• Ray Kurzweil takes MANY supplements a day to live longer than he would have in normal circumstances. I believe your prospects are brightened from taking them. (And you may also answer a question about your username here: )
  • I have more energy and sleep better when I take multi-vitamins every day.
  • It's been proven to so yes.
  • Well, I can only speak from my own experiences and I can tell you that since I've been taking a one-a-day multivitamin I get sick a lot less per year, I sleep better, my hair and nails are healthier and it even helps your metabolism when you're trying to lose weight!
  • Human body will absorb what amount of the vitamins it requires and excrete the balance. As most multi-vitamin capsules come with a somewhat greater amount of all vitamins than waht is required by the body, taking them daily on a regular basis is somewhat unnecessary, it would seem. The body gets saturated with all the vitamins. The excess is excreted. It might seem a waste. But to ensure regular intake is necessary to make the daily capsule a habit . So we must conclude that while the daily dose may not make any noticeable difference it is a good habit. Better than suffering from a vitamin deficiency.
  • better than vitamin deficiency. but i have never noticed vitamins to be effective on me. then again, i'm not very vigilant about taking them. nor am i very observant of their effects. try them for yourself and see if they make a difference.
  • If you don't eat right, a daily multi-vitamin wouldn't hurt. But if you eat a proper diet you will get the daily vitamins you need from your food.
  • I figure what the hell it can't hurt;)LOL!!
  • No i don't, i eat a diet which gives me all the vitamins and nutrients i need, a tablet will only make a difference if you are lacking and i think it is better to look after yourself naturally if you can ;0)
  • Yes it helps. But make sure you take a good brand. The cheeper brands like Equate are pretty much useless.
  • I believe so and would not do without that in my daily health and nutrition program. Here's a link supporting my endorsement. Best- Rick
  • I take a multi-vitamin every day and feel that it fills in the nutritional gaps that I often get from day to day. I feel like I have less energy when I don't take the multi-vitamin.
  • The best thing that multivitamins do for you is to increase the antioxidant levels in your cells and fight oxidative stress which causes inflammation which causes most diseases.
  • I think it helps. For me especially since I have had stomach surgery that also involved removing 7 feet of my small intestine. So multi vitamins are a must for me.
  • Most likely, there's scientific evidence out there showing the benefits of taking vitamins .. especially those we're not getting in our diets for whatever reasons. We're learning more and more each day about what we're supposed to have as "recommended daily allowances" .. imprinted in the US on our food packaging. For me? I figure they might help and certainly can't hurt, so I take one and consider them like an insurance policy. :)
  • I'll let you know in about 30 days.
  • I think studies are showing now that it is healthier to get your vitamins in food than in pill form. In other words, instead of taking vitamin C supplements, drink some orange juice. If you really need iron, have some spinach. Fish provide a lot of good nutrients that are frequently sold in pill form. Why not eat more fish? Why not just eat healthier? It has the added effect of reducing the amount of non-nutritious food that you consume. A multi-vitamin pill won't hurt you or anything, but it's not nearly as effective as a well-rounded diet would be.
  • The benefits are very little, if any, compared to the the money spend. It is better to eat fresh fruits and vegetables to get them and at the same time fills your stomach as well as giving you the important fibres. Cut down on the toxic meat or best eat a complete healthful vegan diet for life, along with regular exercise. This will ensure your body gets the best defense against diseases that are usually caused by animal proteins. Why a total plant-based diet (vegan) is the most healthful for the human body? Animal proteins have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments to switch on cancer growth whereas plant proteins switch off cancer growth when in the total absence of animal proteins. For more on this topic, click on the links below. Part1 Part2 Part3
  • We are not sure if our daily diet is adequate in all nutrients. Therefore, taking a vitamin and mineral supplement can correct, to a certain extent, if there is a deficiency. But these supplements can't provide any of the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables.
  • the ones shaped like betty rubble do! I'd eat her any day, just to hear he laugh:-)
  • Yes, taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily can make you a healthier person. But you shouldn't expect too many things or too much from them. For example, it cannot make your hair grow or make your hair dark. It also cannot treat diseases like asthma or epilepsy etc...
  • Only if you're lacking certain vitamins.
