I've already listened to them. They make some good points, but I'm not going to become a Jehovah Witness. SO I would just say "thanks, i got the message already."
I used to do all kinds of things, from drinking right out of the whiskey bottle to asking them question after question till THEY wanted to leave. Now, I just tell them to leave me alone and close the door.
Thanks but no thanks.....I have a no solicitation sign so I am not bothered.
I'd be polite and listen to them, but I wouldn't give them any money.
I once tried to be polite but after 30 minutes of them STILL not leaving and me nicely saying I'm not interested, I started getting rude and eventually just walked away.
The last time they came to me I tried to talk to them but the bible kept getting in the way.
I pretend I am a mere house servent and my monthly stipend is barely enough to live on.
Close the door
Offer them a beer! :-) but they never accept?
I put on my "I LOVE JESUS" shirt....they usually leave shortly after
Hand them literature and try to convert them.
I just dont answer the door, but they always leave papers on the porch. Can I say, "LITTER!" LOL
As a rule I don't answer the door for unsolicited callers. If this were to happen though I'd treat them as I do any other Christian (it would be true for other religions if they did this but only Christians seem to engage in this behavior) proselytizer or any salesman for anything. I politely inform them that I am not interested. Then I close the door. The JWs are at least polite. Not like the evangelicals who troll my neighborhood with their grubby little rug-rats in tow, preaching about the torments of the "end times."
Tell them to get their heathen asses off my property and to tell the rest of their kind that they are not welcome here.
Shut the door while they are in mid sentence.
I don't know about where you live, but here, they do not ask for money. Thay ask for time. They are looking for converts. Which later turns into money I am sure if one falls in love withtheir message. Since they are polite, I am also. But I cut it off quickly.
ask them if they actually practice what they preach if they say yes, then say so do i and shut the door
indicate that i'm a devil worshiper and that i appreciate the publicity that they give my cause
I've already threatened to have my dog run 'em off our property. Told them she was trained to "approach" on one certain word, then told them that they didn't want me to have to use that word.........they promptly left. Another time I told them my last name, they turned white as sun bleached sheets and left very quickly. My last name sounds Jewish, but I am not Jewish........they have never returned since. We must now be on their "do not visit" list as I see 'em walking through the neighborhood but they by-pass us.
This works for Mormon's and Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone else toting their religious views door-to-door. Simply tell them that you are not in the market for a new religion and close the door. I know that it seems rude to close the door in their faces, but if you give them any reason to persist, they will.
They wouldn't ask for money, full stop. they are not like other religions, i have friends who are Jehovah's witnesses, they would accept a donation if you gave them one but never never ask for money.if anything they would go out of their way to help you at their own cost. and you should allways listen,its a good quality to have, ive learnt many many things. :)
They don't ask for money at the door. I usually say, politely, as I would for anyone else. "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested and am quite busy right now." Then I close the door.
JW's don't come asking for money. How I deal with them depends on how ornery I am feeling. Sometimes I offer them a meal of steamed babies. Other times i invite them in for an orgy or let them know my religion believes that bible studies must be done all nude.
Why not play the song "I'm Gonna Knock on Your Door" for them?:
Tell them that you know that they are imposters, since Witnesses are not after your money.
"Asking for your money". really, someone said that to you? You may have a Jehovah's Witness explain that "The world wide preaching work is supported entirley by voluntary donations, and if you would like to make such a small donation, tou are welcome to do so". That is the most that you will hear though. If someone is aking you outright for money - be carful, there may be some persons in your neighborhood running some sort of scam.
Let my mother in law handle. Holy beejeezers! The woman is worse than a Rottweiler...and bigger too!
I slam the door on them and go back to bed
The Jehovah's Witnesses that have come to my door have never asked me for money. They have given me their pamplet which I have accepted without a donation. I guess that is why they don't come that often.
When they have finished their speech, I tell them politely,"That's all good and well. Let me tell YOU about Satanism...." and proceed to tell them all I know about it (which is nothing, but they're so devout--how do they know the difference?)
