Yes, 10 over.
Yep, I used to work for fedex, delivering packages, and got tired of driving like a crazy person. So now that I dont have to, I dont:)
Only if I'm talking on the cell or texting or watching the TV or picking my nose.
��™ªâ™«â™ªâ™« Remember that Hagar tune: "I can't drive eighty-five!!!" ♪♫♪ ? - ;-)
Driving over the speed limit can get you in trouble. Don't ever say that you have on facebook.
never faster than anybody else, that would be breaking the rules of shitting in my pants and having the dry cleaners lick it
i rather do it on emergency time
Try not to. I'm never in a hurry, especielly to get a speeding ticket.
I try not to...but if I do, it isn't more than 3-5 mph over.
under I like the view
2-4 miles over. Don't want the pigs giving me a $100+ ticket.
No, not within city limits, most of the streets are in dire need of repair.
usually yes.
Only on the freeway.
Getting my drivers license in February if God allows then I'll see to it.
No. I set my cruise control to the speed limit and just go.
Yes, most of the time, especially if I'm running late to work!
I accelerate as fast as possible up to the speed limit haha
only on larger roads and no more than 9 over.10 and up and your insurance get notified and your rates go up.this makes the ticket look like i drive a company truck and a clean license is a must.
No I go the speed limit. If someone behind me is in a hurry they should of left 10 minutes earlier. My wife and I don't speed ever.
Absolutely. The speed limit is always at least 10 miles per hour too slow.
I ride a Harley most of the time, so I try to go with the flow of traffic. There's always the occasional nutcase in desperate need of anger management courses, who wants to drive so close that his car ( usually a pick-up ) would be on top of the motorcyclist in an instant if there was any sort of problem.
Yes...I go with the flow. +5
I have a need...a need for speed
If I can.
Yes and that's all I'm going to say about that.
Only if i'm in a hurry. +5
I try not to
I don't even drive.
I used to when I had a little car. I don't in the SUV
Through built-up areas I make a concerted effort not to exceed the speed limit and I prefer to go well below when there are a lot of pedestrians about. However, on the motorway I must admit I often only stick to the limit if I have someone else in the car.
5 miles over, yes.
Not a chance. +5
Yes. On motorways and dual carriageways, when the road is clear.
Not by much. The roads I drive on are really not safe above the posted limit. +5
Not as much as I used to since I set my gps to play a police siren whenever I exceed the speed limit by more than 5 mph (highways).
no Polly, usually set my cruise at 5 miles over the speed limit! +5
No, certainly not in city limits. They have these electronic things now. On the interstate, I may "go with the flow". Everybody speeds a little on the four and six laners. The fuzz does not enforce the limit strictly. They are just happy to see the traffic flowing smoothly. And even they know the limit is set too low.
Leadfoot Rosie reporting. Yep. I got nailed once for doing 80 on a 65 mph highway. Actually, I was doing over 90 but I was the lead "baddy" and I had about 8 cars in my wake and the policeman pulled us over one at a time starting from the back. He hit the motherlode that day for sure! I dodged a bullet. Anything 20 miles over the speed limit means you cannot go to a "driving school" and get it off your record! :)
try not to
Only like 5 miles over the speed limit usually , I got a $600 speeding ticket before so I am not making that mistake again. Emmanuel Matityahu
All the time
Yes sometimes, but I am wary of speed camera's the cops oh! if they get me they get me! I will smile and possibly shed a tear! maybe get a sympathy vote - No Had that miracle ONCE when I was 22 and was let off! +5
I'm usually testing the speed limit when I'm aware and exceeding it when I'm not.
Never knowingly - my job depends on my driving licence and I'd never risk it. - but I might drift over the limit when road circumstances dictate - e.g. to avoid an impending incident - to get out of the way!
not usually
Only if I'm in a hurry. Normally I set my cruise control to avoid speeding. Plus, this is a great way to save on gas.
All the time.
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