As a matter of fact, it does! It's more of a bing, though....
Mine is one that was clearly meant to ding, but it's dinger is broke and it is more of a thud.
Its more of an electronic beep than a ding. We have three at work and they all ding.
yes it dings
No mine beeps!
It's almost a ding, but it's really a high-pitched beep. What do you call that, dingeep?
no, actually it goes beep beep beeeeeeeeeep.
No, it beeps 3 times when it's done.
Yes it does, DING!
Nope....Beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeep.
No, it dangs
No, it beeps. My toaster oven dings.
I do not own a microwave.
It Beeps. 5 damn times.
No, but it beeps three times. Then if you ignor it ,it will beep again after a few minutes.It can get to be rather annoying at times.
yes if i remember, i dont use it often.
No, it beeps.
We don't have a microwave! : )
Its like a beep, beep and then a 2 or 3 second beep.
No, it beeps 3 times but my toaster dings.
It beeps three times. And if you don't take anything out it'll beep three more times after about 30 seconds and keep doing so until you remove what was in there. (Or at least open and close the door.)
Yeah, mine beeps several times. The worst thing is if I don't get to it right away it yells for attention over and over until I come and tend to it. Extremely annoying. If you can't remember you have something in the microwave you should probably be living in a place where people can atch over you anyway.
would say its more of a ping :)
Yes when I make chicken almond ding. I put chicken and almonds in a dish, put it in the microwave and it goes DING when it's done.
No, it beeps.
It doesn't It makes five annoying beeps.
No, it beeps five times, but it only annoys me a tiny bit when I want to push another button when its done and it won't let me until the five beeps are finished.
It plays a tune...
My Microwave farts. 😉
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Might want to get that checked out.
When I have my hearing aids in.
No, it beeps.
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