Cheating is cheating. If you are capable of that kind of dishonesty, you are pretty much cable of any kind of dishonesty. It's all pretty much the same -- dishonorable.
They are both the same no moral integrity
Cheating on a test doesn't hurt anyone but you.
Both are the same.. your cheating yourself.
Your what is cheating yourself?
Cheating on someone. It hurts more than one person.
Sorry, dude, I did cheat on, I got diploma. However, I can't find a job with diploma. I guess diploma means nothing to jobs.
Is Crystal a dude? I wouldn't have thought so. Crystal doesn't sound like a bloke's name to me.
Cheating on someone is worse, but both are cheating on yourself.
Cheating on someone is worse because that makes another person a victim of your deception. Cheating on a test is still shows a lack of integrity but at lease you only hurt yourself. However, both indicate a lack of moral development.
Cheating on a person hurts at least that person and potentially many others (family, friends, children). cheating on a test only cheats oneself out of an education and wasted money.
cheating on someone. it causes so much pain that can take a very long time to get over.
Cheating on someone because a test doesn't have feelings but it does affect your lack of knowledge later on.
I think they are in a package, someone who cheats ona test is also a cheater in a realtionship.
Cheating is a cowardly thing to do that reveals so much about a persons character, unless the learn from it. Persistant cheats rarely ever change. Cheating on a person is far worse though. Subjecting another person to pain where you could simply not do it, is cruel and selfish. I guess the actions after cheating reveal the true strength of character and nobility.
Both;) Cheating is Cheating bo matter what;)
Cheating on someone.
Cheating on someone.
cheating on someone. you cant hurt the tests feelings!
Why cheat any how?
Who is going to get hurt when cheating on a test??? We'd all end up in hell for
Cheating is dishonesty, doesn't matter what kind. But if you cheat on someone you are also hurting another person, maybe more than one.
wow, I can not believe so many people even equate teh 2. cheating on a test is a minor violation of that test and what it has bearing on, there is nothing personal about it. cheating on a person is an utter violation of extremely personal commitments. I cheated on one test in HS and to this day do not regret it. it was on a required class that I was not allowed to take until senior year (when it is too late to retake the class) and it was memorizing the ammendments, I'd say less than 5% of americans could tell you what even half the amendments say and I cheated just enough to barely pass the class. comparing these 2 is like comparing a screwdriver to an entire construction team with all their tools.
cheating on a test is irresponsible, but cheating on someone is very irresponsible and immature.
They are both wrong but I guess more people would be really hurting from cheating on them. It could involve a whole family. That's worse than just cheating on a test
Cheating on someone, but in both cases you are cheating yourself.
theyre both equally bad
Cheating on a partner
Either way you're cheating yourself. Either out of a relationship or out of an education.
Cheating on a person is worse because it devastates that person's feelings.
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