I doubt you will get many answers on this topic 1) because it is personal 2) many things to do with rites and rituals (including what is worn or not worn) are governed by strict rules against revealing them to outsiders. However, you may find some insights into it on sites such as:
Glenn Blaylock
What a husband and wife do with each other sexually has nothing to do with any rituals in the Church.
Perhaps the reason that no one has answered your questions is because what two people do behind closed doors is their business - and their business only. I know I certainly wouldn't give details about my sex life to someone who was simply curious, regardless of the religious topic involved. People protect their privacy, as is their right. I'm sure if you did a little research on the web, you could probably find the information you are looking for, without anyone actually divuldging their personal information to you directly. Good luck.
Letter to all Priesthood Leaders, January 5, 1982. Married persons should understand that if in their marital relations they are guilty of unnatural, impure, or unholy practices, they should not enter the temple unless and until they repent and discontinue any such practices. Husbands and wives who are aware of these requirements can determine by themselves their standing before the Lord. All of this should be conveyed without having priesthood leaders focus upon intimate matters which are a part of husband and wife relationships. Skillful interviewing and counseling can occur without discussion of clinical details by placing firm responsibility on individual members of the Church to put their lives in order before exercising the privilege of entering a house of the Lord. The First Presidency has interpreted oral sex as constituting an unnatural, impure, or unholy practice. If a person is engaged in a practice which troubles him enough to ask about it, he should discontinue it. Anyone guilty of verbal or physical child or spouse abuse should not enter the temple. . . (Signatures) Spencer Kimball N. Eldon Tanner Marion G. Romney Gordon B. Hinckley
I'm not married, but have friends and siblings who are. They have told me that they were informed by their church leaders (both bishops and stake presidents) that if both the husband and wife are ok with it, then they can do whatever they want.
Well, there’s probably a few things that common sense dictates one shouldn’t so during sex—relieving oneself comes to mind—but that has nothing to do with one’s religion. Regarding the Church of Jesus Christ, the prophets have always taught that we shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain during sex. We also shouldn’t rob, cheat, steal, lie, or covet during sex. And if you can come up with a way to dishonor your father or mother during sex, you probably shouldn’t do that, either. The Church also teaches that you should neither smoke nor chew tobacco during sex, nor should you drink coffee or tea (which would probably be pretty messy, anyway). And you *definitely* shouldn’t murder anyone during sex, although I suppose if your spouse was in such indescribable ecstasy that he or she actually died of pleasure, they probably wouldn’t fault you for that (and in fact would be quite sympathetic—not to mention impressed). ;-) In short, the stuff that so-called “Mormons” shouldn’t do during sex is the same stuff we shouldn’t do when we’re not having sex. HTH!
You have have seen copies of the infamous letter from the eighties about "unnatural" practices and the like. It was misguided and short lived. As a general rule, what married people do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business. That's making some basic assumptions that there is no coercion, no abuse, etc. involved.
Smoke, drink Coffee, and get drunk!, Does it matter, why do you want to know? Are Mormons somehow the trendsetters for what to do during sex? I think someone needs to get a hobby, they have far too much time on their hands...Later
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