the big house? here we say chookie too
Correction facility
In the nick.(sorry no points
The Slammer!
The Big House
the pen.
The Pokey
The Can
In Texas jails and prisons are different things. But "The Clink" covers them both.
the klink
The brig. And you know that jail and prison are two very different things, right? (also, they are now capitalized.)
They are only capitalized when referring to a specific jail or prison. Example: He went to jail when he was 18. - He was locked up in the Jackson County Jail.
the gray-bar motel. LOL!
Pokey Hoozegow Da Joint
Penitentiary or pen Lockup Pokey The big house Cage Incarceration Behind bars Doing time
hell big house cell clink penitentiary
Hoosegow (or is that Canadian Slang?) The "Max" (Definitely Canadian; for Maximum Security Prison)
Hoosegow Penitentiary Lock-up Corrections or Correctional Institution +5
I love it when people say they were "away" when they were in jail!!! I've heard it called the cooler too.
"in the tank" "the in fort" "being processed" "The Barred Inn" (not to be confused with 'the Bard's Inn') Stalag Hoosegow The hold
your new
HELP!!!!!! I didnt Do it.!! Im inoceint Tears..Tears LET ME GO!!!
Joint, pokey, slammer, big house,
Gaol is a French word for jail that is sometimes used in certain English speaking countries like Ireland for instance.
Jailhouse Rock:
The forced rape & subjugation place sponsored by all states & all governments
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