Heck no!! If you continue to call him, he will know several things. One, that you still care, two, that he could probably still sleep with you, and, three, that you are weak, and have nothing better to do with your life than to call and harrass him. Don't give him the satisfaction of having that kind of power over you. Fake it until you make it. Pretend that you couldn't care less about him or his life, because eventually--you won't.
No. There really isn't any point. Clearly, he isn't interested in rekindling things or maintaining a friendship. It's okay for you to miss him, that is natural, but calling him isn't a good way to quash that feeling. I don't mean to offend you by saying this, so please don't take it the wrong way. I hated it when one of my exes would get into an "I miss her" mood and start calling me. I would chat for awhile just to be nice, but. . .I just thought it was a little clingy. When it's over, it's over. Thank God for caller ID! Move on, that is the most healthy thing to do. Dwelling on a relationship that has ended won't do you or him much good. There are plenty of guys who would be happy to do more than "hardly call" you. Good luck :)
no no no no!!!!! no contact!!!!! its hard but that's the only way you will get over him! trust me.
Its over for him and it needs to be over for you. Don't call. You are torturing yourself only. Not healthy. You need to move on now.
Stop calling him, call someone else maybe your Mother, a Sister, a best friend. Don't show him your weekness. That just builds him ego. Oh look she still wants me. Try something different like I already mentioned.
i think it is obvious what you want to do, or you wouldn't be asking this! i also think you know what you should do. it's time to listen to yourself already -- you know better.
no don't call him. there are many more fish in the sea. take up a new hobby (no stalking is not considered a hobby). i know how it feels and getting into the rejected cycle sucks... stop hurting yourself you deserve more.
I think it's time to UPS your emotional baggage on an extended trip around the world several times by raft. Move on don't need him, you sure don't need to keep banging your head against a "wall." You'll be amazed at how good stopping will feel in a couple of months. Open your heart to the new and beautiful things that await your interest. Doing things YOU have wanted to do that he had no interest in doing. Going places you want to see, and eventually...meeting new people who will share your interests, goals and both give and accept support in creating the type of life you both want to the NOW...not the past.
It takes two. Stop calling him. Move on.
Don't call him because it only makes it harder on you. When you do actually talk to him, you will be on a high. But then when you go a while without hearing from him, you will come crashing back down. Once it's over, it's over. I agree with several of the other comments. The best answer is to get busy and active. Get involved in a hobby that will take your mind off of him. Any time you even think about calling him, call someone else instead. You have to show him that you're moving on and actions speak louder than words.
Move on. 'nuff said.
I know that this is hard for you! It seems that we've all been there at some point or another, and honestly, the only thing that you can do is "not" to call him. Why? Because: 1.) If he wanted to talk to you, he would call you. 2.) The more that you call him, the worse that it makes you like in his eyes. 3.) It will allow you to heal. "If" he does care about you and want to be with you again, then he will come to you when he is ready. if you continue to pursue a man that doesn't want to be with you, the farther that you will push him away. I went through the same thing many years ago, and while it was unbelievably difficult for me at the time, I took the advice of my close friends and did not contact him. Not only did he eventually call me, but by giving him the space that he needed to get "himself" together, we've been married almost 3 years. Does that mean that your guy will come back to you? No, it doesn't! But, what is does mean is that there is a greater chance that he "will" if you give him his space. The only way that he will long for you and miss you is if you're not there. Good luck!
Why torment yourself like that, move on
Watch the movie "Get over it" it should help, dont waste your time!!!
Hi there Why did you break up? How long had you been together? Who ended it, him? Continually phoning will delay your healing process as well as feed his ego or repel him. You say he shows little remorse, for all you know he may already have another love interest. Look into the future. Imagine if suddenly you ARE forced to forget him after seeing/hearing of him with another party? If you bump into each other again he will remember how you 'kept the fires burning' in the absence of reciprocated you will too, and not only will you have lost him to another lady, you will have lost your pride and dignity through inability to keep a graceful distance. Is this what you want? This is the wrong way round mate, i do not believe ladies should 'chase' a man in this way. We lose enough as it is following broken relationships. I would take up other interests, keep busy and see what happens. Im sure he knows you miss him.... and he shows little remorse. Nuff said!!!
You shouldn't be callim him dear. let it go...
The best thing for you to do if you really love him is to let him go. If you really truly mean something to him.. losing you may be the only way that he'll come to realize that in himself and when/if he does.. he can only hope you haven't stopped missing him and haven't found someone else. Sometimes when we pay too much attention to the person we care about they get used to it and they get spoiled by that so they don't appreciate us like they should. Sometimes when the attention is taken away and the love is removed.. they see things in a different perspective. But many factors are important. It also depends on what your relationship was like before. How did he treat you. Did he obviously care about you and did you do something to damage that. So my best advise.. move on for now and try to put him in the back of your mind. Take it a day at a time and see what the future holds.
