiccan either BUT, I'll give you two points for that one. Did it get rid of them? I hope so. As far as I'm concerned you did the right thing.
I like your answer. I had a friend who was visited by Mormons once who said to her "The Lord told me to visit you this morning." to which my friend answered (and I so envy her her quick wit!) "Funny, I was just talking to Him and He didn't mention it."
I think it was very, very good of you - people should actively be doing this to the people who come to your door to tell you about their religion... They are worse than you infact, because they both came to you first, and are actually going to your house to get your attention. If they did it randomly in a public shopping centre or whatever, then I wouldn't care - but the fact that they annoy you at your own house is just silly... Thankfully I don't have any around here, but I have my Satanic Bible ready just in case they do : )
Hey they were invading your privacy. I think you did the right thing. Why should they feel they can go to peoples homes and constantly try to shove their religion down our throats. I try to respect what people believe in ... and I want people to respect my beliefs.
Great answer, I'll use it.
nah its perfectly okay. They want to show you their religion, why cant you do the same? I personally always make an effort to be naked when i answer the door to jehova's witnesses. they never accept my invite to come inside the house...
I don't think it wrong; they wanted to share THEIR beliefs with you so that's only fair. Esp. if they are knocking on YOUR door. :-)
Who said it was wrong, the JW or an associate of the JW? That was not wrong. If they expect to have you listen and be open minded about them, why can't you expect them to listen and be open minded about you? Much nicer than some of the things I've heard (and READ!!!- you guys!)!
I wouldn't suggest that you had any reason to speak with them, and offering to share your faith with them when they came to your door is perfectly acceptable.
Well, if they came to your door, you can do whatever you want. Including sharing your beliefs like they want to share theirs. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Nothing wrong with that , when they ask me if I believe in Jesus I say yes I am a Catholic thank you Goodbye. Same thing, they come to preach you let them know politely you are not open for converting.
From their point of view, those who practice magic, or even consider looking at it, follow Satan and renounce God, so of course they would think it would be very wrong. From my point of view, I feel that magic use will always have an "intention" of the user, and can be good, evil, or neutral, but very seldom has anything to do with renouncing God, summoning demons or following Satan ... the vast majority of Wiccans are as good intentioned as any Christian and seek many of the same good goals for the world and for humanity ... ... and offering an equal exchange of "good news", yours for theirs, is fair in my opinion.
I think it is absolutely fair of you to do that. After all, they approached you, not the other way around. They opened the conversation and the issue, not you. At least you don't go door to door sharing your spell book.
I don't see how this can be wrong. If someone approaches you in an effort to promote their religious beliefs, then they should be willing to offer you the same courtesy in which they ask of you. This seems to be the main problem that I've found with people, when it comes to religion. People don't offer the same respect and courtesy that they ask for, and they are often times blatantly offensive when questioned or challenged. I'd just forget it and not be concerned with what others think.
Hey at least you didn't just show up unannounced at their door. It was not "very wrong" of you at all.
Sounds fair to me :)
- goodonya!... we use to invite them in for a coffe and put on 'black sabbath' back in the 70's
I do not think it was wrong too much, but perhaps, a little bit, in a teeny tiny way, rude. But you do have the right to answer someone at your door, however you see fit. It just seems that it would be more peaceful to your conscience, to just politely told them you are not interested. If you had done that, you would be ponerding whether it was wrong, and have to post the question.
It is perfectly OK for you to do so, just as it is perfectly OK for the JW to either accept or decline. I don't wee what the problem is. You and he/she behaved in exactly the same way, and it doesn't sound like there was any problem. Most JW's I know would be, (and are even encouraged) to learn of others beliefs and discuss them. I wish I could find more people like the ones commenting here when I am knocking doors. It is the apathetic ones I find depressing.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this at all. If they wish to come to your house to preach to you then you should have every right to preach to them.
It wasn't wrong but it might not have been wise. You show most of them The Spellbook for two hours, they'll be more than happy to show you The Good Book for ten.
