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  • Well, if you're a guy then it is probably your hormones. It's actually very natural for most guys to feel that way during times like puberty for example, when you have a lot more hormones going through your system. *shrugs* I'm no medical expert though sorry
  • Hormones; and can also be linked to psychological pressure and stimulations around you or that you expose your mind to..such as magazines, videos, other bragging people who make you feel that you are missing out on something. Hormones are probably the biggest contribution.
  • Are you a man or a woman? I am horny all the time and I am a 42 year old woman. A lot of it has to do with testosterone levels of which mine are very high. The only problem for me is that it distracts me from my responsibilities. My pussy aches and throbs constantly and no matter how many times I have an orgasm I still want more. I have cheated on my husband a few times as well and even that didn't cure me, I still want more. So look at this least your libido is high and be thankful since so many people have no sex drive whatsoever and if you can figure out how to bottle it and sell some of your horniness let me know cause we could get rich. Good Luck
  • Aren't all men horny all the time?
  • You have a higher hormone than Brain cell count> Not an uncommon state with some men who often think with the wrong head.
  • are you a guy? if yes, i think thats your answer!
  • You're male.
  • well its happening to me too, ive been so horny for so long that it even bothers me. and the thing is sex and masturbation dont make it stop. I dont think its a sickness or anythign but i cant control it, its kinda annoying..
  • I am a 26 year old female and I am not ever horny. I thought I would answer this in the opposite direction. I wish I were. I am always thinking about sex and nothing happens. My husband is 26 also and he is always trying to dry hump my leg like a golden retreiver. I wish sometimes that he would leave me alone, but then I am afraid that he will lose interest in me and cheat on me, which happened a couple of times when we first started our relationship. I don't need any advice or anything, I just wanted to shed some light that this can be just as annoying as being horny all the time.
  • becouse your human.
  • im a 33 year old healthy married woman, i have sex about 1 or 2 times a week....i wish i had it 1 or 2 times a day....i'm always horny, especially right after my this normal for most woman?
  • im horny all the time because i have a huge... penis and i stick my finger in my ass....

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