Thermodynamic properties can be divided into two general classes, intensive and extensive properties. An intensive property is independent of the amount of mass. While the value of an extensive property varies directly with the mass. Thus, if a quantity of matter in a given state is divided into two equal parts, each part will have the same value of intensive property as the original and half the value of the extensive property. Temperature, pressure, specific volume, and density are examples of intensive properties. Mass and total volume are examples of extensive properties.
intensive is a physical property of a system, value does not depend on the amount of the subtance for which it is measured example of this are temperature, pressure, chemical, potential and many more while extensive property is a physical quantity whose value is proportional to the size of the system it describes some example of this property are mass, texture, volume, energy and many more. email me in my yahoo mail or have chat on me in my yahoo messenger at [email protected] when somethings wrong or questions.................
In regards to chemistry, all matter has physical and chemical properties. Physical properties are those characteristics that may be observed without changing the chemical composition of the matter. Physical properties may be further divided into extensive properties and intensive properties. Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter present. Volume and mass are extensive properties. On the other hand, intensive properties do not depend of the amount of matter present. Boiling point, melting point and density are all intensive properties.
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