I once gave a print out from the Bible with several passages about God ordering the death of babies. One of the Witnesses started crying. They all left. Sometimes I can see them out on my block, and they always tell their door-to-door people not to come to my house. There are just two of many examples: Hosea 13:16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. - Psalm 137:9
Equal time for equal opinion. I don't see anything wrong with it myself.
Since you didn't invite these people to your door or ask them to explain their beliefs, you were not in the wrong. THEY imposed upon YOU.
I don't see that it was wrong. If those are your beliefs you are entitled to them. What I find interesting was that you were willing to listen to their beliefs. Were they willing to listen to yours? I am a Christian, but I am more than willing to listen to the beliefs of others. I am not threatened, nor do I try and change them..I listen and most of the time, am quite fascinated.
You will find that Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to hear the other persons views whether that be on their religion or not.
I know a little bit about allot of different religions. Wicca is a peaceful way of life indeed. Of course no one likes being told their wrong. I'd suggest speak with them. They do things by the book, the Bible. They will not try to force you to change your beliefs. You may learn some interesting things about God and Jesus and how Wicca has allot in common with the Bible. Good luck to you and Blessed Be!
i think thats a good response. i really wouldnt want people coming to my door trying to get me to convert religions or find god or something. its just rude.
I don't think it was wrong at all. You politely offered to share your faith with them as they offered to share with you. Personally any religious person comes to my door simply gets, " Sorry not interested' and I wish them a good day and shut the door. Actually, I do that with sales men as well. I see very little point in wasting anyones time.
I don't see anything wrong with it.. It sounds like a reasonable request to me.. "Show you mine if you show me yours"!! LOL
I will not knock your door. My 2 cents.
nothing wrong with it at all. you had the intention to share same as they did. i would've probably asked what version of the bible they had to see if my mom already had it, and then i would've offered them one of my english qur'an translations too - with no intention to convert them if they can't deal with you already being happy with what you believe, it's on them
It is not totally wrong to do that.Jehovah's Witnesses on there part do accept comment from people they talked to and even listen to there beliefs.It is gud to share ur own belief with them also and they are willing to listen but they always based there discussion on Bible,so you too listen and u will actually gain.I av tried that and it works out,really assisted me to know more from the Bible.For those who are ready to learn from God' word,I think there preaching is meaningful.
I think you gave the correct answer. Someone wants to foist their religion on you, you have the right to return the favor.
No. The honest exchange of ideas is the sign of an intelligent person.
I think it's funny. Did they look at it? cuz that would be icing on the cake.
Love above all!!! Harm none & so mote be!!! Living the wiccan way means seeing truths in everything and keeping an open mind to all beliefs!!! isnt your spell book suppose to be private to you!!!!! (book of shadows)
No it isn't wrong. Whoever told you that is misinformed. You can offer to show them anything you like, as long as it isn't illegal.
I think it sounds like a fair trade!!
I see no difference between the two books.
I think you did exactly the right thing. I couldn't think of a more appropriate response, even if you gave me all day to think about it. :) If they came to my door, I guess I'd have to show them a copy of the Prose Edda or my altar or something.
it wasnt wrong, it was fair, and also very clever if I might add. balances everything out! :D
Since you asked I will answer. You are BOTH wrong. IHS, Bruce
I think it was a perfect response. Well, except for the fact that inmy day and age one never showed anyone one's BoS. Who told you you were wrong? Surely no Wiccan. . . " an' it harm none, do what you will!"
Blessed Be. what you did was just fine and only fair.
I'm Catholic, and I have people who come to my home and constantly try to get me to read the KJV bible, that I have no intrest in, and then they try to say my bible isn't real. So I know what you are talking about in some ways. Just say, no thankyou. You have your belif, I have mine. Lets agree to disagree and show them the door.
no not wrong. they like honesty.
Why is this so wrong? You want to talk about Jehovah, fine with me but I'm going to talk about how I see God as well. I have talked to Jehovah's and they would not come in. Ha ha. They don't want to listen? Goodbye.
Hi. I do not think it was wrong of you. I use to knock on doors when I was a little girl and others offered to show me their books, too. It is okay to speak your ideas. I grew up a JW and the information has some great teachings and ideas. I just love LOVE and purity which is what God wants for all the world. I have not attended for 24 years a JW meeting, but I read online their stuff. It is good info. HUGS and love to you! Ciao
I'd be interested to know who/what said it was wrong of you.
