I don't get it either.
just imagine the level of denial in 50 years, when not one witness is still alive! it's just a sign that people are scared and embracing the comfort provided by hatred. sad to say.
I think that people are starting to realize that the holocaust was highly exaggerated so they are questioning its authenticity.
As a historian, I can say with confidence, that you are wrong. The Holocaust has not been "highly exaggerated. The Nazis' own documentation, which is plentiful, makes that amply clear. How's your German? Mine's quite good. -
Army Veteran
Where is this "Nazi documentation" that is so plentiful? There is ample documentation on the crematories with drawings. But not one scrap of paper has ever been found that documents gas chambers. It's often claimed that "the Nazis destroyed them", but this is impossible. With so many people involved in the extermination process, mountains of paperwork had to have been produced. None has been found - no official documents and no personal correspondence from prison guards to their friends and family sharing their experiences as they dutifully served the Fatherland. Assuming official documents could somehow be completely destroyed, personal correspondence would leave a paper trail that could never be completely destroyed - something would have been found. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
There were documents presented at the Nuremburg trials that detailed the mass murder of people based on their ethnicity. Some of the concentration camps still stand, and some of the gas chambers still exist and even one of those still has the dye present from chemical testing to indicate the poison gas residue. If you can put two and two together, then I think you can work out what was happening there. And even if Hitler himself, for some stupid reason, had thought it necessary to type it out explicitly in an executive order with the specific method to be used, and he signed it in his own blood, you'd still have people denying it.
the more people who join this site there are more jewish people and antisemitic people
I have 'no idea' but I've heard the denial theories my whole life, off and on. The cliche is true for me - - The older I get, the more nothing surprises me. [ By that, I mean that I believe it all happened ] +5
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is creating multiple accounts? Or are people really that ignorant.
I haven't seen it much, I don't really hang out in the proper sections. It sounds ludicrous to say it never happened indeed, but with all the dumb shit I see on here, that doesn't surprise me.
I don't deny or agree it happened..I wasn't there to see it for myself and I've never known anyone that was there to give me an eye witness account. In this world of misinformation neither version would surprise me...but I have to ask...don't those people have just as much right to be on AB as anyone else?
I havent seen any, why would the deny what happened..That sick to say...Shame on those human beings for denying true facts.
HBO has a documentary about the guy who made that opinion popular again and also had something to do with the electric chair. I forgot his name, some German-American-Newyorker type guy. He did some study on cyanide to supposely prove that it didn't kill the jews or something.
I don't believe in holocaust deniers. I think they're a lie spread by the Jews.
When you have visited Bergen Belsen and seen the mass graves and witnessed the eerie silence where not even a bird sings or fly’s overhead. And seen where the gas chamber and crematorium stood, and have seen all the small individual graves with inscriptions such as "Mein Liebe Mutter" ( My Dear Mother).And visited the museum and looked at all the photographs the Germans took when they were making people dig their own graves, and laughing as they were shot in the back of the head. Then and only then will the Holocaust deniers realise that the atrocities actually did take place in Adolf Hitlers Europe.Nie wieder.(Never again)
Army Veteran
Sorry, no gas chambers in Bergen-Belsen. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, there were no gas chambers in Bergen-Belsen, although the concentration camp had some of the most brutal female Nazi guards known as Hitler's Furies that came from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Irma Grese, Juana Bormann, Elizabeth Volkenrath and others. All sentenced to death for their war crimes.
I'm sorry to hear there are Holocaust Deniers here on AB. For the record, I'm not one of them: I care about Jewish people and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel regularly. I openly admit and grieve that 6 million Jewish people died mercilessly in the Holocaust. Let's also not deny, but openly admit and grieve that around 6 million Ukrainians died mercilessly at the same time... Let's also not deny, but openly admit and grieve that around 6 million Roma died mercilessly in the Holocaust... Let's also not deny, but openly admit and grieve that many thousands upon thousands of Christians and supporters of these and other ethnic groups died mercilessly in the Holocaust... And if I've not known of others who also died then, please feel free to educate me.
Though I think the holocaust was HORRENDOUS and an EVIL TRAGEDY, I believe it is part of history and I don't deny it.
I don't believe it. It's a known fact and I acknowledge it. Even Gen. Eisenhower (later President Eisenhower) saw it firsthand and was one of the personal, firsthand witnesses to the liberation of one of the camps - one of the Buchenwald camps, to be exact. The Holocaust was well documented by video, photographs, and a lot of the Nuremburg trials with Nazi War criminals admitting guilt and testifying against many of their commanders - not all of them admitted guilt, but many did, and many corroborated the information already at hand. Many of the camp prisoners also testified and identified the war crimes and those guilty of committing them. Many of the prisoners who survived the medical experiments also testified. The trials were all well-recorded and documented. -
Army Veteran
There are two definitions of "holocaust". The one you're referring to that the allies "saw firsthand" uses the lowercase "h" and it means "a great or complete devastation or destruction." The word "Holocaust" with the uppercase "H" was never used to describe the so-called "extermination" until the 1950s or early 1960s. Therefore, the "Holocaust" could never have been acknowledged by liberating troops. At the Tehran Conference, Stalin proposed executing 50,000-100,000 German officers. Roosevelt agreed, but Churchill took it as a joke (although he hated Germans with a passion). The Nuremberg Trials were nothing but a dog-and-pony show to give the appearance of a fair trial. When tried by your enemies, you will never win a favorable outcome. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
OrangeD, to have a better view if the Holocaust was an evil tragedy or not as Vaporeongirl said in her answer: Hitler's T4 program in 1939 was structured to kill a massive amount of German people suffering from incurable diseases or deformities. The program led to the Jewish Holocaust. If that's not evil, then you don't know what evil stands for. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, the letter "H" in holocaust was capitalized after Word War II. If you support Jews, it is one of those words that can never go back to beginning with a lower case "h."
