• White foam? Call your Vet to find out why this is happening
  • My doggie does it to. He is also a pekingese. He's 4 yrs old. He has an umbilcal hernia and im getting it fixed in a few weeks. I think that is why he throws up but im not sure. It really scares me ;-( What do you feed your peke? [email protected]
  • My doggie does it to. He is also a pekingese. He's 4 yrs old. He has an umbilcal hernia and im getting it fixed in a few weeks. I think that is why he throws up but im not sure. It really scares me ;-( What do you feed your peke? [email protected]
  • It could be a possible side effect, since it has only happened since receiving the vaccine. Usually this is just bile. Some dogs (mine included and Hannah is a GSD/Husky crossbred) do better if fed at least twice a day. Getting something in the stomach seems to help a lot with this problem as the stomach acid has something to digest! If you are only feeding once a day, try dividing the total day's feed into at least two feedings and see if that helps. A fair number of dogs DO have slightly sensitive stomachs. If you see no improvement at all after a couple of days, you may wish to contact your vet (I would anyway...just to let them know it started after the vaccine...since the dog may be sensitive to it in the future if you choose to continue with yearly shots). And have her checked if it doesn't improve with 2 feeds per day...perhaps she has a problem such as Shayshay's pooch. Edit Added June 5, 2009 Information is Power!
  • it could be a reaction to the vaccine. it could be anything. my peke throws up when hes hungry and he hasnt eaten. the stomach acids build up and cause him to vomit white foam. please make sure you feed your puppy A LOT during the day, 3-5 times a day or even more. puppies need to eat a whole lot as they need it to achieve the big growth spurt into adulthood. AND make sure its a premium quality food like Natural Balance, or Canidae, or any of those. AVOID NASTY GROCERY STORE BRANDS as they are low in quality, they contain corn, and byproducts, basically ur dog eats wastes and trash. make sure he gets quality ingredients into his system. AVOID grocery foods like : purina, Iams, pedigree, kibbles n bitts, you get the picture. get a premium food from a petstore.
  • This happened to my friends dog and it turned out to be a sign of Pancreaitus (spelling?) its a very painful but cureable illness. the vet saw the dog and gave it medication and a special Vet food that was mostly light, rice, lamb. easier on the stomach.

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