monopoly, i am a pro i mean won championships lol.
Scrabble. It's not just about having a good vocabulary. There is quite a bit of strategy involved
Diplomacy. It can loosely be considered a board game. It requires almost no luck.
Chess, by far!
yatzee is hard sometimes for me!
Chess :-)
Axis and Allies, its a fun game, but requires a lot of strategy...
Chess. It's not just a game anymore.
chess and risk.
Chess and Sorry!
id have to go w chess
Chess and Yahtzee.
Chess with scrabble as a distant second. Scrabble does requires an excellent vocabulary, and someone with a dictionary so you can verify that onomanopoeia is a word.
chess and Aviation
Dune and Mousetrap. +5
Chess. I noticed some people mentioning Scrabble too. Scrabble however, involves a significant amount of luck: what letters are drawn - when they're drawn, which opportunities present themselves - at what point in the game, who goes first (entirely luck), etc. (This isn't to say that skill doesn't matter.)
foreplay for adults.
Linda Joy
Around the world in bed? Some of those positions are not at all enjoyable!
I want to say chess, but the answer is "Operation". That shit is harder than doing real surgery on someone. Especially as you get older and your hands are bigger and not as steady.
Linda Joy
Chess probably. But if it wasn't a board game then poker +5
Three tiered chessboards. Three games at once.
chess +5
Blokus. Most definently. Especially the 3D one...
Star Fleet Battles. It is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game. You have to track all of your ship's energy production.
Forbidden Island.
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