They would know the difference I can assure you. But they would not criticize or argue with you. Some of JWs have been involved in all sorts of religions, sects etc so whatever you discuss there may be someone who knows.
tell them I've heard their message before and I am not interested...but thanks anyways.
Tell them to go away..I met their kind before..
Answer the door in a thong and a ball gag.
People who try to peddle religion at my door get short shrift from me,as do travelling salesmen.
I am not JW..but know alot of them...but asking for money is not a thing they do or i have ever known of or heard!!!
If they come to my door and ask for money, I call the local Kingdom Hall or one of my sisters and hand the phone over, after explaining what is going on. JW's do NOT ask for money, and for this question, either you had scammers or you are making it up.
ok listen close cuz this gets pretty complicated... buy a gun... and uh.... wow thats it...guess its not really as complicated as i thought...
If someone comes to your door asking for money and say they are Jehovah's Witnesses...close the door and call the police, because it is a scam. Jehovah's Witnesses do not ask for money. They believe it is better to give than to receive.
They didn't ask for money and I just ignored them. Shame too because they were nice looking ones and if they had given up that racket, I might had gotten to know them better.
I say, as i have many a time before; "Sorry, but im afraid i dont have any relegion or beliefs. You may have strong beliefs, and thats cool, but not really my thing, sorry." I try to be polite, though it is hard.
Just ask them to not return you are not intrested. Worked for me. +5
I tell them there is a no soliciting rule in my neighborhood, then call the police. Bothering people and harassing them about their religion is the RUDEST thing you can do. And here, they dont stop when you tell them to go away. They stand on the front porch with a door slammed in their face still fucking talking -_-
I tell them I have my own beliefs and am not looking for a change.
The same way I handle Kirby sales people. I thank them for their time and concern for my soul and politely decline
i say " take a hike you scum sucking onion heads".
The same way I treat other Christians who come to my door seeking to convert me. I politely tell them that I am not interested, that they can keep their literature, wish them a very nice day, and shut the door. They have invariably been polite and moved on. Unlike some of the evangelists who want to argue with me and tell me that my immortal soul is in danger of burning in Hell, etc., ad nauseam, until I shut the door in their faces.
I treat them like a telemarketer or door to door sales rep. Sorry not interested thankyou I am busy got to go.
I answer with a gun in my waist band, they leave quickly.
Speak Russian to them, if they happen to know Russian,, speak physics to them, that's guaranteed to send them packing.
i used to arrange for bible study with 1 church, then argue them against islame, buddism, judiasm(every 2 weeks i would change) after 6 months he brought in the minister and we argued for about an hour. then they stopped comming. after i moved it seemed like too much trouble to do it over so when a sales person, witness, ect... comes to my door i strip down completly naked and answer the door acting like i dont even notice. if they dont leave immediatly i complane it is drafty and invit them in. it works flawlessly. not 1 returned person.
I actually haven’t had that happen for a *very* long time. They’re always welcome here, though. I treat them with respect, and as long as they do the same for me, we’ll probably both come away from the experience having learned something.
I invite them in, hand them my tv and.......
I talk to to them. i think it's interesting to listen to people with crazy beliefs. In fact, i've been known to actually invite them in. they don't threaten me at all.+3
After a few nice not interested responses didn't work, the next time they came by I told them I was the "anti-christ" and slam the door. Have had any come to my door in a couple of years or so. Apparantly it worked!
Open the door only about 6 inches and peer out, as if I'm trying to hold back a terrible JW eating monster. I have learned now to listen to about one sentence, then cut them off and so "No Thanks, I'm not interested - have a good day", and shut the door.
I steer them over to my neighbor who are Pentecostals.
It happened a few months ago and I just said: "Gracias, pero no nos interesa, que tengan suerte!" (Thanks, but we are not interested, Good Luck!) It works. You don't have to do like this old man who was a factory worker and a friend of one of my uncles...who said that one day he crossed from his bedroom to the bedroom across the living room where his wife was sitting while listening to a his underwear. That's not quite civilized....
Of all the ways of dealing with this sort of thing, I like Oberon & Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart's approach. Oberon invited them in, sat them down, and began to chat; and then Morning Glory came into the room stark naked. They left.
