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I guess that would depend on the man. My husband can go as many times as I want him to, though he can't normally take much more than five times in a row. He needs a twenty minute intermission before continuing :P :).
I have no problems. Might be a stamina and adrenaline problem.
I have ejaculated 8 times in just a few hours. It can happen with the right women
Who can't? . . .
The main thing to do is to not stop, as long as the penis is continually getting blod-flow through stimulation, ejaculation can always occur, it just takes a bit longer in between each orgasm thats all. Also after a man has an orgasm the nerve endings near the head of the penis become very, very senisitve and further stimulation of them can often times be painful. A great way to overcome this is only stimulate the shaft of the penis and not the head, this way bloodflow is maintained and the nerve endings near the head are not agitated.
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