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What about a good old fashion cock ring toss. You can use some of your own product line as props. Cock rings and a suction style dildo/vibe. Stick the toy onto a table or some other smooth surface and attempt to "toss" the rings onto it. The host should have some type of prize - their supplier should have products that they give away.
How about this...Go to the "TOY" store and buy a Mr big dick...He's a lil toy with a BIG COCK the one we use at out games is purple. ok the host picks up a toy and starts describing its uses and such or maybe she is describing a lotion, she has to choose which word you the guests have to look out say I am going to say the word cock and when u hear me describing something and I use the word cock, then you pass mr dick to ur neighbor until the hostes says stop whomever is left holding mr dick gets a prize!
All of the toy parties I've been to have had drinking games, and of course the testing of the products.
Did you guys test the double headed dildo or the strap on?
have all the girls sample flavored lotions off your hubbies cock and the slut who makes him spew gets a free dildo as well as a mouth full of jism
I remember the cock ring toss and putting strap ons on and fighting with it or something odd like that.
I'm a Managing Director with For Your Pleasure. I'm shocked that even a new person wouldnt' know what kind of games to play. Have her email me and I'll gladly help her with game suggestions. [email protected] Here is what I play at all of my partis and its a blast. Have everyone write down a sexual phrase on a sheet of paper. Naughty, raunchy, romantic or sweet! (Ex: Bend me over slap my ass and call me mommy) *hehe* Then collect the papers and pass them back out making sure nobody gets there own back. Then have them write any six numbers between 1 & 30. Next have the rep randomly call off numbers if she calls a number you have written down they yell out the phrase on your paper, when they get all six of them scratched off fake and orgasm and they get a prize! Have fun!
Have had you ever done live demonstrations?
sorry, i have never been to a sex toy party...
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