Ipod, eBook
Umm blueray? The word "meh" was added to the dictionary last year too
Economic Stimulus Package... Ooops! Guess that's a phrase.
Smarmy and uni-brow come to mind. Bio-diesel and soul patch are also fairly new.
lol omg hiv and aids (didn't know these exsisted yet) mp3 obama (i guess he was still a young boy playing with cars back then)
Spyware Unibrow Ringtone Emoticon Blog Televangelist Hoodie
Motherboard SatNav Malware Touchscreen
Internet Frak!
coof - the sound a pigeon makes when you kick it. coofer - a person who kicks pigeons. (those are real words from a dictionary)
Hanging Chad MILF Slumdog Road rage Car jacking
Gamer, carjacking, ebonics, ginormous, krunk, among others.
♦ bahookie (Scottish) ♦ boobage, side-boob ♦ mentee (person who is counseled by a mentor) ♦ mzee (East Africa) an older person; an elder) ♦ ponzu (Japanese cookery - sauce made with soy sauce and citrus juice) ♦ shoulder-surfing (spying on the user of a cash-dispensing machine to obtain personal identification number) ♦ twonk (Brit. - stupid person) ♦ zombie (computer controlled by a hacker without the owner's knowledge) Most are from AskOxford =========================== Edited by the Natch
Fo' shizzle ma nizzle! (If that's the way you spell it)
sandwich generation - generation caring for their aging parents and their children at the same time. and how about gastric bypass?
PSP IPOD XBOX 360 HDTV LCD Blog Answerbag LOL LMAO WTF WTH OMG ROFLMAO play and station were used but not as one word and with a total different meaning. Playstation 1,2and 3 I think there are alot of words that were used 25 years ago that had a different meaning then as to what they mean now. See Video........
Donkey punch Teabag Woot "War on Terror" Sub-prime lending.
gues most of the 'four' letter wordz... n the 'combi' wordz... like 'bootilicious'... or 'funtabulous'... peace!!!
Conversate. That did not used to be a word, but since people keep using it, they have made it a word. Usage note: You can CONVERSE with someone, or have a CONVERSATION.
Blog. I don't remember hearing that before 1990 or so...
Grow-op. Presumably a play on the word 'co-op.'
ain't; rad; bling;bros.
Twonk tri-band upskill therapize retronym obesogenic mentee all from
well there is a lot of gangster slang lol :) such as: bangin' - good off the hook/off the chain - sick or awesome fo sho - for sure, definitely ahaha and "misunderestimated" - George w Bush :)
Texting. ?
My favorite is "Truthiness". (Many thanks, Stephen Colbert!)
A ride. I dont think it would have been used wayyyyyyyy back then?
Credit default swap Weather derivatives Quants Hedge fund tranche securitization Gee, wonder why our economy is in the tank?...;-D...
metro-sexual ? texting
Crunk, terabyte, and bling.
Fo sheezee- For Sure off the hizzle- really cool, off the hook chickenhead- a whore from the ghetto biotch-Bitch scrub-a person who dont have a job or anything. a loser shit- methamphetamine/speed get my drink/smoke on- drinking/smoking fean- crave something koolaid-someones personal business the business- whatever it is that you need to give-it could be information, sex, e.t.c.
Suduko (the game has been around for awhile, but name was coined in 1984) phishing and pharming
There are lots of words that may have been in existence 25 years ago but are used in expressions differently today like "surfing" the internet internet iPod
I will give you the very very latest of words added to the Urban Dictionary just yesterday: . prostiboots Boots that are leather, highheeled, and thigh high just like ones found on a prostitute. "She best take off those prostiboots before someone asks her what she charges!" .
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are misguided by your "ghetto thinking" of relying on the Urban dictionary. Those who do have a low IQ. Nobody ever called Michelle Obama, Melanie Trump, Taylor Swift, Kate Moss and many other famous women who wear thigh high boots prostitutes. *Facepalm*
Covid, smartphones and apps.
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