• pawn shop maybe
  • I have alot of luck with staples (hopefully you have one where you are) they have great warranty and great prices for what your getting Hope it helps.
  • PAWN SHOP!! I just bought the one I'm now using for $40.00 with a 6 mo. (return the whole thing for your cash back) warranty!
  • Can't help on where to get one, but I would like to warn you against Compaq laptops, I got one last semester and it has been a problem since day one...NO COMPAQ
  •, or use to look for the best deals for your minimum requirements. Also, keep an eye on as a lot of people sells theirs there, or in the nickel ads or newspaper. Good luck.
  • You can also try joining They are just about everywhere, you join one in YOUR Area, so that it's easier for you to go get what you want and for others to come get what you are offering. It's considered poor form to post a WANTED post until you give something.,.just about anything will work..away. One RULE on freecycle..."IT" what ever IT is... MUST BE FREE!
  • I have had decent luck with Cragslist and with college kids in my town that are upgrading.
  • Check your local Mom and Pop computer store. Many deal in used, end of lease corporate lappies. You can get a great deal on a fairly up to date machine. I concur with RedHawk about Freecycle, a great group. I managed to get a 19 inch crt, nearly new for free, for a pal.
  • I happen to have a laptop for sale... Acer aspire 3002 LCi It has an AMD Sempron 2800+ Ram:512 DDR 40GB HDD DVD+RW 15" screen IM not based in bahrain interested???lemme know @: [email protected]
  • Try freecycle or your local university/college campus.

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