Dilithium crystals are at the heart of the power for all Federation phasers and they are what power the main engines of the various Federation starships.
Phaser power can be generated from a number of sources, Worp drive power can be diverted to the weapons systems, Impulse power can be diverted to the weapons systems, Fusion generators can be a source of power for the phasers, The ships Primary power however is main source of power for the phasers.
All variants of the 24th-century Type I & II hand phasers and Type III Phaser Rifles store energy in a sarium krellide cell. Phasers are based on the rapid nadion effect, whereby energy is passed through a special phaser crystal resulting in a discharge of short-lived nadion particles.
In the Star Trek universe, nadions are artificially created particles which disrupt the nuclei of atoms, thus disintegrating them.
According to fandom it was a power cell.
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