Does anyone in here know the difference between Zionism and Judaism? For the record, I am pro-Jewish and Anti-Zionist. The Zionists (aka "Jewish intellectuals") threw their own under the bus. "These men, most of whom never considered themselves German nationals, but pretended to be champions for those of their own faith, abandoned them at a critical time and fled the country. They lost, therefore, the right to speak out on German-Jewish affairs." - Jewish Association of German ex-Servicemen. Before you start believing the popular narrative, learn all of the facts. "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect." - Abraham Lincoln
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The Zionists (aka "Jewish intellectuals") threw their own under the bus." You have no idea what you are saying. It was Arab countries who threw Jews under the bus. Even before the beginning of World War II, many Jews sought to escape from countries under Arab and Nazi control. Nazi Germany technically permitted emigration from the Reich until November 1941. However, there were few countries willing to accept Jewish refugees and wartime conditions hindered those trying to escape. -
Army Veteran
@Jenny Rizzo is brilliant - I know perfectly well what I'm talking about. No Jews tried to escape countries under Arab control - it was the Zionist's aspiration to take over Palestine (see Balfour Declaration). Prior to WW2, the Nazis actually tried to help the Jews relocate to Palestine (Havaara Agreement), working with the Zionists. The so-called "Final Solution" was the second (and presumed final) attempt to make it happen. The Havaaraa Agreement was also known as "The Solution to the Jewish Question" - the Wannsee Protocol was fully known as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Note how similar the two terms were. There is a reason for this - you can't have a **FINAL** anything until you have a **PREVIOUS** something. When the war started, the British Mandate closed the doors of Palestine to Jewish immigration, and the "Jewish intellectuals" never lifted a finger to help them - on the contrary, they continued to agitate Hitler, trying to involve Germany in a war with the Soviets. This effectively threw the German Jews under the bus, therefore supporting the sentiments of the German Jews as quoted in the original post. Even if there were gas chambers (which there were not - it was disease epidemics that killed most of the prisoners), it was the British that condemned the Jews to their fate, along with their so-called "advocates" who did nothing but reap the sympathy when it was all over. As to the issue of Palestine itself, the British had already made a deal to award Palestine to the Arabs in 1915 - the McMahon Agreement. They reneged on the deal because it didn't hand them the Ottoman Empire as they'd hoped, and later offered it as payment to the Zionists for bringing the United States into WW2 (Balfour Agreement). Therefore, Palestine never legally belonged to the Zionists. The entire state of Israel was created by a breach of contract - they trespassed on land rightfully belonging to the Arabs. This is the reason there has been a conflict there for the past 70+ years. Notice how Israel has grown so vastly in real estate while Palestine has shrunk almost out of existence. In Germany, it was called "Lebensraum" and condemned. When Israel does it, it is supported by every country that condemned Germany for it. Zionism still continues to hide behind the Jews - this is the difference between Zionism and Judaism - Judaism is religious/cultural and Zionism is a political movement not unlike BLM that claims to advocate for all African Americans when, in fact, they're nothing more than a political movement with their own agenda. Your rendition of what happened is little more than what is taught in schoolbooks - it is a biased narrative that is being spoon-fed to the masses to maintain the "bad Germany" and "poor Jews" mindset. Wanna know why it is illegal in some countries to deny the Holocaust? It's because you're not supposed to know the truth. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
No, you don't know what you're saying, the German perspective is not supported in history and neither is it supported by the Germans of today. In fact, Germans are ashamed of Hitler and the atrocities of WW2. It is illegal to produce, distribute or display symbols of swastikas in Germany. What we have here, you are in a league of your own. Quote: "No Jews tried to escape countries under Arab control " Much is heard about the plight of the Palestinian refugees from the aftermath of the 1948 Israeli War of Independence and the 1967 Six Day War, little is said about the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were forced to flee from Arab states before and after the creation of Israel. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Final Solution is the shortened version of what the Nazis called the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. Do a research on Amin al-Husseini. It was not really Hitler's idea to murder Jews in the masses. Amin al-Husseini suggested killing the Jews was the answer during a 1941 visit to Berlin. It convinced Hitler to proceed with the Final Solution. As it happens, the full German record of the meeting between Amin al-Husseini and Hitler on November 28, 1941 was published half a century ago: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
When it comes to Zionism and Judaism, Zionism is and will continue to be the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. Judaism is actually a relatively modern concept. Traditionally, there was no such thing as Judaism but only Yahwism, the Religion of the Jews. In modern times, Judaism will soon follow Zionism when the construction of the Third Temple gets under way. -
Army Veteran
This explains what the Balfour Declaration was all about: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The creation of Israel was one of the more significant moments in the 20th century. Britain realized that if the Ottoman Empire collapsed by the end of the war, Britain could seize Palestine and thereby take control of the trade routes between Egypt and India. Britain had made a pact with the other allied nations to limit direct colonization. -
Army Veteran
You're correct. But look at the McMahon Agreement and you'll see that the Arabs were promised Palestine in 1915 if they opposed Turkey. The Arabs did their part, but since it didn't have the effect that Britain was hoping for, they (Britain) reneged on the deal. Thus, they were in breach of contract and couldn't legally make the deal with the Zionists that resulted in the Balfour Declaration. This is the reason that there has been a conflict between the Jews and Palestine for more than 70 years. Britain gave Palestine to the Zionists and the Zionists went in and started their own version of Lebensraum against the Arabs. Compare the size of Palestine between 1948 and today and you'll see that the area of Palestine has shrunk almost out of existence because Israel has been practicing Colonialism to expand its living space - Lebensraum. They had no right there in the first place - the Arabs have only been protecting themselves against the Jewish (political Zionism) invasion. It has nothing to do with the Jews at the cultural level - it's all political. That's what Zionism is - a political movement that doesn't really advocate for Jews unless it serves their own interests. As stated earlier, I am not anti-Jewish (antisemitic) - I am anti-Zionist. It was these self-declared "advocates" (even the German Jews called them "Jewish Intellectuals" who abandoned them at a critical time) that threw the German Jews under the bus. And because people don't understand what Zionism is, they mistakenly support the very political group that threw the Jews to the wolves. According to Jewish law, after the Jews were expelled from the land of Israel they were not to return until after the return of the Messiah, who would gather his people and lead them back. They believe that the "return" to there in 1948 was a fulfillment of this prophecy - and that Theodor Herzl was the Messiah who led them back. Someone should tell them that their "Messiah" is dead. And this brings up a question: if they believe that Theodor Herzl was the Messiah, doesn't that break the first commandment? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
McMahon’s statements were interpreted by the Arabs as the assurances of Arab independence and was never accomplished due to the subsequent division of the region into territories controlled by Britain and France which had been established in the secret Sykes-Picot agreement of May 1916. Britain had to choose how to shape the future of Palestine, taking into account the interests of the people living there. Social and political developments in Europe convinced Jews they needed their own country, and their "ancestral homeland" seemed like the right place to establish it. 90% of all Jews at the time arrived at Israel. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
