Something new, the past is history, the present is a gift.
Maybe they could start through the counties. That should keep them busy for a while.
My avatar.
How about "here is a quarter, call someone who cares"?
well after the 50 states are done then there will probly be a rather big mushroom cloud left behind so probly that! jk lol
It wouldn't be a bad a idea to add "we the people.."
Personally, I'd like to see us go back to the traditional back. It's classy, recognizable, and represents the best of what we are about.
United States flag in the back ground with 911 in the center.
The all seeing eye!
All the characters in The Simpsons !
a penguin
How about Christopher Columbus? Since he re-founded North America.
A picture of the earth, two versions, one with each hemisphere. To show that once we get rid of the Cowboy President, we really are part of the world. PS - I'm vote mostly Republican just in case you think this message is politically biased.
Since the Mint is actively stimulating interest in coin collecting through its various coin programs (like the State Quarters), how about a reprise of some of the earlier designs, starting with the Flowing Hair type and moving forward. Most people have no idea how our coins appeared in earlier times. Actually, this is one of my goals for my web site,
Arnie that would be quality
i go wish the mushroom cloud. It's not a fantacy wake up.
i go wish the mushroom cloud. It's not a fantacy wake up.
I dislike changing money. I am comforted to reach into my pocket and pull out money that does not change. We should return to what we had and leave it as it for all of eternity or until the Union is dissolved (which ever comes first). Changing currency smacks of instability of the economy. I am not alone in my discomfort, others are also wary of the recent changes in American currency, not only the coin but the bills as well.
I totally agree!!! enough change around as it is........NO PUN INTENDED!!..... (tee hee)
I think it's going to revert to the eagle again but I could be wrong. How about the US territories such as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, etc. That would be cool.
A hot dog.
Perhaps all the countries America has invaded.
Yo mama! :D
The moon
major cities in the united states? celebrity quaters?
How about the logo of all military groups, and/or law enforcement, they're a big part of the country also... ;-)
The word "We will never forget" on top, an american flag in the middle with 9/11/01 on the bottom
How about all the countries that use the US Dollar as their currency
they'll probably do U.S. territories and then statesmen, or founding fathers. Trust me, the U.S. mint has probably been in debate over this for the last 10 years haha. (when they're not trying to bring back the silver dollar)
how about each states symbol, flower, animal symbol ? The Statue of Liberty for Centennials. Great people in the U.S. Let U.S. citizens vote ?
All of the different races that make up America.
A big Chinese symbol. It would confuse the he** out of people. ;0)
Washington DC and other non-state US territories.
a butt... and the head should be a middle finger... around the coin it should say... dont fuck with America.
i think we should do the capitals of each state on it
i think they could start with the national parks or even the capitals of each state
It will go back to it's original design.
Made in China
US Flag
The Preamble to the Constitution.
the American Flag wrapped around a heart
What about the major industries of America
Oprystar You sound like a typical Texas inbred intellectually inferior sub human.
The Profile of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
I believe that the intention is to return to the classic eagle design in use prior to the pathetic State designs. Did someone actually get paid to design the Wyoming reverse? I nominate it as the worst design on a US coin. ;-)
Washington, D.C. Puerto Rico the Bahamas U.S. Virgin Islands American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Minor Outlying Islands Baker Island Howland Island Jarvis Island Johnston Atoll Midway Islands Wake Island Palmyra Atoll Kingman Reef Navassa Island Serranilla Bank
the square and compass with G in the center like The moons avatar pic. or maybe just 33
a penis, that would shock everyone.
all the presidents and political leaders from around the world. maybe even a national symbol for all nations
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness
a great shot of Barack Obama's's fantastic!!!!! ooooo - sigh -
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