How's it hangin'?
Do you know Posh Spice?
1) are those real jewels? 2) Is Prince Phillip really a jerk? 3) Queen ?, you ain't no Freddy Mercury. 4) Did you get a boob job too? 5) are those really Prince Charle's ear or sattelite dishes?
I can't see your eyes. May I iron your face?
Hey, you wanna come help us celebrate the 4th of July?
Will you make my babies?
My gawd, you little scammer you!
"So you are Camilla then? I thought that you were much younger".
Nice to meet you Sir.
Howcum you're married to a Prince instead of a King?
When are you going to abdicate?
Are those boobies real? Can I touch them? Can my puppie?
Hey Babe !! What's shakin' ?
���So, Mam, what is Tony Blair REALLY like?”
You have a booger. Let me get that for you.
Charles told me he wanted to take you bungie jumping so he could bump you off sooner coz hes getting bored now.
Nice hat.... really, anything. Protocol is to say something like "How do you do, Ma'am." If you were in a position to truly meet the queen (as opposed to the moments when she touches the crowd during a walk-about), protocol advisors will tell you exactly what to say, how she might respond, and what your behavior should be. One privileged to meet Her Majesty would not be the type of person to ignore the advice of protocol officers.
"You know, a Tic Tac wouldn't kill you".
"I thought they said I'd be greeted by Queen Latifah!"
"Wow! You look a LOT older in person!"
so.... charls will be king then.....please don't die!
So, Princess Diana said that you were a "REPTILE". I can see what she means, you DO look kinda scaly! or wait, are those just wrinkles? hmmm
Get your face off of my coins ya old skank. XD
You were a real bitch in that movie.
"Fuck Monarchy!"
who the hell are you?
So...about that revolutionary war...yeaaaah. =)
Is that you, Dad?
Can I get some tea with that crumpet?
Howdy ma'am!
Did you fart?
wasup, dude
Hi Liz hows the grand kids?
cead mile failte
You're older than I thought!
Who farted?
Good lord you smell like geezer!
Mam, your garter is showing (while she's wearing her Order of the Garter Uniform)
excuse me ma'am, would you like for me to pluck that hair outta that mole?????
"I love your labour government!!!!", she'd think you were a pure piss taker!!!!
Are you a goer? Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge.
..i'm french..we don't like you.. (i'm not really french lol)
Hey lady, what is on your head? Don't you know we're trying to see the Queen?
so who the fuck are you
You got a tight little ass!
Yopui and Phil still getting it on?
You don't look ugly close up.
Does Phil make a good kebab?
does Harry still smoke pot?
Now I see where Charles got those ears!
God save the queen!! she ain't no human being!! There is no future in englands dreaming! hahaha
g'day mate
Is it ok if i call you Madge for short?
Cromwell had it right,
"Lumberg fu@%ed her."
I hear you used to be hot, what happened?
"Girlfriend, where'd you get that UGLY hat?"
"What country are you Queen of?"
Shall we dance.
Do you think Camilla looks like what Diana would have if she'd survived the crash?
Yo, bitchin!
Oh.... I was told we were going to see Queen the band, not the Queen with the crusty vag.
Does your shit stink?
Where'd you get the hat?
I doubt asking her for sex is a good way to impress the Queen:D She would probably take an even dimmer view if you offered to pay her for the favour. *hahaha*
How did you look before the car crash
Cheer up, you look like a bull dog licking piss off a thistle!
Go to hell. That would be bad. ;)
So who'd you get to kill Diana anyhow?
I thought Freddy Mercury was dead?
Happy 4th of July *throw confetti*
prince phillip wore me out last night, thanks for the loaner. +5
can i be in your shoes for a day? whats your xbox gamertag? i want to beat you in gears of war2!
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