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It's called protective oral just takes a little longer and the "giver" needs to work a little harder.
Not with me. I prefer the embouchure of a lady skilled at playing the skin flute. Just keeping it French.
i paid for a blowjob once and the lady made me wear a condom, it feels pretty good, but it is better without one. Usually i am so excited about getting a blowjob that i am not going to complain.
Yes - flavored condoms are made for that.
Yes they can.
you can.
You can; it's just not as comfortable for the guy, you should use a condom if you have cold sores or something like that, wouldn't want both of you having it now.
It can be done. I don't think it would be as pleasurable to either person. To me, the best part is being able to taste my bf's precum and then the mother load! Maybe it's just me! :-)
I've given a BJ to my guy with him wearing a condom (but that's only when we're with other girls, when it's just the 2 of us we don't use condoms) and, just like a guy, I have to say it isn't near as good with a condom lol. I much prefer him bare :)
ya can but it doesnt feel as good for the guy
OMG I just have to pay for sex here in Monterrey Mex. and she gave me oral sex without a condom. My first time without a condom(oral sex).. Such a big difference!
ladies,do you eat toffees in their wrappers?
I have been sucked off many times with a condom and it isn't very good. It must taste kinda bad for the lady also. Rather get a handjob without a condom if that is the choice. As least it is skin on skin.
Yes, but I don't think it feels as good for the man or the woman that way. It is much better w/out the condom.
Yes but its not very pleasant.
Mixed emotions on going down on another man with a condom. On the plus side, it takes a lot longer so I get to keep it in my mouth longer....on the down side, NOTHING tastes better than a bare dick in my mouth.
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