What most people don't know is that Zionism is a political and religious movement. It is why Zionists want to see the Third Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt. Zionism without a doubt was/is partly because of rising anti-Semitic persecution and partly because the enlightenment introduced Jews to secular nationalism. It doesn't make any sense for Jews to betray their own people, now that since 1896 and 1948, hundreds of thousands of Jews resettled from Europe to what was then British-controlled Palestine, including large numbers forced out of Europe during the Jewish Holocaust. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "According to Jewish law, after the Jews were expelled from the land of Israel they were not to return until after the return of the Messiah," This supposedly Jewish law is not supported by the prophets of God. There wouldn't be a Messiah's return if it weren't for the Zionist movement. Ezekiel 36:24 "I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land." Ezekiel 37:28 "Then the nations will know that I the LORD make Israel Holy, when My sanctuary is among them forever.” -
Army Veteran
@Jenny - (I'll try to address these in order) "...was never accomplished due to the subsequent division of the region into territories controlled by Britain and France...". Take note that this was in 1916 and **after** the McMahon Agreement was made. Whatever happened "subsequently" has no bearing on what had already been promised. Like the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 1939, it was never going to be honored. "...Britain had to choose how to shape the future of Palestine, taking into account the interests of the people living there." Interesting how the Arabs living there were never included in this "taking interests into account". Even the Balfour Declaration warns the Zionists to heed the rights of those already living there (in Palestine) - such a warning seems unusual in a simple statement of support for establishing a homeland, don't you think? It implies that Britain knew that bringing in a lot of Jews would cause friction - which it subsequently did the moment the State of Israel was established. -
Army Veteran
"It doesn't make any sense for Jews to betray their own people..." - I agree that it doesn't make sense, and that's why it doesn't make sense that the Zionists would throw the Jews under the bus. Here is an excerpt from a letter written to the US Embassy by the German Jews in 1933: "Mistreatments and excesses have indeed occurred, and we are far from glossing these over. But this is hardly avoidable in any kind of revolution. We attach great significance to the fact that these authorities, where it was at all possible to interfere, have done so against outrages that have come to our knowledge. In all cases, these deeds were committed by irresponsible elements who kept in hiding. We know that the government and all leading authorities most strongly disapprove of the violations that occurred." (take note here that the German Jews are defending the German government). It goes on to say, "But we also feel that now is the time to move away from the irresponsible agitation on the part of so-called Jewish intellectuals living abroad. These men, most of whom never considered themselves German nationals, but pretended to be champions for those of their own faith, abandoned them at a critical time and fled the country. They lost, therefore, the right to speak out on German-Jewish affairs. The accusations which they are hurling from their safe hiding places are injurious to Germany and German-Jews; their reports are vastly exaggerated." Again, these were the German Jews - the ones who were trapped in the German prison camps and never made it to Palestine. You're mistaken about the "large number that was forced out during the Jewish Holocaust" - During the war, Britain locked the doors of Palestine against any Jewish immigration. They had to do this because they knew (see "Balfour Declaration" again) that a large influx of Jews onto Arab land would cause a conflict - which it did in 1948 and has continued ever since. -
Army Veteran
"There wouldn't be a Messiah's return if it weren't for the Zionist movement." I don't question your quotes from Ezekiel, but they don't pertain to the foretold prophecy of the Messiah's return, they only describe what the Messiah plans to do once He does return. It's the Book of Mark that tells us who the Messiah is - "Jesus Christ". To accept the notion that the Jews have returned to their homeland as per the prophecy, one would also have to accept the fact that Jesus has returned. And since it was Theodor Herzl who was the primary influence in the "return", then it goes without question that they believe him to be the Messiah. The most obvious problem with this is, Jesus (or the Messiah) is immortal - not so with Theodor Herzl - Herzl has been feeding the worms in Israel since 1904. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Take note that this was in 1916 and **after** the McMahon Agreement was made." Agreement? There has been much disagreement as to whether this promise included Palestine. The British later denied that Palestine was included in the promise and refused to publish the correspondence until 1939. Quote: "Interesting how the Arabs living there were never included in this "taking interests into account"." Israel was never given to the Arabs. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly "complicate" Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Even the Balfour Declaration warns the Zionists to heed the rights of those already living there (in Palestine)" Actually, there have been 100 years of international recognition of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their historic homeland, the land of Israel. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
In regards to a letter written to the US Embassy by those so-called German Jews, it cannot be trusted. Keep in mind the Jews in Germany were blackmailed by the Nazis to spread false information. The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims. They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Ezekiel quotes do not refer to Jesus the Messiah. In biblical prophecy the messiah that will return when the Third Temple is rebuilt is the antichrist. 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Second Temple Jesus taught in was destroyed in 70 AD and was never rebuilt. For Orthodox and conservative Jews, the Temple in Jerusalem is central to their religion and coincides with their beliefs in the Messiah. The Third Temple is the one yet to be built, and many modern Jews long for it, especially since returning to the "Promised Land" after WWII. It is how Christians know Zionism is not only a political movement, but a religious movement to fulfill the prophecies. -
Army Veteran
"The McMahon-Hussein Agreement...seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917." - Your timeline is backward again. The McMahon Agreement didn't "clash" with the Balfour Declaration - the Balfour Declaration clashed with the McMahon Agreement. And of course, the British later denied that Palestine was included in the promise - they didn't want to honor the agreement. -
Army Veteran
I'm having difficulty understanding your logic about the Messiah/false Messiah - your timeline appears to be skewed again. You say that the Jews have returned to the Promised Land, but according to prophecy, they can't return until the Messiah gathers them and leads them back. You go on to say that the Messiah who returns after the third temple is built will be the antiChrist - but the third temple hasn't been built. So, how is it that the Messiah can lead the Jews back to the Promised Land before the third Temple is built and before the false Messiah? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The McMahon Agreement didn't "clash" with the Balfour Declaration" The much disagreement is what there is to believe. What you are failing to understand is that one land claimed by two peoples Israelis and Palestinians remains an unanswered question of the 20th century and until this date of 6/1/2021. So contentious is this dispute that the scholarly community is hugely affected by the major events of the past 100 years. Britain has denied to apologize to Palestinians for the Balfour Declaration and says it is proud to have created Israel. Palestinian leaders have claimed to sue the British government after it refused to apologize for a 1917 declaration that paved the way for the creation of Israel. Nothing happened then and nothing will ever happen. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You're having a difficult time understanding my logic because you have Scripture backwards. And you say my remarks are skewed, when it is a fact the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD. Today, the only thing that remains of the temple is a wall that retained the mountain on were the temple was built, called Temple Mount. The wall is known as the Western Wall. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
To the Jews, they are still waiting for a messiah by the prophecies of the Old Testament. To Christians, Jesus the Messiah came 2000 years ago. The second return of Jesus is what Christians expect. Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations a Jewish Temple used to stand right were the Al Aqsa mosque plaza now sits. Since Netanyahu acknowledges the scriptures, it will not be a surprise when the Third Temple gets built. Netanyahu and the Jewish people have been making preparations for a Third Temple. These are must watch YouTube videos: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The only hold up so far is the Al-Aqsa mosque. Palestinians hope Hamas does not blow up the Dome of the rock with misguided rockets. The antichrist in 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 cannot stand on the Temple of God until the Third Temple is finally built. -
