a custard pie fight
a nude librarian
ice cream!
The Spanish Inquisition.
an airhorn
Drums for use by the public.
Pole Dancing
a dance floor
9-20-2017 A shock absorber with cheese sauce.
A rhinoceros
people talking
Battle of the Mariachis, the invisible man.
food vending machines
A raging grizzly bear...
A Death Metal concert.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Sounds like a fun library
music playing
A string quartet
Unfortunately a card catalog
Hulk 70166 😆
A porno magazine
A hippopotamus. 🦛
A hippopotamus.
Linda Joy
This is what happens when I don't look at the other answers first. Its kinda scary who I thought like this time! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
On these type of fun questions, I always make sure the answer I plan to give is not taken. I'll give you a thumbs up just because your answer and comment lets other Answerbaggers know to take the time to look at other answers before answering.
True story: years ago, when the internet was first really taking off, we used to go to the public library to access the internet. I had internet access at home, but it was through the phone line and very slow, so I would sometimes would just ride my bicycle over to the library to work on a school project or whatever, since it would ultimately save time and didn't interfere with my mom talking on the telephone all evening. Anyway, I was getting settled in when I saw, at another machine, someone was moving around rather erratically, and when I glimpsed over to see if the person was okay, there was an adult image on their PC monitor. Shortly after, the librarian asked this person to leave. I was 13 at the time and thought it was very unusual, and didn't know how to react, so I just pretended I didn't notice. So, yeah, that was NOT what I expected to see at the library.
A cocktail lounge would be inappropriate. 2/17/23
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