A: No, we never ask for money. B: You can be a member for years and never give money. There are no collection plates or "mandatory tithes." There's a little box in the very back corner of the hall... whoever can give will give whatever they can. No one reports who gave what. The only exception is during large assemblies. If we have to rent a big convention center or stadium... then, we'll set up a few donation boxes around the stadium for people to donate. The person watching the box is NOT to ask for anything... they're just there to make sure no one makes off with the box because the assemblies sometimes have tens of thousands of people... and it's open to the public. ... we used to ask for a donation of... like... a quarter if you accept literature to cover printing costs... but that ended like... 25 years ago
Fire a warning shot first.
I was going to say that they never ask for money but it looks like that's been corrected. Good day!
Totally befuddle them with my superior knowledge of the Bible. ( I've done this repeatedly over the years with Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, pentacostalists and various assorted cults. ) : )
be polite and tell them that i am very busy at the moment
politely ask them to never come back on my property and close the door.
Thank them very much, and say that I've looked into this deeply and that I have to agree to disagree with them, because I believe the Holy Spirit is an entity not a commodity, and I don't believe that Jesus Christ does a double shift as Archangel Michael. That usually gets them leaving very willingly, and seems to also put me on a 'do not knock' list. Hooray!
quick, call the mormons and ask them to come right over. sit back with my video-camera and watch the debate that ensues on my front yard.
Sit there smiling, there never expect the trap door into the rancor pit! MUAHWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I would in all in real case probably close the door on them... or fall asleep standing up while they talk.
a real Jehovah's Witness will never ask for money.
no....Jehovah's Witnesses never ask for money and if you meet one,absolutely they are impostors...
Hide behind the sofa.
send them home
tell them youre busy and shut the door
Politely smile, say "no thank you", and close the door.
I treat them as other beggars, now that I do not have a foundation with the Jehovah's Witnesses. All they can get from me is my two cents. :)
They've never asked me for money.
I jut tell them that I do not want to hear them and ask them to leave.
Put them in the freezer with the folks collecting for the homeless shelter and the kid who was selling magazines. Then I'll look for their picture on the milk cartons.
JW’s don’t solicit. They just share Bible Scriptures with interested people and offer a free study of the Bible (Mat 25:14, 28:19).
I tell them a very long story, eventually the fall asleep!
If somebody comes to my door claiming to be one of Jehovah's witnesses asking for money I know right off the bat that they're not one of Jehovah's witnesses I've been to plenty of kingdom halls I've gone from door to door many a Time. Jehovah's witnesses do not solicit donations. They may briefly mention to you if you wish to make a contribution you can but they don't stand there with their hand held out. They don't come up to your door and say hi my name is Joe I'm selling copies of the watchtower. More often than not Jehovah's witnesses give you a free copy of one of the literatures. That they have paid for with their own money. It is a fact that most of the Jehovah's witness ministers are in the hole financially as far as getting more donations back then they've spent in gas and other things to come talk to you about Jesus. Yeah when somebody comes up to my door and claims to be one of Jehovah's witnesses and starts begging money I'm going to know it's not one of Jehovah's witnesses because they just don't do that. If somebody comes to your door claiming that they're one of Jehovah's witnesses and starts begging a donation out of you you might want to be wary and protect yourself. Don't let the person in your door don't let the person see where your money is. If it's really one of Jehovah's witnesses they're going to be very discreet and not make an issue out of getting your money
If somebody who claims to be one of Jehovah's witnesses comes to my door and starts preaching I know pretty fast if they're one of Jehovah's witnesses. Jehovah's witnesses use the word Jehovah a bit! And they'll offer you literature they'll tell you politely that you're free to make a donation but they don't stand there and wiggle their hand in front of your face until you give them a donation. I have never had one of Jehovah's witnesses just come up to my door and say hey we need some money for the preaching work can you make a donation? If that happens I have to seriously question if there really one of Jehovah's witnesses
Since they aren't supposed to ask for money, I report them to the local Kingdom Hall.
I have stood on my porch and spoken with the JWs 50+ times, and will again. Their conversation does me no harm. I have NEVER had one ask me for money, not once.
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