Army Veteran
The McMahon Agreement was a legally binding contract between Britain and the Arabs. Britain offered something of value to the Arabs in exchange for a performance on their part. The Arabs did exactly what they agreed to - they opposed Turkey in an attempt to weaken the Ottoman Empire for Britain. But the attempt didn't have the effect that Britain was hoping for, so Britain refused to pay off. They subsequently claimed that the agreement didn't actually include Palestine - a bold statement from someone who didn't want to honor their agreement. Britain's main interest in Palestine was that it wanted control of the Suez Canal, along with the other natural resources of the area. The Zionists were looking to establish a political state. Their claim of "establishing a homeland for the Jews" was nothing more than a sales pitch. It brought more sympathy and support than the truth about a "political state" ever could. Newspaper articles promoting their sympathy campaigns ran between 1900-1939 and almost always included the "persecution of 6 million Jews" along with "threats of extermination" - a claim that they subsequently levied against Hitler in 1933. The "6 million" that has become the "official number" claimed in the Holocaust was part of their sympathy campaign long before WW2. These are the same political Zionists that threw the German Jews under the bus. If none of this makes any sense to you, then you know nothing about Zionism. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The McMahon Agreement was a legally binding contract between Britain and the Arabs." For the same reason misinterpretations exist. These so-called promises were later disputed by the British government and were open to interpretation. They are related to some of the reasons and problems that are still occurring now in the Middle East. Hussein and very many Arab people considered Palestine to be purely Arab. But the British saw Palestine differently and believed that Palestine cannot be said to be purely Arab. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Keep saying to yourself the Zionists threw the German Jews under the bus. Nothing and I mean NOTHING that came out of Germany in WW2 was to be trusted. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Harry Truman made it clear that his sympathies were with the Jews and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former Woodrow Wilson's principle of self-determination. Truman initiated several studies of the Palestine situation that supported his belief that as a result of the Jewish Holocaust, Jews were oppressed and also in need of a homeland. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The Zionists were looking to establish a political state. " And a religious state as well that was kept in secret all this time. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks to God who works in mysterious ways, the British, some of the US presidents and the Zionists - the Jews now have their land back, just as the prophecies proclaimed in the Ezekiel passages. God is great, huh? -
Army Veteran
"These so-called promises were later disputed by the British government and were open to interpretation." - Of **COURSE** they were - Britain didn't want to honor their agreement, so they denied making one. [ Here's a true story: when I was a kid, I bought a bike from a neighbor kid. Later, he accused me of stealing it so he could have it back.] This is similar to what Britain did to the Arabs - they made a deal, and then because they got a better deal later on, chose not to honor the first agreement. It makes it worse that they had a written agreement and still outright lied about it. They did the same with Poland in 1939 - they made a deal and then refused to honor it. ****************************************** "Harry Truman made it clear that his sympathies were with the Jews and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former Woodrow Wilson's principle of self-determination." - Truman wasn't the Jewish advocate you think he was. Here are a couple of interesting quotes he made: 1) "The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs, or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet, when they have power, physical, financial, or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I've found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes." - Harry Truman, and 2) "Jesus Christ couldn't please them (Jews) when he was here on earth, so how can anyone expect that I would have any luck?" - Harry S Truman *************************************************************************** The Balfour Declaration was a farce - it was a written guarantee that Britain would not cheat the Zionists the way they did the Arabs in honoring their part of the deal to bring the United States into the war on their side. As to the "principle of self-determination", that too was a farce. Wilson's support for the idea was in supporting Germany's independence after WW1, but the Versailles Treaty denied them that right - in violation of international law. But who cares, right? I mean it was against Germany - Germany never deserved rights. They had a homeland of their own and were denied the right to live there under their own terms. ************************************************************** "..the Jews now have their land back, just as the prophecies proclaimed in the Ezekiel passages." - Again, the Ezekiel passages pertain to the return of the Jews when the Messiah returns - but this won't happen until the third temple is built. And according to your own words, the third temple hasn't been built. You go on to mention a false Messiah - is this the "Messiah" that you claim has led the Jews back? If so, then the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled. -
Army Veteran
Just a couple of odds and ends to address: 1) "There wouldn't be a Messiah's return if it weren't for the Zionist movement." - You're confusing Zionist ideology with the political aspects of the Zionist movement. The Zionist ideology is strictly a Jewish issue whereas Zionism doesn't require that its members are Jewish. This is the main argument that Zionism and Judaism are different. A Zionist is like a politician who becomes a preacher just so he can rob the collection plate and then hide behind his position in the church. The Balfour Declaration needed 6 revisions before the final wording was settled on so that the true nature of the agreement wouldn't be exposed. The Zionists tried to buy Palestine from Turkey in 1902 but were refused. There is evidence that it was for this reason that they initiated WW1 in order to force Turkey to relinquish it. 2) "Jews in Germany were blackmailed by the Nazis to spread false information. The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims." - Might I remind you that it was the Zionists who committed the first blow against Germany. Immediately after Hitler created the Enabling Act, the Zionists (hiding behind "Judaism") declared war on Germany. Now, most people claim that Hitler had no right to pass the Enabling Act, but this is wrong. As Germany's head-of-state, he had every right to do so. US presidents often replace members of the administration upon taking office. Hitler didn't violate any laws domestic or international by choosing who would hold influential positions in the government. And then there are the dreaded Nuremberg Laws - these never came until two years after war was declared on Germany by the Zionists and two years after Hitler was first accused of exterminating Jews. The Zionists in question were mostly former German Jews - how many acts of treason does it take before Germany is allowed to defend itself? 3) "They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence." - a person with ideological goals of war and violence does not make peace proposals. Hitler begged Britain to avoid war and then tried to stop it once he was forced into it. When Chamberlain returned from Munich in 1938 he was a celebrated hero - until Churchill condemned him as an "appeaser" because he didn't declare war on Germany right then and there. Churchill was a warmonger (among other things) who thirsted for war with Germany as much as Poland's leader Edward Rydz-Smigly - who Churchill suckered into provoking an attack by Hitler so Britain could justify declaring war with Germany. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Of **COURSE** they were - Britain didn't want to honor their agreement, so they denied making one." Britain did not honor their agreement due to the promises were disputed. It is not a lie, but a dispute or an appeal to reverse the decision. The 1917 pledge known to posterity as the Balfour declaration had fateful consequences for the Middle East and the world. It paved the way for the birth of Israel in 1948, and for the eventual defeat and dispersal of the Palestinians. The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish a national home for the Jewish people. