That's a lot of hot
Definitely have no problem with wind turbines as it is renewable energy. And close to where I live we have the largest wind turbine farm in Europe.
The energy is there to harvest; why not use it?
I think that they have promise, but it's unfulfilled promise as of yet. I live in northern NY where there is a lot of controversey surrounding them. Personally I think that we have to combine a lot of technologies in an effort to get off foreign oil. If that means having fields of windmills,along with increased oil drilling in the united states and off-shore, and other means, then lets do it if it can be shown to lower energy prices and get us off of middle east scum bags.
I think it's tremendous. It should be used more widely. People should be more interested in it.
Interesting idea. What I would like to know is this: How long would it take to generate the energy out of a wind mill that was necessary to produce it in the first place (i. e. energy needed to produce the steel, manufacture the parts, ship them to the site, construct the mill, etc. pp.)? Nobody seems to have thought about this question.
Any sensible investor has thought about the initial costs, maintenance, distribution and expected life of a windmill. There is a net gain in more ways than one. The same goes for solar. Did you know that before the Rural Electrification act was passed (in the thirties i think) mahy farms generated their own electricity from Jenson Generator. They had to remove their wind turbines in order to get electricity lines ran to thier house.. So much for free market diversity in the earlier stages.
It sounds good to me royal but didn't some billionaire just give up his plans for wind farms a couple of days ago? Don't know why because he was all over the TV advertising it months ago. Happy Thursday! :)
The wind is free to use, so why not use it.
What's not to like about wind power? I can only think of two things. One. Some people will complain about the looks of the big metal structures fouling the view of natural scenery. Two. If we build enough of these things to power every electric thing on earth, we might be using so much wind that we slow the rotation of the earth!
Open your mouth and blow.
ok my thoughts about wind power is that it is very useful helpful to us and to you cuz you can just blow on something!!!!!! Get it?
My thoughts...i often wonder why ever town is not set up with wind power, for at least some of it's power consumption.
Look up the Rural Electrification Act (enacted long ago)
Too expensive per watt produced. Takes up too much land. Difficult and expensive to manage distributed generation from intermittent sources.
I am very in favour of it. I live in the UK, which aside from being an island which means off-shore windfarms are possible, has the most inland wind in Europe. Wind power with the newest turbines has the possibility of generating a lot of energy. The fly in the ointment is people who protest about the appearance of turbines on hills - there is plenty of high ground which coud be used for windfarms. The biggest wind farm in the country is just near us and within view from our house. There was a lot of protest about it before it was built, but now a lot of people like how it looks - it has become a local landmark since it can be seem from 15 miles away. It has become a tourist attraction and there are always people walking up to see it. There is even a calendar of it! I have been up to the farm and walked around the turbines. From 100 yards away, you cannot hear a sound. When you stand right under one, it makes a gentle kind of swooshing sound which is not as loud as the deafening natural wind in your ears. There are 26 turbines in the farm, they are planning to build another one nearby with 24 turbines. The 26 turbines provide energy for 40,000 homes. Personally, I am very pro wind power. I live in the North of England, there are many high and barren moors around here and I think the turbines have their own beauty. I can see them from my bedroom window, and I like them. If I had my way half the high moors in the area would be covered with turbines :-)
waste of money, waste of time, bad for the environment, bad for land scape, bad for property owners.
Would be nice if it worked like some say it's supposed to. Until all the bugs are out, let's not close down the coal and other plants yet. Though, honestly, I think more money, research, and effort should go into researching, developing, and perfecting nuclear.
Wind does not blow all the time. Wind cannot be conveniently ordered to blow during peak usage times. Electricity as scalable as a regional power grid cannot be stored. Once the windmills are in place, the same environuts who pushed for their use become all up in arms about the killed birds that fly into the blades. Even Ted Kennedy advocated such clean energy sources until it came time to place them in his favorite boating haunts. Due to the inherent limitations, wind power cannot attain more than a small single-digit percentage of power needs in any locale, unless households are willing to give up all electrical energy use except two hours a day of lighting, as was common 70 years ago.
The biggest obstacle to wind and solar power generation is that it shifts the economic "Power" base to decentralized power generation. Then who would pay the "pumper" of oil? The huge plus is zero emissions, renewable resource, adding employment locally and reducing the need for fossil fuels.
to me it's just pipedreams; not at all really that practical when you have to rely on THE WIND? gimme a break........but I guess there are some places where it'd work,,,,,,but I"d never support it!!!!!!
No. I can give you facts online and off, but not thoughts on wind energy.
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind.
I think it's another fine option.
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