Living for a year with the French? Uh . . . no thank you! I'll take the Italians - they're crazy but they're not rude and arrogant.
Boola Boo
Their culture is different is all.. The French think Americans are forward and shallow. The cultural differences crete a big misunderstanding,
Italy. I could always commute to the French museums.
Are you offering? I'll choose Italy.
Neither thanks.
Italy, near the shore
france they have some dank shit
I'd like to live for a year in India.
I'd rather live in China for a year.
The border.
I've been to both Italy and France many times, and really enjoyed them both. I lean a little to France, especially the magnificent City of Paris..."The City of Lights". I've never expienced rudeness in either country. But a year? I think I'd rather stay put right here in the good old U.S.of A. Thanks for the invitation, though...+5
No place like the good old USA.
Italy. Not just because I can speak Italian, I think they're generally nicer.
I lived for 3 years in Italy and visited France for 4 days. IF you are under 40 go Italy over go france.
I'll take Italy, great food, great sports and great food. LOL, I like Italian food
France would be more my style!
Hmmm. I don't know. It'd probably be Italy. Though I love France. Tricky tricky. I think France is bit too sophisticated for the likes of me. I couldn't manage that level of classy for a whole year. But I speak a bit of French and no Italian. But Italy seems more lively. Give me half a year in both, then I'll go and have another year in Greece, and another one in New York. Then I'll go home.
If I had to pick between the two, I might go for Italy, Liguria region to be exact. :-)
Italy. I do like France but I have no inclination to live there!
I'm not sure since I have never visited either. But if were one, probably would be Italy.
I'm quite happy with living here in Denmark. And if I want to, I can drive to Italy and France, even though I would take more than a day
Italy...friendlier people, more impressive culture (what?!), and (dare I say it) better food. +6
Neither. I'd rather stay in the good old US of A!
It's astonishing how ignorant some people can be and how easy it is to draw totally uninformed, jaundiced howls from the xenophobic mob. People in North of Italy for example are like aliens compared to the ones around Naples, and believe me that's the way they describe one another, they don't even speak the same language. The ones in the South are nothing like either of the other two. Similarly, France is huge, so why people say all French are unfriendly is nothing short of unenlightened prejudice. To say all French are cowardly is simply crass stupidity considering that without their bravery, D-day would never have taken place. So leave them alone, if you don't want to say anything positive, say nothing.
I suppose Im quite lucky living in the UK as Im close to both. I have lived in Italy before so I would probably have to go back, Lake Como is the most beautiful, serene place I have been..... but then I LOVE Paris. So it would have to be 6 months in each!
France :)
neither, id rather be in upstate ny
Due to current situations, I would not want to even visit France where Muslims terrorists run wild. Italy has closed its borders, so I would feel much, much safer there. I am from Japan where Muslims are banned, and that is the best thing to do, when they cause so much trouble and want to force their beliefs upon everyone.
not sure since ive never been there
I'm from Italy, and I've also lived in France, Germany, Spain and the USA.
Italy, superior food!
Personally, I would rather live in France. The language is beautiful and I'm learning it. Also, my sister visited Italy and she told me she had a disturbing experience there. They don't take kindly to minorities. I have no interest in visiting such a country.
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
But the benefits for minorities are awesome, did someone pay for your trip?
Probably in France since I'm trying to learn french. I'd like to live in a nice area. I've heard France is not the cleanest most beautiful place in the world.
I have a good friend from Italy, so I much prefer it. Muslim gangs run wild in France, but Italy is removing them.
N, I have but one account here. Why do so many trolls accuse people of having several accounts?
Both, unless I fall in love with someone in the first of the two I visit.
Both places I'd like to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in either.
I have always wanted to live in France or Switzerland
Italy, as I enjoyed the visit back in the nineties with my Italian family:) We had a wonderful time. Would have to really learn more Italian, though I know quite a bit.
I don't like rude people so I'd say Italy.
Italy studying painting
Neither would be my choice. Certainly the locals are obnoxious and the landscape is to blow your brains out for, but they do brew an exceptionally delightful dark beer to enjoy beyond all reason as you sit on your mackerel crate overlooking the makeshift sewerage farm as the rain pours and the nearest laundry is fifty miles away.
Would I have to learn to use a white flag of surrender when I land in France?
Been to both...Neither.
If it weren't for my language barriers, I would like to live in France and Italy.
I've been to both countries and would not live in either one.
Neither. I'll pass on the leftist held countries overrun with illegals. I'd pick Uruguay or Argentina
I loved in Paris for a month. Don't EVER TRY To Speak French to them. They would rather speak English than have you BUTCHER their language.
If you like living in apartments, then France is your place.
I've been to both...neither
both have large antisemitic communities
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