No sorry..I have better things to spend money on!!
It is at the top of my list...
Nope. I don't gamble so its not really THAT fun for me. Even when I'm in Vegas I get bored but drinking is always fun. When in Vegas, right?
Actually "You" going to a casino is more fun for me as it puts money in my pocket!!!
Yes as it provides a needed distraction from life. The people watching is also fun.
No, I know funner ways to squander money.
If I have to money to waste. Of course if I was Obama I could waste everyone else's money.
I work too hard for my money to think it is fun to give it all away on a game that my chances of winning are one in a million.
Actually "YOU" going to a casino is more fun for me as it puts money in my pocket!!
Been to Vegas, live close to Atlantic City, have done the cruise and riverboat gambling thing and the Indian casino thing. After a while it gets boring. I'd rather just play cards with the guys.
Yes it is, we are a dwindling number who enjoy Atlantic City. Gamble a little, enjoy a show and the boardwalk. And Vegas is the best.
No, for I don't gamble and don't like to be around smokers.:)
never been to Id have to say no!
No. Casinos are full of drugs, booze, and gambling. I don't go to places like that.
No I am afraid it is not.I lived in Vegas for two years and it is so sad watching people waste what they have worked for all year.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I bet it is. How did you know they had spent the whole year making it?
We went to Vegas last Fall. One visit was plenty. We live near a riverboat casino ... it's just not that interesting. I'm just not a gambler. The best part is the people watching.
nope...may as well flush my hard earned $$ down the toilet...
oh yes I love the lights and the sounds. However I got into some big trouble a while back due to addiction so as much as I would like to go back, probably not a good idea
No..I always have bad luck and I say that I'm jinxed and I'm jinxed so that I wouldn't have to spend my hard earned money.
No. I like going to Vegas beause the shows.
Oh yeah... now that is a blast....
You mean standing there flat broke hoping some sucker will give me a buck? Not really.
thtz ONE place i've nevr had a bad time... gues i wud go nxt month or so... nw itz 'race-time'... wudnt miss it... :D... peace!!!
I really don't like going to the casino, I think people really get crazy with gambling..I love the theatre and musems...I will take that over the casino any day..
But of course...
i haven't gotten into gambling yet, but i'll try it out soon. hopefully i'll get lucky!
not really, but ok.
No, not really. :-)
it is an outing,.
No; Gambling does not interest me in the least ... I MIGHT go to see a "Show" ect ... if I was in vegas ..
i don't enjoy them very much. If Hubby has a meeting in Los Vegas or Reno, I can usually find something fun to do, but it's not really on my 'list'.
No, not at all.
yes it is because it is fun to do
Not really. The idea of having my money practically stolen is not my idea of fun.
This summer it is, only because I'm seeing a concert there next month.
Casino's are great fun and you don't even need to gamble to have that fun either...Just walking down the street in Vegas is fun lol So much to do and see, an adult Disney world if you will...
It was before I had been to Vegas my first time in March '08.
Already have done, but it was because of the late night mid-week drinking for a celebration. I am not a gambler.
Yes, going to gamble is fun... Also, not even just for gambling but because there are more things to do in AC & Las Vegas than just gamble.
Hardly! Giving my money to people who rig things so that the house always wins is not my cup of tea.
i like to pull the thingee !
No, it doesn't interest me much :]
somestimes it but not very often because money is so tight these days
Yes. I enjoy a weekend in Tahoe once a year or so. ;-)
love the shows but I don't like losing my money
Yes. I usually take a minimum of $300 with me when I go.
I went to a casino on Christmas. Boring. Short Staffed, Long Waits, Broken Machines and it took so long to serve us dinner we went to Denny's
against my religion. watching people lose money isn't my idea of fun.
I hate to lose my money.
I like the shows and the beautiful women there.
Yeah I really love throwing money away and watching people with no morals. Not the sort of place I want anything to do with. Why do all casinos have plenty of hookers?
see a show, check out the buffet
No . I do not advise anyone. This is a waste of money
17 july2022....never,i hate losing good hard earned cash
That and throwing wads of money into a fire.
I am a sore-loser but I like the shows and the restaurants.
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