hilips televisions category
Posted by Chelle06 some time ago
My Phillips Magnavox TV has the channel blocker on and I do not have the manual to get the access code. What can I do to remove the blocker or how can I get an access code?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
My Philips TV is only about a year old. It keeps making slight popping noises, then the screen will go black and the sound off too. When it comes back in a couple of seconds the sound is very loud. What could be causing this?
Posted by terry187 some time ago
Philips 50 inch tv model 50p8341.noise by bulb on right side.removed bulb and found odd fluid.is it fixable?
Posted by nasir4a some time ago
I have a philips 21pt 2325 flat screen tv. When there is a white background in it the left side of the screen becomes green and the right side comes yellow. When there is no white background every thing comes normal. Whats the prblem
Posted by sirrobyn0 some time ago
The display on my Philips Magnavox TV shrank to about three inches tall and one inch wide. But when I enter service mode, the picture gets bigger. What's wrong and how can I fix it?
Posted by
[email protected]
some time ago
I have a phillips 34pw98-15 widescreen tv. the picture went blank but I still have sound. Is it worth fixing (repair shop), is there something I can do myself, estimated repair cost? Thanks for the help
Posted by weazel some time ago
I have a philips/magnavox tv model # RP3192C403. this tv has external surround sound speaker jacks in the back of the tv. it appears that i can just plug some speakers in and thats it. but when i do that there is no sound.
Posted by tvnotworking some time ago
I have a Philips widescreen HDTV (34pw9817). It turns off intermittently with a "surge-like" sound to the speakers. The green operational light turns to a blinking red when the tv goes off. Unplug/replug resets lasted from hours to now 10min.
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
How do you use the things remembered big heart remote control?
Posted by tommolly some time ago
I have a Philips projection tv with model# 55P9161004. When I turn it on it makes a short funny noise and then nothing more happens. No sound or image. The power light stays on and if I use the remote the light flashes as if it was doing the command.
Posted by maggiemoo some time ago
My Philips TV/DVD combo won't play any DVDs but it used to work fine. It always says the region coding for this disc does not match that of the player. How do I fix this?
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