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if i'm going out in public yes, if i'm staying home, then no
I usually participate in oral sex after I have brushed my teeth and before I go to sleep. Nothing better than tasting my lover on my mustache when I wake up in the morning.
Why brush your teeth, is it gross or bad, I think not.
only if he cums in my mouth
I brush before giving her oral. but I would never brush after drinking her fluids... I love to savour her tatste and fragrance and her erotic flavor...
no never after,,,i like the taste to linger as long as posible,,,shame to waste all that hard work
NO, I brush before giving her the oral sex... I never brush after giving oral sex I love to savor her taste, have her fragance on me and let teh flavor last longer on my tongue.
No, but my boyfriend brushes his.
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