Follow your AB name and letitgo. You have to move on. I dont know who broke up with whom here, but it doesnt matter. You're not together anymore and you have to find someone else. Once you start your new life- alone or with someone new, you will miss your ex less and less until you may thing of him once in a blue moon. Start doing things you love to do. You'll find someone new soon!
no because he seems to be over you but he might want to still be friends but if hes not calling you than ya its really over the next time you call him asking him if you and him are still friends.
Take your dialing digits and slam them into a car door if you are into pain.! All that does is let him know you have no life, still carry a torch and he can do whatever and knows you'll be there, just like a doormat to wipe his feet on. Mine left 10 weeks ago and when I get sad or lonely, I call a friend and just find a good hobby to do. No more pain, thanks.
I was in the exact same boat as you a few weeks ago and I learnt that the more i called him (which wasnt very often) the less he wanted to know and the more i wanted to know about him. After 4 weeks of no contact at all (NOT EVEN DRIVING PASSED HIS HOUSE!) i actually feel like im actually getting somewhere, im putting my life first for a change and although it hurts badly i can feel that im finally finding the right path. Thats what you need to do, find your own path in life and leave him to find his because theres no point clinging on to what has already been lost. By the sounds of it he has already started down his path alone- its time you found yours. Its your life- live it for you!
What if my ex girlfriend was the one who broke up with me and she still calls me up despite having someone else now (w/c is why she broke up with me in the first place).. I really don't know her deal anymore.. Its been more like a month already and i've been trying to move on.. However, every time she calls, she just reminds me of her.. I tried rejecting her calls and not replying to her messages but after a while, it gets exhausting.. Plus i don't want her to think i'm being bitter.. what should i do?
NO...i'm going through the exact same situation this week...and he refuses to call it's finally dawning on me that i'm making a fool of myself and i call literally everyone and anyone instead of him to prevent me from calling....they'll reassure me i'm doing the right thing by not calling him and they'll give me reasons of why i shouldn't be calling him...just don't call him...honestly it's the best revenge also - because you're showing you could care less about him and that you're better without him...!
He's an ex for a reason... don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that you're still thinking about him. It's just taking a step backwards when you need to move on.
Honey, firstly.... do yourself a favor! 1. STOP contacting him / her ASAP! No emails, no calls, no im, no sms, no hand written mail… NO NOTHING!!!!!! 2. LOOK at the woman / guy that you've become??? I mean seriously what happened to you? Since when did you "need" someone sOOOOooo MUCH to feel whole and complete as a person!??? you came into this world on your own didn't you? Now... trace back... can you remember the woman / Man you were before you met your ex? MY GOSH!!!! Run back to that PERSON claim back your independance and.... 3. Celebrate your new found FREEDOM! Do everything you wanted but couldnt do while you were with this person.... pick up on your old hobbies! etc.... learn a new skill. 4. NEVER EVER EVER >>> RUN AFTER YOUR EX, STALK HIM OR HER, TRY TO MAKE THEM JEALOUS! Dont waste your time trying to conjure up ways of winning them back etc as this will only break you down as you find yourself alone and all your attempts were in vain... also, it strips your relationship from its real worth… if you loved your ex or cared about them… I mean really would you degrade yourself and your relationship by being to emo, mope, be clingy, needy, crazy, stalker, nutty etc etc…. I think not…. Your' just gonna push your ex away and solidify their decision…. "THANK GOD I LEFT THIS CRAZY NUT!!! I'M GONNA STAY THE HELL AWAY!!!" (And I don't think that you want that now do you????) 5. DONT! waste your time on worrying about YOUR EX or / and his ex / now girlfriend / boy friend... dont try to cause any crap between the two of them and definately dont flaunt it that your ex is your ex.... just be nice :) polite, and if you can let it go to… tell him that you respect his decision and wish him all the best…. You will feel so much better… it doesn't mean that you are over your love but it will show them that you respect them enough in the decisions that they are making without causing a scene without trying to control or manipulate them…. And that means and says a lot to your ex partner….. ….. if she's / he's (your ex's new partner) is hostile towards you.... their the ones looking like the bitch... SO BE NICE!!! Why must you hate them, they are basically doing what you once did… and that was be you ex's partner….. & I know you know better…. 6. If you can trust yourself well enough to be his friend then by all means = DO IT!!! but don't! don't! don't! get caught in Friends with Benefits aka F.U.K Buddies…. Seriously get some self respect (YOUR NOT A BOWL OF 2 MINUTE NOODLES and in some cases "1"…HELL NO!!! Don't let them think that you should be kept around for instant relief when their feeling peck'ish & hungry) and who would want to do something so intimate with someone who just left your ass for someone else and to top that for a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP???? Where's the sanity, ofcourse they've unresolved issues & one could sympathize but think about it this way my babes, if your partner couldn't realize what they had with you…. WOW!!! Then they really aren't emotionally mature enough to have a serious and meaningful relationship! With anyone for that matter…. 