• yes, my sister. Breast Cancer....double mastectomy. On top of that...Lupus. Lupus, they believe caused her to get cancer. Done radiation treatment. +4
  • No thank god but several years ago we nearly lost my brother to cancer when he was just five due to the stupid doctor making jokes about him looking like mike tyson because of the lumps in his neck and doing jack about them,then 7 years ago we lost my grandma to cancer so it is something that is very close to my heart.
  • my famli 1 frind got cancer,and she is geting medication..I feel sory 4 her
  • My best friend but she is doing better,which makes us all so happy.
  • Not at the moment. My grandmother beat cancer a few years ago.
  • My son and my mother both died from lung cancer. Two friends from work are fighting it now. One of them just had an operation the other day. We are praying for his recovery.
  • Yes my brother
  • no but I have a friend who's 3 year old daughter is dieing of it. It's tragic. What was once a vibrate young girl is now a girl full of tubes, chemo, blood test, etc. It's just a matter of time and it kills me
  • No and thank god for that, we do not have cancer in the family in either side. Fortunately it is a terrible illness.
  • A friend is fighting lung cancer and things are looking good at the moment.
  • Fortunately not!
  • Yes. A very dear business friend whom I've known for 35 years. His weight's down to 115 and it will be a miricle if he makes it much longer.
  • Not close to me but I just found out about a 18 year old aquaintance who has just been diagnosed in the last 6 months. I hope he can beat it, he's a good kid.
  • Yes. After two surgeries she's about to start chemo followed by radiation. 2009 will not be a year to remember fondly...
  • My Mom tried to fight it, she wanted to live but by the time she found out she had lung cancer it was in stage 4 and had spread to her brain. It was 3 yrs. ago. I miss her but it reminds me every day how bad cigarettes are and how I will never pick one up again, ever!
  • My father (step-father, I don't like to use the word - step), the man who raised me as his daughter was diagnosed with cancer in August, 2008. He received radiation treatments and chemotherapy - at the beginning of this month (Jan. 2009), the test results showed that the tumor was gone.
  • my mother fought it, kicked its ass, continued living, and we all pray that she will never have to fight again, but if she should have to my sister and I are going to be like wrestler and tag team that crap! I HATE CANCER!
  • Yes my mothers best friend i call her auntie Betty, she is still going for treatment she has lung cancer what is crazy she hasn't smoked in 15yrs. we all hope and pray that she can beat it.
  • Yes ,I am sorry to say My sister- babycakes husband is fighting cancer and we truly need your prayers..tough times are ahead.
  • Yes, and I also work at a cancer hospital, so I see people fighting cancer every day.
  • Well my grandmother recently had breast cancer and had surgery to take it out and she survived it
  • My brother lost his battle at 42 leaving 2 little ones and a terrible wife.
  • My brother lost his battle at 42 leaving 2 little ones and a terrible wife.
  • Not anymore :)
  • yes, and so far she's had incredible success in what had originally been an almost hopeless prognosis. never give up hope.
  • Yes, a good friend of mine that now lives in Florida called me a few days ago & said her sister has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer & is having a lumpectomy or mastectomy(not sure which one yet). She is only 44 years old & this lump came up suddenly, her boyfriend discovered it.
  • Not now...Did..parents.
  • No longer. My Aunty died on 15/2 from brain cancer. Like many before her, she did NOT deserve this!
  • Why don't you consult a Healing Therapist ? Healing therapies are good for such serious Problems like ALL types of Cancer , Brain Tumors, Surgeries, Etc. Because The Therapies doesn't have any kind Side Effects. before 2 months, My cousin was suffering from Brain Tumor, Doctors told us Suregery , and it was so expensive, some around $30000 , or more for some months. But one of my friend who is from India, Suggest me a name of a well-known Indian Healer, and my cousin consulted him, and you won't believe that, He has Actually SOLVE the Brain Tumor , MY COUSIN RECOVERED WITHIN A MONTH and it only cost us total $8000 with ALL charges including Healing items. So, I also suggest you to consult any of Healers in your State or simply Consult the Same Healer from India. that'll be very good option. I don't remember his name & address now, because I was busy with my exams, so cound'nt be there for Tretment. but I only have his Email : [ [email protected] ]. You can ask him the details you want. He'll defintly Help you. Thanks.
  • Right now my Mom has leukemia My sister had breast cancer but she is over it now
  • No, no one
  • I've been cancer free for 15 years now but have a good friend who has just finished her treatments. Just lost another friend last year at age 51.
  • my brother in law beat it once then came back again hes really strong though so i know he will pull though do worry sometimes but its those thoughts that make you take your eyes off whats happening right now in the present so i try to just focus on the now with him my sister and nieces
  • It is every where for me! just lost my nanna a few months ago! my beloved nanna... her husband, my grandfather is in melbourne for treatment at the moment and was told he has 12 months to go,, anything over that is a gift! (which is surprising because i would have guessed a few more years, but after nanna dies he went down hill so bad!) my Pa, whcih is my dads dad! he just found out her has it as well. and 2 family friends with breast cancer. I feel for my mum as well as my grandparents in this, she has just lost her mum, and is now looking after her dad. (they both lived at her house) she has brothers and sisters but they do nothing really to help, it is all on my mum!
  • I have lost 4 close family members in 3 years
  • My grandfather. And it breaks my heart. My father and I have never really been close, we hardly speak to each other. My grandfather has always been there through it all and he was diagnosed with testicular cancer a few months ago. He's sort of a rock that holds us all together and everyone he comes in contact with pretty much radiate towards him.
  • My Mom was stricken with leukemia nearly five years ago. She fought it and is now in remission. You can only hope and pray everyday. But my Mom is a strong woman, despite her small size. I remember that "very dark day" when we found out it was cancer. It was like a living "nightmare." Seemed unreal. You wake up the next morning after learning about it, and realize that the "nightmare" is still here, and won't go away yet you want it to. It's a terrible, depressing ordeal. That's why people should always make an effort to be kind to others. You never know what sort of tough times they are going through in their personal lives. :(
  • yes, a sister is undergoing chemo 2nd round
  • Two people close to me WERE; younger brother and older sister! Both. . . .died. . . .within two months of each other!
  • A friend is having a colostomy bag fitted next week, does anyone know how long it takes to get back to a normal life after such surgery. He wonders how long he will have to be off of work. Does this condition normally require chemo. Thanks for any answers you may have, I realise it differs with each person and on how advanced the cancer is, but just a ball park will be helpful
  • Yes, a dear friend has breast cancer. She has had chemotherapy and mastectomy... and is now undergoing radiation.
  • Yes ... me! : )

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