Local libraries... Goodwill (I'm sure)...
Probably Goodwill, or your local library. I would go with Library because more people will get to use them.
Library? oh hell no...they'll refuse them as they have their OWN zillions of DVDs!!! why not to a nursing home? most of them have little money for entertainment 'stuff' and would surely appreciate it!!!
Send them to our troops overseas. :-)
A library or a charity that helps veterans.
charity shop
Library Old Peoples Home Charity Shop. ME.
Why not slap a 2$ each sign on them and make you a 1000 dollars they should sale very quickly at that price.
send them to the troops
Salvation Army
VA hospitals, homeless shelters, womens crisis centers, Ronald McDonald houses, pediatric wings in hospitals, hospices, the list is endless - I'm sure you'll find a grateful recipient.
I'll take them off your hands
What Remingtion said! Our troops can put them to much better use! Sadly they eventually fall into the hands of foreigners, and they learn how to drive watching them.
Thank you for your generosity. It would depend on the contents of the 500 DVDs. As a general rule, the DVDs should be given to where the needs are more urgent and greatest. May I take the liberty to propose the following places: communal public library (accessible to everybody), schools and club library.
Brainstorming on where to donate 500 DVDs: -- local public library (anyone can borrow them for free) -- one or more Senior Centers or Battered Women's Shelters (where there may also be kids) or Independent Living Centers (people with disabilities) or some to each!!! -- Goodwill or Salvation Army or any other thrift shop who in turn give their profits to a NON-PROFIT organization or project or program. Many non-profits have stores as one of their fundraising efforts - so if they have donated items to sell, it's more money for their charity. -- If any of them are documentaries (nature, history, science, etc) - then you could contact or consider donating those in particular to a local public school or a wider area school board so they can circulate amongst teachers for their classes. -- Could split them up and donate 100 each to five individual places - chosen from above categories or others you come up with. And of course, it's WONDERFUL that you have such a question to begin with. You're about to do something that has the potential to benefit many. Speaks well for your own character!!
Sell them back to Movie Gallery or where ever you bought them and even at a discounted fee--you should make enough to take your clan out to eat to a restaurant of your choice. Have a good time and Smile Alot.
When my mom passed away after being in a nursing home, an excellent one, by the way, I donated my old VHS player and several tapes.......the lady in charge was thrilled......there were over 60 tapes!! and I called her back few weeks later and she said every Friday night they have popcorn and watch my tapes!!!!!!!! I was pleased that I could to that in my mom's you might consider donating to a local nursing home........... but of course, first ask if they have a DVD player!!!!!! it would be very much appreciated, I'm sure!!! just ask for the person in charge of recreation.........
A homeless shelter?
Me. I'll keep all the ones I want and sell the ones I don't want.
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