I think it is perfectly acceptable. If they want you to show an interest in their religion, they should be willing to expereince yours.
No, no, no! You were very right. First off they interupted what you were doing and wanted your attention. You have the right to ask for their attention to what you want to say.
you were totally in the right, why should they push their beliefs on you and not be willing to learn yours as well
Many people have deep feeling about their faith and you should why belong to anything if you can't put faith in it the bible speaks for itself examine the bible and compare what you have beem taugh
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
I always feel sorry for them. They just are employed by this big religion selling company. That's the way I look at them. One guy even admitted that to me once.
JWs are not employed by any big religion selling company. All are volunteers based on the command given by Jesus at Mathew 24 v 19 & 20. Many have full time jobs, there are mothers and grandmothers, all give of their own free time to help others come to know God and his purpose. No one is obliged to become a JW.
Sounds fair to me.
Personally, I don't open the door for such people...
I find this so very funny, but not in a rude way. Yes it was fine of you to. My parents are Christians and my Dad has done that with the Bible. That is his religion and Wiccan is yours. Like someone already said, if believers of a religion comes knocking on your peaceful home's door while you are going about your life, then you have every right. Or you could just say "No thank you. I am strong in my beliefs, have a nice day." I have said this before because I want to keep the conversation short and not start any arguments.
I don't see nothing wrong with it. I probably would of slammed the door in their face.
In 30 years of being a Jehovah's Witness, I have never, ever heard a A Jehovah's Witness refer to the Bible as "The Good Book". That is a term that they use in Christendom. I do not believe that you were talking to a Jehovah's Witness that day,
you're just responding in kind. i see nothing wrong with that.
Anyone that tries to sell you anything, from a religion to an Amway product, on your own doorstep gets what they deserve. You didn't show disrespect, that is already in your favour.
Why is it wrong? I was encountered by few of Jehova witness religion sellers. I questioned them left and right on religion and spirituality. They had no answer to any of it. They just told me God's name is Jehova. I asked them how do you know? I like to call him Robert (The person came to me). The Guy literally became silent. I asked him why should I call him Jehova? He even told me finally Bible was rewritten few times, but we are told to believe the book. He couldn't even convince me an inch. I have not offended him as I never approached him, he only approched me for a business.
I am very surprised to hear that they had no answer to any of your questions!! Are you sure he was a Jehovah's Witness?
No, it is not wrong, and I suspect the JW would agree with me. I have seen this very situation a few times and the JW's just see it as a door being opened for their original purpose. They are very willing to discuss how right their religion is and how wrong yours is. And, from what I have seen, they do it with good humor and can be very civil. Anyone who says it is wrong is so stuck in being PC that they have brain rot.
What's Wiccan by the way? But Jehovah's Witnesses are assholes.
i dont think it was wrong at all. dont get me wrong i am a christian but i cant stand the religions, including my own (at least some people of my own) that try to shove their religion down someones throat. i would never do that. i think thats perfectly acceptable.
Unless you don't put a spell on them, then I don't think it's wrong to show them your spellbook. :)
JWs are quite happy to discuss your beliefs with you. The reason they call is because of the command given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 29 v 19 & 20. Jesus called people and so did the early disciples. It is not easy having to go and call on people at their home without invitation, some people do resent it but on the other hand there are those who are very happy for us to call and have an interchange of views. Twupfold@ I am surprised you don't have JWs in your area. JWs are found throughout the earth, they are in every land and island. It may be that you have not been at home when they have called.
Jehovah's witnesses encounter thousands of different excuses on a daily basis you're not unique. There's plenty of people that do the same thing or come to the door naked or come out with a baseball bat or sick their dogs on Jehovah's witnesses. It's nothing new.
It was an honest answer. But a member of Jehovah's witnesses will politely decline if you're not interested in seeing the word of God. Without attempting to go against the word of God by showing your book of spells that the Bible specifically condemns. It's better to just say I'm not interested in the word of God I'm a witch. And Jehovah's witnesses will politely let you be.
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