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Britain would not cheat the Zionists the way they did the Arabs" That's because Britain assumed responsibility for Palestine under a League of Nations Mandate. And besides, Arabs already have plenty of countries in the Middle East. The goal was to place Jews back in their homeland with Palestinians. Germany had the right to live under their own terms? World War II was the result of planned series of wars designed to enable Germany to control the globe as a whole and to bring about a demographic revolution on it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Again, the Ezekiel passages pertain to the return of the Jews when the Messiah returns " Whatever messiah the Jews in Judaism are expecting is certainly not Jesus. The Jewish messianic belief plays a central role in Judaism, but it is very different than Christians’ belief in Jesus as Christ. The redemption that Jesus brought is internal transformation, being saved from one’s sinfulness, achieving the inner peace that comes from receiving God’s love. Quote: "And according to your own words, the third temple hasn't been built." I never said the Third Temple has been built. Now you are putting false words in me. I said various times the Zionists have plans to build the Third Temple. Once a Third Temple gets built, Judaism followers will wait for a messiah, while Christians will be expecting the second return of Jesus. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "You're confusing Zionist ideology with the political aspects of the Zionist movement." Not quite, Zionists continue to push their religious agendas. Netanyahu acknowledges the scriptures and knows the Dome of the rock is situated in the center of a Jewish Temple Mount. -
Army Veteran
"World War II was the result of planned series of wars designed to enable Germany to control the globe as a whole and to bring about a demographic revolution on it." - You couldn't be more wrong. Hitler's only agenda was to restore Germany to the country it was before the Versailles Treaty illegally destroyed it. 1) Germany was starved into accepting responsibility for the war (such a thing would never hold up in a court of law today). 2) Germany never had any input on the terms of the Versailles Treaty. 3) Denying Germany's right to self-determination was a violation of international law. Throughout the years of the Weimar Republic, revolutions were commonplace, trying to influence Germany to support Communism - this is why Hitler opposed the Soviet Union. He wanted to keep Communism out of Germany. 4) Hitler never did anything to the Zionists ("Jews" as they're commonly referred to) before they attacked him. After just 52 days as Chancellor, Hitler created the Enabling Act - the next day, the Zionists declared war on Germany (so much for Hitler being the aggressor), and 4 months after that they accused him of exterminating Jews. It wasn't until two years later that the Nuremberg Laws came into being. Contrary to the popular belief, he had every right as head of state to pass the Nuremberg Laws, just as he had every right to determine who he wanted as German citizens. I don't know if you know anything about US government policies, but it's common practice for a new President to make changes in his administration - to put who he wants into positions and remove those that he doesn't want. The Nuremberg Laws were no different. The United States and Britain had no more right to dictate policies in Germany than Hitler had to dictate policies in Britain or the United States. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You have it all wrong. The Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919 was the agreement that officially ended World War I. Under this agreement, the Rhineland Province of Germany was demilitarized. In direct contravention of this Treaty, Hitler sent the German army into the Rhineland in 1936. In many ways, this was a test of the resolve of the other signatories to the Treaty, particularly Britain and France, whose humiliation of Germany during World War I sowed the seeds of revenge. Hitler came to power with the goal of establishing a new racial order in Europe dominated by the German "master race." This goal drove Nazi foreign policy, which aimed to throw off the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles and incorporate territories with ethnic German populations into the Reich. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
And since you mention the Soviet Union, Hitler could have conquered the world. Hitler's greatest mistake of world conquest was when he declared war on the Soviet Union in June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa, followed by declaring war on the United States on December 11, 1941. Quote: "4) Hitler never did anything to the Zionists ("Jews" as they're commonly referred to) before they attacked him." On the contrary, it estimated 12,000 thousand Jewish soldiers died fighting on the German side in World War I. Jews hoped that military service would promote their acceptance into German society. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
21 years later in World War II, Jews were subjected to discrimination, persecution and violence long before they were targeted for destruction in the gas chambers. Quote: "The Nuremberg Laws were no different." To the victor go the spoils. The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Jewish statutes enacted by Germany, marking a major step in clarifying racial policy and removing Jewish influences from Aryan society. Hitler couldn't dictate policies with the Allied powers. The common purpose of the Allies was to defeat the Axis powers and create a peaceful world. Its creation was a response to the aggression and unprovoked war the Axis had unleashed upon the world. -
Army Veteran
The Rhineland belonged to Germany. With the illegal status of the Versailles treaty, there's no reason for Germany not to occupy the area. It's written up in the history books as a bad thing because that's the position Britain prefers to claim - just as they prefer to call the McMahon Agreement invalid. In both cases, legal interpretation is on Germany's side. [] "Hitler came to power with the goal of establishing a new racial order in Europe dominated by the German "master race." - You watch too much TV. There never was a "master race" except in the eyes of the Zionists. Hitler's use of "Aryan" was not meant to promote Germans as "the master race" - that is unless Churchill also thought of Germans as "the master race" - "The Aryan stock is bound to triumph." - Winston Churchill, Speech and interview at the University of Michigan, 1902. On the contrary, the Zionists claimed to be the "Aristocrats of the world" - translated - "the master race". The territories of ethnic German populations that were incorporated into the Reich were those that formerly belonged to Germany before being handed over to other countries by the Versailles Treaty. The only thing Hitler wanted from Poland was to have land access to Danzig and East Prussia - no more than a mile wide. Edward Rydz-Smigly refused after being encouraged by Britain to do so. [] Operation Barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike. Ever since the Soviet Union's failed attempt to entice Britain into an attack on Germany in September 1939, they had been amassing troops in preparation for an attack against Germany once the allies had successfully divided Hitler's forces with an eastern front. They would have attacked Germany within weeks had Hitler not found out what was going on. Hitler's strike against them was a defensive move. Hitler declared war on the United States only because Roosevelt successfully lured the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor to force Congress into supporting the American entry into the European war which FDR helped orchestrate. [] Hitler had nothing to do with the 21,000 Jews who died fighting for Germany in WW1. You might note, however, that these were some of the German Jews who wrote to the US Embassy - which you said was propaganda and not to be believed. [] "The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Jewish statutes..." - be that as it may, it was still not illegal for Hitler to do so. As head of state, the power to decide who was going to hold positions of influence in Germany was his. Conversely, the allies did the same thing with their de-Nazification policies. [] "ts creation was a response to the aggression and unprovoked war the Axis had unleashed upon the world." - this couldn't be further from the truth. The was WAS provoked - by the Zionists in 1933 and again by Britain's manipulation of Poland in 1939. Hitler never wanted war - Britain did. Roosevelt needed a war to pull the US out of the Great Depression after his New Deal policies turned out to be failures. This is the reason he engineered the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US was maintaining a neutral policy on the war in Europe - even though Roosevelt was violating the Neutrality Laws. Congress wouldn't support going to war so FDR forced their hand. