Not at all, its never too late. Have fun :-)
Heck no. I started at 19 and turned into a decent (not great) player.
NO! Go for it!
-'s never too late to learn anything you want to learn. Perhaps you have much latent talent and will zoom through the learning curve and become very adept very quickly. I say go for it! Happy Sunday! :)
Nope, that's when I started, and I'm doing alright (I'm 19). Just find some music you like and try to play it.
LMAO! I'm 65 and considering taking lessons! : D
Yep. Too late, don't bother. Seventeen is the cutoff. I was weeks away from sixteen when I started and I was glad I made the due date. Seriously though, age has nothing to do with learning guitar. The only thing that makes you good at something is practice.
One of my brothers didn't learn until he was 25 but once he got it down he could really make that thing talk. It's never too late to learn such a thing.
No, but you might be too busy to get really good at it. Don't plan on starting a band anytime soon.
Desire for anything has no age. Heh! Want to do it go for it! Good luck! I am retired and at 60 I am now and International poet. Was I too old?
Yes, once you turn 17 you cant learn any new things. Its awful, but just the way it is.
You're not alone kid! I'm learning to play the piano and I'm only eighteen years old. I'm a bit slow at times but slow is better than fast because the slow you are, better you'll get. So take it slow and there is still time!
never too late man i started learning when i was 20. i met people who were 63 and just starting. its good for all ages.
You would get a head start by starting earlier but its no where near too late. I got a guitar when I was 14... and it just sat around for years and I would occasionally pick it back up for a month or two but always put it back down. I am now 24, and I have picked it back up seriously now so you are doing fine!
It's never too late but to become a professional it is. Your brain hasn't wired itself to play music and as you get older it gets harder. But it's not impossible and if you have natural talent it will show very quickly.
no stop being silly
I started at 38. As long as you have fingers and a pulse, it is never too late
No way! Just get started and practice your butt off. I just put a free guitar course online if you are interested. Go to If you have questions email me at [email protected]
madonna learned after she married Guy. Shes ANCIENT and did it. Why not you?
never, I started at 18... it's not when you learn it's how much you practice, have fun :)
not at all if you arent very serious about it. are you planning to make it a profession though? if you are, i would get cracking. but hey, slash started around 15.
Def not!! If you really want to do it you can. It will take time though and loads of effort. And I suggest getting a good teacher.. They really make a difference in you sticking to it and doing well or not. I've been there!
well its definitely going to be harder than learning at the age of 8 or 10, but your should still be fine. the older you are, the harder it is to learn something.
I hope not because I bought a violin and am learning to play it and I am past 17...good luck!
No way ~ go for it :)
It's never too late to learn how to play guitar.
No way man. Guitar is for people of all ages. It might just be one of your gifts.
As long as you have most of your fingers, and you have not lost your hearing yet, it is possible to learn how to play any stringed instrument, when you're 17, or 77. You just have to have the desire, that's all.
practice and muscle memory is the key,start withe basics---chords,then moving from one chord to another with ease then learn scales in different keys and begin to build speed with hours of practice,its at this point that it will really start to pay off as you begin to play the music you like. hope this helps
No dude, as long as you're still arthritis free- you're good to go on the 6-stringed wonder.
no but you'd better hurry.
never too old dude,get into it
I didn't really begin studying guitar until 18. I'm a quite competent classical guitarist now. +5
I started when I was 15, and I play quite well now at 37. Get into classical guitar and blues, and you will be kicking with the pros before you know it.
I started learning at 59.😉
No way! That is a good time to start!
It's never too late. I know plenty of people who learned to play an instrument in their teens and 20s.
Yes at 17 your life is pretty much over and only misery awaits you. Nothing in this world will matter after 18. Kidding no you can learn any instrument at any age if you put enough effort into it. Unless you have arthritis or no hands.
One of my HS classmates shifted from piano to viola around the age of 16. Had a successful career as a professional.
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