personally none how did I live for 50 years so far with out constantly being vaccinated?
2 a year
well i hate having any but i cant go out anywhere minus them .so i have had 2 vaccinations and no booster yet ....but i dont like ANY..never ever had flu jab ever in my life ..but i had a choice then
As many as were offered for free.
The CDC recommends a booster 5-6 mos. after the initial two shots. That would only be two a year. I get a flu shot every year, and a pneumonia shot less often. I get whatever vaccinations my dr. recommends.
Why would I? You can still catch it. You can still transmit it. You can still die. And if you tell me, " least my illness won't get worse." After you die, I can say, " least his death wasn't worse."
ZERO. I won't trade my soul for security - especially when that "security" is being mandated by a Communist. I will not comply. And I don't eat rotisserie chicken.
As many as Dr Fauci says is needed
hence why you are a moron
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