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The Rhineland belonged to Germany. With the illegal status of the Versailles treaty, there's no reason for Germany not to occupy the area." In 1919 a defeated Germany was presented with peace terms by the victorious powers of World War I. Germany wasn’t invited to negotiate and was given a stark choice: sign or be invaded was the call. Inevitably given the years of mass bloodshed that the German leaders had caused, in which you fail to realize, the result was the Treaty of Versailles. From the start, the terms of the treaty caused anger, hate and revulsion across German society. Versailles was a dictated peace. The German Empire from 1914 was split up and huge reparations demanded. The treaty caused turmoil in the new, highly troubled Weimar Republic, although Weimar survived into the 1930's, making provisions of the Treaty contributed to the rise of Hitler evil regime -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "There never was a "master race" except in the eyes of the Zionists." Not exactly, in many of Hitler's speeches he argued that the Germans were superior to all the other races. Hitler became obsessed with racial purity and used the word "Aryan" to describe his idea of a pure German race. Quote: "Hitler had nothing to do with the 21,000 Jews who died fighting for Germany in WW1." Of course he did, since he did not have any respect the Jewish race in knowing 12,000 thousand Jewish soldiers dies for Germany in WW1. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "The was WAS provoked - by the Zionists in 1933 and again by Britain's manipulation of Poland in 1939." All Zionists were doing was pushing for a Zionist state. The Balfour Declaration expressed sympathy for their establishment in what was then Palestine. The Zionist movement could only focus on supporting the Allies. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "This is the reason he engineered the attack on Pearl Harbor." False. Yamamoto was the commander of the Japanese imperial navy. He had spent time in the US and traveled extensively when he attended Harvard. He knew that in a long, protracted war, America’s vast natural resources and their industrial would destroy Japan. It is why Yamamoto was the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor attack. -
Army Veteran
"From the start, the terms of the treaty caused anger, hate and revulsion across German society." - and why shouldn't it? Germany was forced into accepting the blame for WW1 - even though it was the **SOVIETS** who were responsible. [] "Versailles was a dictated peace. The German Empire from 1914 was split up and huge reparations demanded. The treaty caused turmoil in the new, highly troubled Weimar Republic...". Obviously, this "dictated peace" wasn't much of a solution, was it? Yes, it was the conditions of the Weimar Republic that resulted in the rise of Hitler - no one else was thinking about the German people. The reparations of the Versailles Treaty were meant to keep Germany oppressed for the next 100 years. The Versailles Treaty was no "peace" plan - it was revenge. [] "All Zionists were doing was pushing for a Zionist state." - Yes, a political state - a "homeland for the Jews" by convenience. [] "The Balfour Declaration expressed sympathy for their establishment in what was then Palestine." If Britain was so "sympathetic", why did it take 31 years before Israel was declared an independent state? The clause in the Balfour Declaration that stated, " being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country" was prohibitive to the Zionists as long as the British Mandate was in force. Once Britain ended the Mandate and handed the problem over to the United Nations, the legal status of the clause was no longer enforcible. This is why Zionism waited until 1948 when the British Mandate expired to declare Israel their political state. Once the terms of the Balfour Declaration no longer tied their hands, they started taking over Palestine. If there was no malice in their intentions they could have started moving Jews to Palestine from the beginning. The only reason they didn't was that the British Mandate wouldn't allow it - Britain locked the doors of Palestine to Jewish immigration for the duration of the war (so much for "sympathy"). They prevented Jewish immigration because of the way they cheated the Arabs out of Palestine - and to send masses of Jews there would have started a serious conflict - just as it did in 1948, and has continued ever since. And if Isreal is such a "homeland for the Jews, why are there more Jews living in America than Israel? [] Why would Yamamoto want to see Japan destroyed? If he saw that America’s vast natural resources and their industrial would destroy Japan, why did he mastermind the Japanese attack? Yes, Roosevelt DID provoke the Japanese attack. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Germany was forced into accepting the blame for WW1 " You can't be serious. Hitler's cause to start WW2 was undoubtedly the business depression that started in the late 1920's. All countries suffered from this depression, the US as much as any and Germany less than some other countries. Everywhere there were bank crashes, business failures and millions of workers unemployed. In no other countries, except Japan and Italy, did this lead people to think of war as a remedy. In Germany certain groups that wanted another war used the depression to make many of the people believe that their sufferings were due to the malice of the countries which had defeated them in WW1. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Yes, a political state - a "homeland for the Jews" by convenience." I agree Israel is a political state. There's nothing wrong with that, unless you are a Palestinian who hates Jews. lol -
Jenny The Great ⭐
In federal systems, political authority is divided between two autonomous sets of governments, one national and the other subnational, both of which operate directly upon the people. Quote: "just as it did in 1948, and has continued ever since." 1948 sealed the deal for Israel. It is what the United Nations acknowledged as the "birthplace" of the Jewish people. No one can change it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
As for Yamamoto attacking Pearl Harbor, he took the risk to cripple the United States to gain control of the western Pacific and Southeast Asia in order to obtain natural resources. Unfortunately for him, his famous quote tells it all: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." I think Hitler awakened a sleeping giant in the east when he invaded the Soviet Union. More Russian soldiers were killed in WW2, but it was the Soviet Union that crushed the German army and paralyzed Hitler in his suicide to end his view of world conquest. Stalin placing images of himself in Berlin after the war ended was a humiliation to the German people. -
Army Veteran
"Hitler's cause to start WW2 was undoubtedly the business depression that started in the late 1920's." - No, I'm sorry, that's incorrect. Hitler never wanted war - he made dozens of attempts to avoid it and then pleaded with Britain to end it after he was pulled into it. Rudolf Hess's flight to Britain in 1943 was one of those efforts to broker peace. The fault of the war was Britain's. After Chamberlain returned from Munich he was seen as a hero to the British people because he did as any good leader should - he settled the problem with diplomacy and avoid a war. Churchill, on the other hand, berated him because he didn't declare war on Germany right then and there. Britain then suckered Poland into provoking an attack by Hitler in 1939 so they would be justified in declaring war on Germany. Why do you suppose that Britain never honored the Anglo-Polish Agreement? Why did they promise to help Poland and then left them hanging out to dry? It was because Britain didn't have a strong enough military - and they wouldn't have one until Churchill took over in 1940. It was because Britain's military was inadequate that the Soviet Union signed the Non-Aggression Agreement with Germany. [] "In federal systems, political authority is divided between two autonomous sets of governments, one national and the other subnational, both of which operate directly upon the people." - That's all well and good, but what has that to do with Germany? Germany did not operate under a "federal system". Neither the United States, Britain, nor any other country had the right to dictate policy in Germany - any more than Hitler had the right to dictate policy in any of those countries. As head of state, Hitler had the right to make whatever decisions he thought best for his people - just as Chamberlain did in Munich. [] Your Yamamoto quote was never said. It was nothing more than a line from a movie. [] I love hearing about how Hitler wanted to rule the world. ? Nothing could be farther from the truth. People believe that Mein Kampf was Hitler's "playbook" for ruling the world. These people obviously have never read Mein Kampf. "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" and it's an autobiography. In it, he uses the word "exterminate" 14 times, and not a single reference is to the Jews. He does explain his antisemitism, but it's no more than the rest of the world's dislike of the Jews. The seeds of "exterminating Jews" were planted long before anyone knew who Hitler was. The Zionists ran sympathy campaigns dating as far back as 1900 to get world support for their political state in Palestine. In almost all of them, they used "6 million" and threats of "extermination" to exploit people's emotions. By 1933, they had millions of supporters, and so when they first accused Hitler of exterminating Jews on Aug 6, 1933, the claim resonated with their followers and they had a name to attach to the threats that they'd been conned into believing. Perhaps you've never heard Samuel Untermyer's radio speech on that date. In this speech, he also makes a plea for "all Jews and Jewish supporters" to join the "Holy War" against Germany. Aug 6, 1933, was only 6 months into Hitler's reign as Chancellor - how many Jews did could he have exterminated? And what did he do within that 6 months to justify the Jews to declare war on Germany? Of course, Zionism had a strong influence on world government and because they lacked a country of their own, they were in no position to maintain a military of their own - this is why they manipulated the United States and Britain to support them, and why the US and Britain declared war on Germany - they were puppets in the hands of the Zionists and had been for as far back as the Wilson administration, if not earlier. