Very little and only what the western media wants us to know....! I have a friend who is from there (he paints a better picture)
The people are kind and friendly, but the government sucks ... kinda like the US! LMAO!
I heard they are working on their grammar.
Its president is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, someone who doesn't really like US policies.
I haven't heard anything yet but I'm waiting...
In answer to your question. Not much lately. I know where your country is, I flew past it on my travels in the middle east. I know some of the recent history from the revolution onwards. I know that the Iranian people aren't bad folk. Your current President comes off in the west as a bit of a nutjob though.
The majority of the Muslim population are Shi'te Muslims. That's about it.
I hear that Its president is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is gay. Also, George W. Bush has been telling me all about those weapons of mass destruction that you all have been stockpiling over there.
��…Ù† مردم ایرانی رادوست دارم and خوش آمد It is supposed to say "I love the Iranian people" and "Welcome". Is it correct?
Cattle, sheep?
��…Ù† مردم ایرانی رادوست دارم and خوش آم
Heard it right out of Ahmadinejad's mouth: There are no homosexuals in Iran! And this dude wants a NUKE?!?
That the government can’t found any more lies to tell to his people.
The president there is doing something which Bush didn't like, and i found it very amusing...!!
It was almost attacked because Bush couldn't spell Iraq.
their president is a nut If they get nuclear weapons the usa is in for a world of hurt
I know toooooooo much darling I cant reveal !;) Iran is a country in which the government is the biggest liar !
The lies concocted by the Bush regime when they were thinking about invading it to take its oil too
Beautiful girls under vail.
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