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  • Assuming this is for real: Your penis is larger than average, and if your GF is smaller than average 'down there' then there might be a problem.
  • Dude your haveing the same problem i do from time to time you are pushin too far into her and your unit is hitting her cervix that could cause pain. I was going at it and my girlfriend at the time was saying it hurt when it pushed too far in. reading and doing some research come to find that the cervix is very sensitve and they will feel pain if your unit repeatly hits it. get her on top and let her guide as much as she wants in you both will be better for it. curtdude cervix hitter
  • Not as much of a problem as the fact you are taking up so much blood from your brain it is starving you of Oxygen and making your spelling atrocious!
  • Your dick's not too big, her pussy's too small, continue stretching her and eventually she'll stop whining and start moaning
  • ----------> i have a smaller dick and never had a girl say it to small but i have seen girls talking about a guys with to big of dicks they will not fuck them ;-]
  • im a girl and ive read ur problem and is ay elt her ontop so she can guide and see where she finds it ncie and comfy and u will both feel better.
  • It's unfortunate that guys like me (129 I.Q.) get stuck w/ an average (6 1/2") dick, and morons like you get all the goods. It's alright though... money makes both of us happy. To hell w/ your 17 year old dick, and the waste in between your ears!

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