  • Maybe just in ones mind - but that counts too and for the cost one really isn't out of that much and the chances of a negative effect is darn near zero.
  • I take a men's multi- everyday or everyother day. I wuld have to agree with sum of the other posts, bout the betta sleep and more energy.
  • Vitamins are necessary in your daily nutrition diet for your body and mind to maintain optimum performance through out the day, but do not take them in pills, In fact only 15 to 30% of vitamins and minerals in any pill form are absorbed by the human body . To see how this translates, if you take 100mg tablet , your body will only get 8.3% concentrated in the blood, as compared to 98% if you consume a liquid product which allows the body to utilize all the vitals nutrients. In Tacoma Washington, 250,000 Ibs of undigested pill are pulled out of the sewers every six weeks, and in Salt Lake City, Over 150 gallons of vitamins pill show up in their filters every month. My suggestion is powder nutrition supplement .This ensure quick , optimal absorption for improved efficiency, My family are using one and we had a great results with energy and body healing, it contains vitamins, minerals , protein (amino acids) and herbs and it is from food so any one can take them with no side effect whatsoever. [email protected]
  • In a life style of today where we hardly have the time to eat food, a balanced diet is completely ignored. Taking supplements makes sure your body is getting its needs. But i am against dumping the body wid synthetic chemicals... so i go only with Organic supplements...
  • My co-worker has a terrible diet. He does not eat fruits and hardly any vegetables. I went out and purchased him vitamins that I take when they were on sale and remind him all the time to take them. He paid me for the vitamins, it was easier than having him go looking for them.
  • No so much when you are young, but as youget older yes because you tend not to eat well.
  • Studies show that taking multi-vitamins every day not only helps to combat vitamin deficiency diseases but also helps to promote good health. That is why the American Medical Association recommends that all adults take a multi-vitamin supplement every day. You should, however, choose a multi-vitamin product that has been manufactured by a GMP certified company to ensure you are getting a quality product. For maximum absorption of all vitamins and minerals you may want to try an effervescent product like MultiVescence.
  • since ive been taking them, my nails are so much stronger, so i would say yes they do make some difference, but its best to buy a more expensive brand
  • let your food be your medicine.
  • It does for me.They have helped a great deal within the last few months :)
  • I feel it does help!
  • I'm not sure. I have done both....taking a multi-vitamin every day & also NOT at all for a period of time. I seem to have felt the same either way.
  • It probably depends on your diet. Many people with a balanced diet will have no need for a muti-vitamin, but I for instance take them, as I don't like vegetables, and don't really eat much fruit.
  • Taking a multivitamin everyday can help if you are taking the right kind of vitamin. A cold processed water washed whole food vitamin will provide you with the most nutritional value. Extract vitamins can be helpful but don't provide the nutrition a whole food vitamin will. Stay away from synthetic vitamins as they do more harm than good. These are lab created and did not come from any food source. A landmark study was done about 5 years ago comparing several multivitamins and it showed people are better off not taking nothing at all v/s many of the otc multivitamins. Most of your otc multivitamins are heat processed which kills nutrients and they are washed in alcohol which leaves a toxic residue that you consume. Many people believe if you are eating a healthy diet you will get everything your body needs. Research has proven that nutrients levels are not as high in food as they were 10, 20, or even 50 years ago. The majority of fruits and veggies get their nutrients from the last few days of ripening on the vine. When they are picked early and are artificially ripened they cannot get those nutrients. The RDA is a guide to minimum daily values. The FDA's recommendations to avoid being malnourished. Contrary to popular belief that you are just not getting enough food being malnourished means you are not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Your body needs more than the RDA to function properly and have optimal health. Different people have different nutritional needs.
  • they're good for you so whats the harm thanks the iron man
  • it is an inaurance that you are getting all your vitamins and nutrients most people don't have a vitamin deffeciency~because of our better diet~years ago people got rickets and Scurvy from lack of certain vitamins But with todays processed foods~and fast foods ~~and foods that have the nutrient and vitins cooked out also soda pop and certain foods, smoking and stress have a higher deamand on you body Muliti vitamins are good for most people
  • Actually, I take 2 a day, 1 in the mid morning and 1 after work because I get so much energy from them.

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