7. Get out there & MAKE NEW FRIENDS! (don't use your ex's friends and fam to get to them…. Unless you want to lose them all) 8. Don't jump into a relationship because your ex is with someone…. You need to grieve your loss…. And its okay to cry and have a "WOW is me…. I'm all alone with no partner… because my partner left me for someone else BOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH! COME BACK TO ME COME BACK TO ME PARTY!!!!! (witchcraft is not allowed) 9. DO NOT DO DRUNK DIALLING STAY AWAY FROM THE PHONE!!! If you know that you are prone to such things switch it off and give it to your mates if your out at night… alone at home and pissed….switch em off, take out your sim cards… no amount of convincing yourself that it's the right thing to do at that precise moment in time is gonna justify how CRAP! Your gonna feel when you put that telephone down after you hear what they have to say…. As it might definitely be WHAT YOU DON'T WANNA HEAR…. 10. RETAIL THERAPY! …… phewwwwww…. Alright guys and girls…. That's me in a nut shell…. My ex and I have been apart for a month and a half yes he went back to his ex the very next day… but we both now what we had with each other…. Unfortunately I had to stay in contact with him up until last week because of certain things we had to sort out… but I lived by these thoughts in my head the day he told me it was over….. And I don't regret it… as I'm not hurting myself… Im moarning my loss and they don't know…. And its always best to hold your head up high! Think about…. (",) I know its hard and I know its painful it tears at your very being and consumes you whole.... please remember the person you are at heart.... STRONG!!!! I am seriously open to hearing from anyone who needs a "friend" to talk to etc…. So please mail me: [email protected]
He's an ex, not part of your circle anymore. It's best to let him go and move on. Neither of you can really do that when you keep brining him back to you. Leave him be.
im in the exact same situation as u are. i miss my ex so i call him but then after we hang up it hurts to realise that he isnt mine anymore n doesnt care 4 me. i try not 2 call him 4 as long as i can hold out n he usually ends up calling me neway.i dont want him 2 think dat i still love him n wud jump at da chance 2 be with him again. i think bout him day in day out y does love hurt so bad??????????
You're telling me that you miss your ex - so I suppose he left you and not vice versa, right? I'm surprised he calls you at all. When I say bye-bye to my exes, I don't want to call them; a part of the whole idea of breaking up. He broke up with you for a reason, and you need to understand that. That reason is that his interest in you wasn't there anymore, so obviously he didn't want to hang around. You can ask yourself about what went wrong with the whole thing to begin with, if the reason for his loss of interest seems incomprehensible. So, no, you should give it up and move on. He isn't coming back, and neither should you be wanting back to an unsuccesful relationship. I think your nick really fits the situation, letitgo, because you need to let it go.
Nah, let it'll feel so much better!
No. Its not worth it, let it go and move on. You'll be much happier in the end.
guys never really show remorse since they either 1)dont have any or 2)hide it really well. so dont bother with him. if he doesnt show sympathy to u, u shouldnt hav to show it back. plus calling him just makes letting go harder. if anything, u should b blocking him from calling u. i understand the urge to keep calling though since u miss him. its hard to just stop and move on. but u hav to stop or u wont move on.
Please don't. remember... **if he is dumb enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go**
let go. you'll never recover if you can't let go. it's hard, and it hurts, but honey, it's worth it. do it for yourself and all the boys who wish they were with you... let him go, okay?
No. Lose his phone number.
Honey, don't ever call him again. You might still love him but with him ignoring you there's more harm done to you than him. He will probably think he is so great and you'll do anything for him. It will make him treat you even lower than before. Try start up new life. Belive me, if a guy did not response to a girl, then he's already out of reach.
I wouldn't.
you need space, calling him dont give any of u space, if u continue this he will get sick of. Its obvious he just doesnt care. Better move on
no you should move on with your life like he is doing
If you stop calling you will never know and always be left wondering, I was in a similar situation I used to call my ex just to hear is voice but was to afraid to talk. Eventually I plucked up the courage to speak to him and I wished him well for the future as he did to me. Its not what I wanted to tell him and was left feeling I couldnt really call him anymore. After several more years of constantly thinking/dreaming of him I got in touch through friends reunited and we now have a beautiful cyber friendship I now find Im able to enjoy life again and we speak regulary, . My life now feels complete and Im so glad I didnt give up.
it depend on what did u do to him cuz i just broke up with my girl she didnt do nothing to me or me to her but i rather not even c her or call her. u u just got2 go out there with sum friends and enjoy ur life grl and if ur in need of a friend u got me....
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