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: " Hitler never wanted war - he made dozens of attempts to avoid it and then pleaded with Britain to end it after he was pulled into it." Hitler never made an attempt to prevent war, as is remembered as a genocidal warmonger with a hateful ideologue. World conquest was pivotal to the whole Nazi thinking. Nazis believed Nordics were the most powerful, most developed human race, and Germans were supposed to be topmost, even among Nordics. They believed this gave them the right and duty to rule the world. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Churchill, on the other hand, berated him" That didn't give Hitler the right to start WW2. Churchill took office on May 10, 1940, the very day Hitler began his other offensive attack om Belgium, Holland and France. Americans have embraced Churchill as one of the great statesmen of the 20th century. Quote: "In almost all of them, they used "6 million" and threats of "extermination" to exploit people's emotions." In 1939 there were 16.6 million Jews worldwide. A majority of them were 9.5 million or 57% that lived in Europe, according to DellaPergola’s estimates. Hitler’s Nazi regime murdered 6 million Jews and 5 million Gypsies, Sinti people, LGBTQ people, the disabled and political dissidents to remember the 11 million. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
BTW, I don't need to hear Samuel Untermyer's radio speech to know about the Jews in the WW2 era, simply because Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in WW1 and was enraged with the Jewish race. Hitler called it a "stab in the back," as it was called at the time. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The US and Britain were puppets in the hands of Zionists? Uhh, almost the whole Jewish population was exterminated in the Holocaust, leaving Zionists in no position to become a puppet-master. LOL -
Army Veteran
"Hitler never made an attempt to prevent war..." - You might want to read "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War" by Patrick J Buchannon. There are also many documented newspaper articles of the period that contradict you. [] You choose to deny the US Embassy letter from the German Jews as not being trustworthy, but you acknowledge the DellaPergola estimates on Jewish population - your bias has a noticeable lean. [] "I don't need to hear Samuel Untermyer's radio speech to know about the Jews in the WW2 era." That's too bad. It offers concrete proof that the Zionists accused Hitler of exterminating Jews just 6 months into his appointment as Chancellor - which was two years BEFORE the Nuremberg Laws were written. If he was exterminating Jews this early in the game, why bother to create the Nuremberg Laws? [] "...simply because Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in WW1..." - Umm, I don't know how to break this to you but the "Jews" (Zionists, actually) DID cause Germany's defeat. That's what the Balfour Declaration was all about. Had they not brought the United States into the war, Britain would never have won. [] You clearly don't understand what Zionism is. Let the Jews explain it to you: "At the time, the world was sold on the idea that the Allies were the "good guys" who were justified in everything they did - their Jewish "masters" controlled the media, so their place in the history books gave assurance that their crimes would stay buried. But the truth always has a way of finding its way to the surface, and now they're in a frenzy to avoid being exposed. The "antisemitism" label is nothing more than censorship which is upheld and condemned as "hate speech" by none other than themselves.? "We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide. The idea that Zionism and the State of "Israel" is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the Jewish people... It has been the age-old intention of Zionism to intentionally stir up anti-Semitism anywhere possible, and even more commonly, to take advantage of any Jewish suffering anywhere in order to enhance its cause. Indeed, hatred of Jews and Jewish suffering is the oxygen of the Zionist movement, and from the very beginning has been used to deliberately incite hatred of the Jew and then, in feigned horror, used to justify the existence of the Zionist state. This is, of course, Machiavellianism raised to the highest degree." - Jews Against Zionism -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "You might want to read "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War" by Patrick J Buchannon." That's like telling a Biden supporter in the 2021 US elections to vote for Trump. Buchanan in his role as a political commentator for the mainstream media has increasingly advanced an anti-Semitic, racist and anti-immigrant ideology. Many of the views he holds are identical to those of self-declared "white nationalists." Buchanan repeatedly demonizes Jews and minorities and openly affiliates with white supremacists. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "(Zionists, actually) DID cause Germany's defeat." If it were true, then history could not be more accurate to know why Hitler hated the Jews. Zionists in Germany conducted negotiations with the Foreign Office concerning cooperation over Palestine, and in 1915 the Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen traveled to the US to ask the Jews to try to persuade the American government to enter the war on Germany’s side. Those efforts incited the British government among the Zionist Organization. History teaches it contributed to the publication of the Balfour Declaration in November 1917. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the Jewish people..." The greatest hoax to be spread are by God-deniers, neo-Nazis and Palestinians who share your views. In the last weeks, the US has seen a series of anti-Semitic attacks, targeting and terrorizing American Jews. A brick thrown through window of a Jewish-owned business in Manhattan, a swastika carved into the door of a synagogue in Salt Lake City, Jewish families threatened outside a restaurant in Los Angeles and museums in Florida and Alaska, dedicated to celebrating Jewish life and culture and remembering the Holocaust vandalized with anti-Jewish messages. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
History is written by the victors, so, even if Army Veteran's conjectures about the holocaust were hypothetically technically factually correct, they will never be historically correct and there will never be evidence to support them, so it's a hopeless argument from that side. I'm not old enough to have been around when these atrocities were happening, but I AM old enough to have spoken with several eyewitnesses to those atrocities myself, and not just relatives and friends of relatives who were subjugated by the Nazis, but also relatives and friends of relatives who were on the Nazi side of things. So, for me, in my mind, there is just too much of a plethora of supporting secondary evidence for anything Army Veteran says to be seated in fact. I'm sure there are still plenty of people like me, even if the survivors themselves are merely a few years from going extinct. And, as time goes on and the memory of this fades, there will inevitably be more and more people like Army Veteran, who are convinced that genocide is all make-believe, and there will be no level of factual evidence that will ever convince them otherwise, and no level of embarrassment will ever convince them to shut up about their unhinged beliefs. So, the best we can do is continue to tell the stories of our ancestors and their friends who suffered, merely to nurture the fragile hope that things like the holocaust never happen again. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, there is no denying the Holocaust. Army Veteran can deny it all he wants. From very early in the war, part of Nazi policy was to murder civilians en masse, especially targeting Jews. Later in the war, this policy grew into Hitler's Final Solution, the complete extermination of the Jews. In Hitler’s 1925 manifesto, Mein Kampf or My Struggle, it evidences the origins of Nazi Party ideology and ultimately the Holocaust. In his writings shown also in videos, Hitler spouted anti-Semitic and militaristic rhetoric forming the basis for his vision of Germany. The idea of German superiority, the master race, justified the enslavement and extermination of those deemed inferior.
