You can have em for free...
nothing im a secret exhibitionist and whip my togs off at the drop of a hat lol.
It depends on the context. If it were for pornography, I think it would need to be a little higher, but if it were for an art class or something like that, probably $1,000.
Who says I wouldn't do it willingly?
I would pay them
Twenty dollars at the very least, and at least fifty if there are going to be pictures taken. Plus, I'll need a written agreement stating that a percentage of any money made of said pictures goes to me...say, 30%. I also do mind performing unspeakable acts, though I'm not sure what I'll charge for those.
I would not today, but did once do it for money. I did it about 30 years or so ago for a local art class. I knew the excellent teacher and his wife, and they asked me to do it. I think I got $20. an hour, and it was very difficult work! Trying to stay still in one pose for a long time is not easy at all. I enjoyed seeing the very well done drawings of me. I wouldn't do it now, but it was interesting and kind of fun years ago.
I'd do it for free, though I certainly wouldn't mind getting paid for it!
a buck and a nickle, as long as we agree you won't sue me when you go blind.
about ten bucks and a pack of cigarettes would do it for me.
I would do it as long as everyone signed the waver not to sue. Oh yeah and if I got at least a nice $/hr setup.
$25,278.16 My student loan amount.
For the guy I am with no charge.:) anyone else... big bucks.
What's it for? Hmmm maybe a couple hundred/thousand. =o I'm not cheap. Oh...and only after 18 for no legal troubles.
Why it all depends on /who/ is taking the picture, doens't it?
$0 I don't pose nude for anyone sorry.
I wouldn't pose nude for any amount of money
Considering the laws of supply and demand, I couldn't ask for too much due to low demand!
You have never seen me just trust me when I say I would have to pay them!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Depends on who is asking.
Someone is stupid enough to pay? Where do I sign up?
I don't want to make anyone blind, I should pass.
In my case, I think you should pay me to keep my clothing on.
I've partially done it before for free.
Never get naked for money.. I'd do it free..after of course the necessary non disclosure agreement..lmao
To anyone who would be daft enough pay me good money to pose nude...... I'll make you a great deal on some beautiful oceanfront property just outside of Tucson, Arizona. Only $2.3 million !
More than money, it would depend who would want to and WHY. That's my criteria.
In the shape I'm in, they'd pay me not to pose in the nude.
sorry i would never get naked for money or anything else only love like with my current bf and even then i was hesitant
ide do it for a fair amount of crack, or how ever much you can spare, i just need some. anyone got any crack?
a buck, just enough for a burger, i am cheap, sad, i know.
Hell! I'd pay THEM! : D
I'm free - just let me know where to show up! (Women only!) I think it would awesome to be drawn naked by a room full of women, staring at every intimate part of my body.
Whatever you want to charge : )
They pay me to keep my clothes
Enough To Retain Alot Of My Desires
500,000 yep
Since I'm a overweight, sixty year old truck driver, I'd probably have to pay them! lol.
Id do it for enough to get me a south west ticket cuz i would wana get away. no but i would say 700.000.00
I'll have to pass. The only place I have a chance of getting an offer from is Popular Mechanics and I don't want people playing with their tools when they look at me;)
I'd do it for a Klondike bar. :P
About 3k. Im already a model, so it would just be like nrm.
Depends on who sees it. If it's my boyfriend I would do it for free. I'm not sure how much otherwise. $500,000 sounds nice. For a single shot maybe. ;D
For my boyfriend, I'd do it free, if it's done discreetly. For anyone else, it would take a lot of money.
Give me a nickel and I'll show you my pickle.
I'll do it free for my bf but that's between us. I don't think I'd do it for public consumption. But you never know what kid of offer you might get.
Hell, prob the first monetary offer I got!
well i know that a lot of people have already seen me nude, so what is your offer
There isint enough.Even if there were I am not cheap.
I think it depends on medium it would be for. I think for photos, I'd want more $$ than if I were just "posing" nude for an art class. I think for the art class, I probably wouldn't pose for anything less than $200. For photos, probably more like $500 or more. Not so much because I'd be scared to pose nude, not hardly. More likely because the photographs would fetch more $$ than someone's hand sketch. But all in all, I'd have no qualms about posing nude.
Never charged before but if you'd like to make a donation...
id never pose nude for photos
I'd pose nude for a 100 trillion dollars. (Wouldn't you? Wouldn't just about anyone?)
Jenny The Great ⭐
Would you also eat crap for 100 trillion dollars? There is no telling with you. LOL
It's not happening. *Trick question* to get people's reaction.
Tree Fiddy April 05 2022
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