yes, parrots (2 of my own) and the cat who isn't mine. SO, three pets live here.
No I only have Kitty Litty.
5 rats, a tortoise and lots of fish.
Yep, have 4 cats. And they are all spoiled and have me well trained. Had 2 of them (brother and sister) for 9 years now, the other 2 for about 3 years. They are very special to me.
Nope NUNYA.;-) invis. +6
No. I used to have two rabbits, (Pixie Dust and Thumper) but they both died of cancer. =[
just 2.
no just two crazy cats
We've got four cats, two dogs and two ponies which are leased out.
I have a cat and two dead goldfish.
2 cats and a bunch of fish!
No one unruly dog! aviator!
One dog. Two cats who are carrying the feline leukemia virus.
Two dogs, and three fish. And about twenty sandhill cranes, if you count them. I feed them sometimes.
Just 2 dogs now we had three but the one had to be put to sleep for health reasons =( we miss him
No just two goldfish Not home enough for more than that....
Yeah..two dogs, three cats :D
I own 3 parrots, 3 guinea pigs, 1 rat, 1 gerbil, 3 fish, and 7 doggies.
Nopes... no pets, but a few squirels live on the tree in the back yard
I have two dogs. I miss my cat. :( :( : :|
no only have the two puppies,,,,and their quite a hand full at the best of times,,,LMAO,,,
I did a week ago. But one went paws up.
Just got rid of a 55 gallon freshwater fish tank and I have 2 cats.
yep I have 4 DOGS & 2 new fish.
NO pets yet...not have time for me what about pet then...
10 currently, but who knows; maybe someone else will drop off another tomorrow!
6 Cats :)
Yes ~ Six cats :)
Yes I have a houseful, Only one kid left so they're the children now.
I've got... [counting on fingers]
yes i have 4 cats and 1 hamster.
5 cats
Pets are a huge responsibility! I wish I could! I need some company! [email protected]
we have 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 14 chickens
Yes we have 4, three cats and one very large dog :-)
Yes, 4 dogs, 1 cat, 2 rats, 3 lizards, 2 snakes and countless fish.
Yes, a dog and 2 parakeets.
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