they never suffered like the poor Jews did so they dont know ..
They are either uneducated or anti-Semitic.
Army Veteran
You make an excellent point. To be properly "educated", you have to believe the way everyone else does- you're not allowed to think for yourself. If you do - if you educate yourself on the actual facts, then you're labeled "antisemitic". Why do you suppose there is so much censorship of documented facts from the German perspective? On Youtube, it's called "hate speech" - but documented facts can't be labeled "hate speech". It's not "hate speech", it's "unpopular speech". It contradicts the anti-German narrative that raises reasonable doubt on western propaganda. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Oh, you really don't want to get in it with me because you will get corrected for your false German perspective. So let's start this debate. I will leave a comment on your answer as well so you can get notified of my comments. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
To begin, Holocaust denial and minimization or distortion of the facts of the Holocaust is a form of anti-Semitism. Holocaust deniers ignore the overwhelming evidence of the event and insist that the Holocaust is a myth, invented by the Allies, the Soviet communists and the Jews for their own ends. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazi regime and their collaborators murdered 6 million European Jews and 5 million non-Jews. The terms "Shoah" and "Holocaust" are used to label the persecution and extermination of European Jews at the hands of the Nazis. -
Army Veteran
This is just a guess, but I suspect that you're British - all the clues are there. Claiming to have lost 6 million Jews simply by adding and subtracting is difficult to justify when there was no census between 1933 and 1948 to verify any rise or decline in population. And the census reports that are being used come from Jewish records - they're as easily manipulated as mail-in balloting. Another problem with this "6 million" is that it doesn't take into account the huge toll that disease epidemics took. It was because of these disease epidemics that the Zyklon B was used, not "extermination". There is no forensic evidence to prove gas chambers and even the eyewitness account of Dario Gabbai discredits his own claims. Mountains of shoes, hair and other personal belongings don't prove "gas chambers" - they only prove that they once belonged to someone. The connection to gas chambers is through the power of sympathy and suggestion only. There were no bodies being cremated as quickly as it has been claimed to justify the "6 million" - to do so would have required that the cremation ovens be used non-stop - an impossible feat. Cremation temperatures require 1400 to 1800ºF. Human skin is destroyed at 162ºF. No one could get close enough to an open cremation chamber without dying instantly. Also, the process couldn't have been maintained at that rate - such temperatures take a toll on the brick lining of the cremation chambers and would have had to be replaced constantly. Because of their design, three units at a time would have to be shut down to make the repairs. This would involve cooling of the chambers, the repairs themselves, and restarting them - a process that would take around 3 days. Thus, you always had groups of ovens out of commission. There's no way "6 million" or anywhere near that could be cremated. Another point that discredits the "6 million" is that a Jewish statistician named Jacob Lestchinsky submitted an article to the New York Times on January 8, 1945, with the headline "Six Million Jews Dead". The problem with this is that Auschwitz hadn't been liberated yet - it wouldn't be liberated by the Soviets until January 27, 1945. How did he come up with this number? You also ignore the history of "6 million" and the suggestion of being "exterminated" that was being fed as a steady diet to the public in the Media since 1900 by the same Zionists who accused Hitler of exterminating Jews in 1933. It's an issue of "move along, folks - nothing to see here". You and everyone else who promotes the Holocaust are thinking emotionally, not factually - it's a case of Cognitive Dissonance. Unfortunately, it's nothing that I or anyone else who thinks for himself can fix. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "but I suspect that you're British" No, my grandparents who were in their teens experienced the Jewish persecution in Italy. A large stone monument stands in the garden of Florence’s synagogue on Via Luigi Farini. It is engraved with the names of the hundreds of local Jews deported to the camps. Benito Mussolini legislated and enforced anti-Semitic regulations. The German mobile unit that had operated in Rome swooped on Tuscany in 1943, hitting Florence, Siena and Montecatini at the same time, arresting and deporting Jews. Numerous Italians who had nothing against Jews had taken significant risks, creating cover stories, watching out for them and avoiding opportunities of reporting them, either to German authorities or their Italian Fascist authorities. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
During the darkest days of World War II when much of Europe was under Nazi domination, Jews in Italy were imperiled, rounded up and escorted in train cars, crammed up like animals heading to be slaughtered. 6 million Jewish victims is the approximate number in the Holocaust. The number however could be higher than those reported. Out of a Jewish population of 9 million living in Europe were killed in the Holocaust. It is impossible to know exactly how many people died as the deaths were comprised of thousands of different events over a period of more than 4 years. About half of the Jewish victims died in concentration camps or death camps. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "There's no way "6 million" or anywhere near that could be cremated." Just in Auschwitz-Birkenau, 15,000 thousand Jews were killed per day, not to mention: Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka in the extermination camps in Poland or the forced labor concentration camps in Germany that were just as brutal as Auschwitz such as Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Buchenwald and others, as well as the mobile killing squads, were German special duty units, composed primarily of SS and police personnel assigned to kill Jews as part of the Nazi program to exterminate all Jews in Europe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
During the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the mobile killing squads followed the German army as it advanced deep into Soviet territory and carried out mass-murder operations. To the same Zionists as you say that accused Hitler of exterminating the Jews in 1933: Zionists suffered a big loss because in the WW2 era and until now, Zionists have been encouraging Jews to return to their homeland.
DO NOT encourage losers like that to come back please. We have enough nonsense, and there is proof that a couple of holocaust deniers are paid to lie like that. I am no jew at all, and I despise incomplete and wrong history.
There are those who are afraid that education may require them to take a position and defend, actually do something, but that assumes some level of intelligence. Others sadly are just too consumed with hate that they are unable to justify.
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