• Hello! I own a 2002 tahoe and this weekend the same thing happened. My wife read your post/question and she thought I wrote it! I have my tahoe at the shop now ready to have a fuel pump put on friday. I have heard that a person can install a "parthouse" pump not a ACDELCO and it not work from the get go...what name brand pump did you have installed? my tahoe is doing the same thing that your is and when I took my tahoe to the mech shop today it was fine... so i rode it around for 3 hours and finnaly it died so I got it to crank later and took it back to the mech shop and he put a fuel pressure guage on it and it showed no to low fuel presssure... so he said fuel pump.... is you tahoe running now? will it crank?? what brand pump did you install? help to a fellow tahoe brother...
  • My email addres is [email protected] I am having the same problem... maybe we could talk on the phone... email me if you would like to talk about this problem and I could tell you what 6 mechanics told me....
  • I had the same problem replaced the fuel pump first, then the fuel pressure regulator,and filter. It still done the same thing, I found out after two days that the computer was losing power. I traced the hot wire to the computer and found it went to the cam position sensor and the crank position sensor. Replace both at the same time. cost is around 100.00 at Advance Auto parts for the sensors. You do not have to pull the intake to get the cam sensor. remove the plastic cover on top of engine it will give you enough room to reach on the back side ot the engine to removr the cam sensor. You have to remove the starter to put the crank sensor in. [email protected]
  • I had the same problem replaced the fuel pump first, then the fuel pressure regulator,and filter. It still done the same thing, I found out after two days that the computer was losing power. I traced the hot wire to the computer and found it went to the cam position sensor and the crank position sensor. Replace both at the same time. cost is around 100.00 at Advance Auto parts for the sensors. You do not have to pull the intake to get the cam sensor. remove the plastic cover on top of engine it will give you enough room to reach on the back side ot the engine to removr the cam sensor. You have to remove the starter to put the crank sensor in. [email protected]
  • Could be a burned intake valve. I have had this happen in one car I had. No one could figure it out. an old shade tree mechanic said it was a burned intake valve...turned out that is what it was. Ground the valves replaced the burned valve and no problem anymore.

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