None. They are VERY (times 1,0000) OLD school.
Remember that no-one else is better than you and that you are better than no-one else.
From Mom: "Let people be who they are." Keeping this mantra has spared me from being judgmental and cynical most of the time. From Dad: "Let your words reflect your values." That's a really hard one to live up to and a life path.
Unfortunately I never listened to any advice from them. I thought I knew it all. If I knew then what I know now..... Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks their parents know nothing, they actually do and they are usually right.
concentrate seriously on your studies in school. education is the greatest wealth,no one can take away your knowledge.
"Don't screw up".
Give older people respect, act like a lady, continue to educate yourself, go to church, work hard but have some fun, my parents gave pretty good advice to me and I use their advice a lot.
"Never listen to my advice."
If your going to do something do it well and that electrical outlet is not a vending machine so stop trying to put that penny in the slots
The best advice my father has ever given me... "The key in life is proper communication. So much trouble can be avoided if you just know how to get your point across. Wars are started over simple misunderstandings. And to get by well in this life, you have to learn how to work with people." Sage advice, from the unemployed control freak who spends his day watching TV and fantasizing about killing his ex-boss.
Be nice.
"Stay in school, success is gained by an education". I've been following this advice, and will until my scholar studies end one day.
Shoot to kill.
"Use protection (condoms)". The best advise ever.
I've always given them advice.
Keep your legs crossed...that was before I married. LOL
"Don't do drugs or I'll smack ya!" is a direct quote from my mother. It...kinda worked.
Get Lost.
"get out of my house and don't come back"
no ones perfect.
Make sure you protect yourself because you don't want any accidents walking around like your little brother Ernie.
To respect your elders. you will be there one day yourself.
“Our greatest regrets are the chances that we do not take.” -Mom This is one of the best piece of advice I’ve ever received; they are words that I live by. What are yours? Often we look to famous people for advice, but often the best pieces of advice come from the ordinary people in our lives. You are invited to take part in a project paying tribute to these people and the advice that they gave you. Want to Participate? Handwrite the best piece of advice you’ve ever recieved on anything you want, take a photograph and email them to: [email protected] The advice can be long, short, funny, thoughtful…anything. The advice can be written on anything (no perverted submissions, please….seriously.) Tell your friends about it! This is a thesis project! See advice:
"Get the hell out of here" hahaha! Hi friend!
"Your life is your own. Do not spend it all worrying about us when we're old." My father said this five minutes before my mother yelled for me to get her a drink.
Respect. If you show respect to other people, you receive respect in return. This advice has worked for me for 64 years. Any young people out there need some really good advice? Okay, read the above, put it to use and see what happens.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
quote: YOU (A**HOLE, IDIOT, DUMBA** something to that extent) GET THE F*** THE ROAD! Happens whenever someone drives badly.
Finish up college before joining the military. :)
Remember that you don't own other people.
My father told me that no matter how well i did in life,never forget where i came from.
If you are going to do something do it right or don't do it at all!
I didn't get any good advice.
Obey them.
do as i say not as i do
I think reminding me of the starving people in China/India etc , in order to get me to eat, actually helped, believe it or not, because I do voluntary aid work in INdonesia and assist in getting supplies to other countries in need. ( I still would have gladly given them my mother's cooking! lol)
Never Play With Matches;) You could Get Burned;)!!
When I've finished doing it my way try God.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. AND. Be yourself. Always.
my father- keep your left arm straight on your golf swing my mother- work hard and dont pay any attention to what your father says
Be consistent and reliable.
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